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Just to remind a little

Imagine being so enslaved by your fear of losing wealth that you were driven into a frenzy. That is the exact opposite of the freedom wealth is claimed to provide. This is wealth ensnaring those possessed of it.

The ugliness and greed implicit in that are readily apparent. But so, too, is it clear that this wealth will attract parasites – in this case, the financial advisers.

Despite this, those possessed of such wealth declare that we should aim to join them in this state of anxious, self-interested paranoia.

No, thank you.

This from a man who had a personal services company. Which paid a minimum amount in wages, enough to gain credit for paying NI but without having to pay NI, then took the rest of the income in dividends, which do not pay NI.

Folk driven into a frenzy by the idea of having to pay tax, eh?

21 thoughts on “Just to remind a little”

  1. Who’s in a “frenzy”?
    And I rather think that, if there are those in a “frenzy”, then it’s not from fear of losing wealth but from anger at the prospect of being robbed by Socialists

  2. What clown! The ‘freedom wealth is claimed to provide’ only works while you keep it. Not when it’s stolen by this wretched excuse for a government to spend on their hobbyhorses.

  3. “wealth will attract parasites – in this case, the financial advisers”

    In an earlier post – and in an attempt to virtue signal – Spud mentioned that he wasn’t taking his pension advisors advice on what to invest in.

    But it means he has a pension advisor.

    My guess is one of the reasons he’s so reluctant to publish his own tax returns is that he’s stuffing his pension pot – nothing illegal of course but it wouldn’t look good if the man campaigning for reduced pension tax relief was busy getting as much as he could now and if the man going on about the duty to pay tax was in fact paying little himself.

  4. The ugliness and greed implicit in that are readily apparent.

    The ugliness and greed of the government and cunts like the Spud is indeed readily apparent.

  5. “… had a personal services company. Which paid a minimum amount in wages, enough to gain credit for paying NI but without having to pay NI, then took the rest of the income in dividends, which do not pay NI.”

    When I was younger and sharper I persuaded an offspring to operate just like this. And I’m not a financial adviser nor a soi-disant accountant nor a fake economist.

    Hell, I even had him making pension contributions and timing income to avoid the dreaded 60% tax band.

  6. Why would a man who has stated he does not believe in the Laffer curve or behavioural effects caused by taxes need or want to publish such a blog? After all, it can’t be happening can it, he’s assured us of that many, many times?

  7. I am currently enjoying the freedom that my wealth brings. It took 40 years of hard work to get to that freedom. And those bastards want to tax that wealth. They certainly don’t want me to have that freedom. You can only become a slave to money if you let it control you.

  8. This kind of proves the point that his desire is the sort of financial equality that makes everyone equally poor.

  9. Boganboy:

    Well yes, because he must be able to perform his absolutely essential work, so he needs to be free from the requirement to earn enough money to buy his daily bread. And he needs his vacations to rest his mind so that he can come back refreshed and able to illuminate us all once again with the brilliance of his intellect.

    You can’t do all that unless you have enough money to be free from the worry that it will not be enough.

    How does he reconcile this with his contention that more money = more problems?

    Simple. He doesn’t – that was last week’s wisdom. Wisdom has an expiry date don’t you know (like milk, it is).

    After all, if it didn’t, at some point he would have revealed all of his wisdom to us, we would have received it, and so he would have no justification for writing any more.

    And you can’t have that.

  10. What’s worse, the greed of someone wanting to hold onto the fruits of their labours or the greed of someone trying to steal it?

  11. wealth attracts parasites
    so does income.
    mostly the government.
    the rest fight the big leech
    to reduce anaemia

  12. @Sebalto

    What’s worse, the greed of someone wanting to hold onto the fruits of their labours or the greed of someone trying to steal it?

    The definition of freedom is being able to hold onto the fruits of your labors. That is not greed. Not being able to hold onto the fruits of your labors is called slavery. The greed is on anyone wanting to take away from you. Often that is the result of envy.

  13. Oh FFS, the champion of free speech and diversity of opinion strikes again. More of his “right thinking people agree with me cvntishness”

    Ian Stevenson says:
    August 29 2024 at 12:31 pm
    Why do the BBC confront Richard with the Right of politics? Why not have on a Lib Dem or Green? There would be some measure of agreement I expect and the audience could see that economic policy is not a binary choice………

    Richard Murphy says:
    August 29 2024 at 12:59 pm

    I did complain yesterday

  14. The cretin has no idea what wealth is.

    Wealth is not money. Neither is it owning stuff. If it were owning stuff, assets wouldn’t turn into liabilities. Like that inflammably-clad flat you bought which is now worth jack shit.

    Wealth is *access to the goods and services you want, when you want them, for whatever reason.* And as Thomas Sowell points out, given that any economy is a system for the allocation of scarce resources that have alternative uses, ownership is actually *the power to decide that a resource will *not* be used for any of the myriad uses to which it could be put, bar one.*

    But you wouldn’t expect a jumped-up bookkeeper to have heard of David Hume, and his observation that there is no logical link between “what is” and “what ought”. Economics is the study of what is. Spud lives in a self-spun world of what ought. Of course he babbles risible contradictory nonsense: there are any number of “what oughts”, most of which conflict, but only one “what is”, to which he pays little attention, because he doesn’t like it.

    Except, as we learn from his pension adviser, when it comes to feathering his own nest. He’s actually a good little capitalist, just like the rest of the metropolitan lefty classes that govern us. Look at millionaire Two-Tier Kier with his own Act of Parliament guaranteeing him his unlimited tax-free golden pension.

  15. Here’s a guy who is likely in the top 5% globally in wealth, telling us how bad the wealthy are.

    It’s the King claiming to be the underdog. What a loon.

  16. Mohave

    There are many definitions of freedom, and yours is not one I’m familiar with.

    A parasite like Murphy wanting to siphon from my labour is called theft. He isn’t curtailing my freedom.

  17. I knew a South African guys in the States. He talked about a sailboat trip he took from SA to South America and to the Caribbean, and eventually to the US. He said that they had wanted to leave SA because he didn’t think he had much of a future there, but there were severe restrictions on taking money out of the country. So, he bought a very expensive boat and sailed away to where he could sell it and get started again elsewhere. It really wasn’t that dissimilar to people sewing jewels in their clothes while fleeing Nazi Germany. It gives you a sense of the lengths some people have had to go throw to protect their wealth.

  18. So, poverty no so bad, then. Indeed, enviable. Quite the take-away.

    From everything I have seen, there is no freedom and precious little dignity in poverty.

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