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My opponents should just do everything I want

The Tories need a clear ideology – Farage and the hard right offer only moral and electoral ruin
John Harris


33 thoughts on “My opponents should just do everything I want”

  1. The “hard-right”? I’ve no idea what that means because most people who gaily trot out the phrase seem to realise that the Blairite cry of “racist” has been used so often and so inappropriately that it’s become meaningless, but the general inference seems to be “like the Nazi Party in Germany in the 1930s”.
    But then, because I was educated to a higher standard than the modern socialist “one GCSE and a budgerigar” standard, I remember that stood for the National Socialist Party and Mr Hilter said he was “proud to e a socialist!”

  2. Farage and the hard right offer only moral and electoral ruin

    Moral ruin? Does he mean moral ruin like glossing over mass child rape? Or protecting nonces in the national media? Or empowering perverts to harass women in women’s spaces? Or allowing mentalists to bully and cajole confused children into surgical mutilation? Or decriminalising shoplifting? Or allowing racists to clamour for Jewish genocide and fly swastikas? Or by dismissing opponents as scum/fascists/far right? Allowing public sector workers to skive without penalty? Or bribing public sector workers not to strike?

  3. I’m getting confused: Far Right; Extreme Right; Hard Right.

    We need definitions, where on the spectrum and a points system.

    Ditto for: Far Left; Hard Left; Extreme Left.

    Question: on the political spectrum Far Right must be the antipodal of Far Left, so if Far Left is empowerment of the State over the individual, collectivism, central economic planning and control, does it not follow that Far Right is sovereignty of the individual, autonomy/self subsidy and free market capitalist economy? A good thing n’est-ce pas?

    And since Fascism is about collectivism, everything within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State and central planning and control of the economy, isn’t it Far Left not Far Right.

  4. “Does he mean moral ruin like glossing over mass child rape?” Or making Covid jabs compulsory?

  5. “some vocal elements of the political right have reacted very differently, focusing not on the criminality of fascist thugs, but on crass arguments about multiculturalism that actually cast the rioters in a sympathetic light.”

    I agree with Harris about these losers.

    Why focus on crass arguments against multiculturalism when there are so many excellent ones?

  6. @Simon Neale

    Why focus on crass arguments against multiculturalism when there are so many excellent ones?

    Is there any country in recorded history where people of different cultures or nationalities (or with loyalty to different nations) have peacefully co-existed, for very long, especially in financially austere times, where the ‘host culture’ and nation have not been vastly in the ascendancy?

    This country was fine when it has 3% muslims and perhaps a further 3-4% of non Brits; it cannot continue to function well with 10%, which is what we’re at now (I think, I don’t believe the official stats) and certainly not into 20%+.

    It gives me no pleasure whatsoever to say this: I have muslim relatives, and friends. But on average they are younger than the indigenous population, they;re more tighhtly-bound together (for now), and they appear to have the tacit support of government and the police.

    And in my opinion, while it doesn’t seem as though the Welsh-Rwandan killer in Southport was muslim (though we don’t know), islamists are the real problem we face, because enough of them either truly believe in the tenets of what is an expressly antithetical system of beliefs and government to ours, or are happy to hide behind that system for nefarious reasons.

    Enoch Powell was right, I fear: he just identified the wrong group.

    Of course, every cloud has a silver lining, for the power, whoever represents it: allow disaster to unfold, and pretty soon morons will be begging for a clampdown on all of us, with ID cards and laws aimed at controlling everything you do (and say/write…).

  7. “Farage is the road to ruin. As a Guardian columnist, I would hate to see see Tories become unpopular”

    How do you know a journalist is lying?

    One of its orifices is making a noise.

  8. If you’re talking about fascism, JohnB, I don’t the UK has ever come closer to fascism than it has under Starmer’s Labour. They’re almost copybook. They’ve come into power with a very small voter base. They have no real mandate for their policies other than a parliamentary majority a product of the electoral system. But they’re determined to force through a radical agenda. If this is democracy, come back Uncle Dolfo, all is forgiven. At least you had positive popularity ratings three weeks after becoming Chancellor.

  9. A group that monitors anti-Islamic organisations has told The National that many Muslim worshippers are “scared of going to their mosques” as far-right riots spread across the UK.

    What a shame. They’ll feel safer going to mosques in their native Pakistan tho.

  10. They’ll feel safer going to mosques in their native Pakistan tho.

    If only. Terror attacks on Pakistani mosques seem rather frequent. Almost as if it was a nation of violent backwards peasants.

    How dim would you have to be to let a few million in to your nation?

  11. Not Trump Not Epstein

    John B . You are creating a false Dichotomy between left and right. The left is NOT about more control bynthr government. The right is NOT about freedom.
    The left is about social freedom, the working class, and minority groups.
    Sometimes that means taxing the rich to redistribute to the poor.
    The right is about the rich and elites.
    Hitler said in a speech he was right wing.
    Mussolini said he was right wing in the Doctrines of Fascism.
    BIS – How is helping minority groups anything to do with Fascism? The fascists targeted minority groups.
    Do not fall for the trick that right wingers claim they are about freedom.

  12. The real difference between left and right is:
    The left support the poor, working class, minority groups, women, and homosexuals.
    The fsr right see the working class as criminals and parasites.
    The right are less supportive of the poor, the working class, women, gays, and lesbians.

  13. The fsr right see the working class as criminals and parasites.
    Odd those being accused of being far-right thugs are quite obviously working class.
    (Not saying this cvnt would recognise a day’s work if he saw one. Socialists. Coming to parasite a neighbourhood near you.)

  14. I think many that would identify as the ‘far right’ come from the working classes so I’m not sure you know what your talking about.
    Also you realise that women have their own agency? I know women who are so far on the right that they make me look like a pinko commie.
    Also #2, I’ve never seen a black geezer working in one of the Chinese shops or takeaways round by me, dunno why, could never be racism could it?

    YOU HAVE SNOBBERY TO THE WORKING CLASS. CASE PROVEN. Done and dusted. it is like people who think all football hooligans are working class. Far right thugs can be middle class and upper class. And lots of far right people from working class communities are still able to hate the working class. Just like some socialists are from upper class backgrounds.

  16. To You. I went to a Chinese a few days ago and the waiter was (wait for it) WHITE. So I do not know what you are talking about.
    As I said there are lots of class traitors in the working class who see fellow working class people as all being criminals and parasites, They are the sort who hate all people on benefits, while themselves taking use of benefits and public services. But feeling they are a special case. it is like British people who move to Spain and then complain about foreign people moving to the UK. Idiots,

  17. To you “I’ve never seen a black geezer working in one of the Chinese shops”
    To me “went to a Chinese a few days ago and the waiter was (wait for it) WHITE”
    A rebuttal on the level of Sergio Massa in his tv debate.

  18. I don’t have much confidence in the reasoning ability of someone who thinks BiS is an anti-working class snob….

  19. ” is like British people who move to Spain and then complain about foreign people moving to the UK”

    Most other countries aren’t run by complete morons who hate their own citizens, unlike ours.

    Hence why they require health insurance & sufficient income/funds to make sure you don’t sponge off their social security.

    I’m sure BiS has no recourse to public funds in whatever part of Spain he resides.

    WE, on the the other hand, roll out the red carpet to enable every sponger, fleecer , chancer and scrounger to come over here and we give them Free Money & Housing, oftimes prioritising them over our own Citizens.
    It’s insane.

  20. To clarify my position in Spain, since it’s under discussion. No I do not have recorse to public funds in Spain. Theoretically, as a pensioner, I could transfer my NHS health entitlement to the Spanish system. It’s just a matter of lodging a form with the local office. I haven’t. If I want health care, I pay for it.
    But then I never had recourse to the UK to public funds in the UK. The sole benefit I get from the UK is the basic old age pension. An amusing amount of money every month that usually contributes to single night out. I have never lived my life like that. I do not like being part of any system. I haven’t even worked as an employee since my twenties. I avoid contributing where ever possible because I’ve no intention of taking out. I don’t even have a private pension. I am far better at handling my own money than any pension fund manager.

  21. Anyone who talks about “class traitors” is showing his age. Young lefties talk about “the rich” without alleging they are “upper class” because they know that most of those currently rich – footballers, musicians, entertainers and a few businessmen like Jim Ratcliffe – are “working class”

  22. The left support the poor, working class, minority groups, women, and homosexuals.
    I think you’d have to prove, there, that supporting minority groups is in the interest of the majority community. Game theory would suggest the optimum solution is to exterminate them.

  23. ” I went to a Chinese a few days ago and the waiter was (wait for it) WHITE”

    Makes me think of that Goodness Gracious Me sketch about going for an English.

    A curry house round my way has quite a few white waiting staff. Its quite odd really, just seems wrong, no idea why. It could be related to the fact the restaurant got raided a few years ago for illegals, perhaps the fines resulting from that little escapade made the owners consider giving a job or two to some locals instead.

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