As you all know I have fun doin’ this stuff here. But thanks mightily to those who decided to send some beer money as well.
There’s enough to repair one bicycle (chain flew apart on the crest of a hill, possibly me cresting the hill just that bit too much) and get another properly overhauled into usage again plus beer and vino money. Even a steak dinner as well. I will enjoy all of those things almost as much as I enjoy here. So, thank you.
(Two bikes might seem excessive but am now out in the country and those country roads are fun. Two bikes is one for proper trips and mornings off doin’ biking. The other is a much simpler beast to go off for fresh bread etc. We’re so rural that the bread shop – as is the fruit, the fish and the meat, each separate – is a van comes around once a day. And we don’t actually like his bread. But the shop 10 clicks away, now, that’s good stuff. Which is an excuse for a little trip on the shopping bike, obvs).
Many thanks, I shall enjoy having spent this almost as much as I enjoy your company here.
You will henceforth be known as Tim “two bikes” Worstall.
I used to live six miles’ cycling from the gro’cer’s. The Post Office was a van parked in the square three days a week. Got down to under 13 stone when I was there. 🙂
And we thought the Spud was living high on the hog with a dedicated toy train room!
Luxury, When I were a lad we dreamt of. a bike our dad used to let us dream of a bike, but only at Christmas.
Hi Tim. Have tried three times since you first asked weeks ago to donate. It asks if I want to use Paypal or credit card, I choose credit card (I won’t use Paypal). It takes all my details then goes to a Paypal page and states ‘technical difficulties, please try again later’.
Way above my level of technical ability. So, instead of donating to me slip something into the church poor box instead. Or summat like that – I’ve got me two bikes after all.
“slip something into the church poor box instead.”
Isn’t that equivalent to funding terrorism these days? The church is hardly on our side, is it?
Like Addolff I tried to donate and it did not work. Will try again.
Also tried the non paypal debit card route and got the technical difficulties page – I think it was the same about a year ago when I tried. Must be losing quite a bit of beer money, no ?? Any alternative ways to donate?
I won’t use Paypal and confess that I haven’t tried a credit card yet. But here’s an alternative: publish a book that we can all buy, either through your site or from a bookshop. Then you get some money and we get a Tim’s Greatest Hits collection, a permanent memento before Two-Tier wipes all record of you off the internet.
You could even include a selection of comments, assuming the copyright belongs to you.
There’s one being worked on right now. Maybe two more weeks….
Ah, good because I’ve also tried CC a number of time because I refuse PayPal since they ejected you.