The cost of preserving the burnt out ruins of Grenfell Tower and planning a memorial is set to exceed a third of a billion pounds, according to an official document.
Really not sensible:
A Government document uncovered by Grenfell Next of Kin, a campaign group that represents the families of about half the victims, suggests more than a third of a billion pounds has been earmarked to “manage the site safely” and “deliver the vision… for a fitting memorial”.
And that’s not all the cost either. What’s the value thrown away by not using a building site in London?
I really can’t believ that it is still standing, what, 7 years later ?
Anywhere else apart from the United Clowndom would have knocked it down by now.
The only reason that the Next of Kin group represents only half the victims is because a lot of the flats were illegally sublet and we’ll probably never know who lived there.
A memorial of any kind is pointless in a city entirely without social cohesion. In this instance the memorial would be a testament to the progressive values of posturing politicians and not to those who lost their lives.
How convenient if evidence were produced that many of the inhabitants were involved in some form of “slave trade” because then the wretched thing could be quickly demolished.
Must admit I’d simply assumed that it’d been knocked down years ago.
I’ve got to congratulate you Brits. Your bureaucracy can actually reach Aussie standards!!
Just as Dopey Joe was a front for Obama, so TTK is being run by Bliar. Is it possible that two incredibly vindictive socialists want to destroy Britain by importing so much scum and then inverting society so that the scum rule and are revered while the indigenous population are vilified and turned into the enemy?
Oh, wait…
Surely a more fitting memorial would be to finally outlaw the flammable cladding, given only a few days ago we nearly had a mini-Grenfell in Dagenham?
I saw someone grumbling about this on X yesterday, and assumed the cost was about refurbing the burnt-out wreck and making it habitable again. I thought this was completely stupid, and that the best thing to do would be to demolish it and build houses, preferably better planned than the widely-reviled tower blocks.
If people want a memorial, safe housing on the site would be the best option.
Bogan boy…..remember, Australia wa settled by jailers, as well as convicts. A head start in the bureaucracy race.
Good job we don’t have a housing crisis or the site would have to be redeveloped for housing.
Memorial: to what? The sheer incompetence and failures of the emergency services and local authority. The ‘stay in place’ policy that resulted in people staying to be overcome by smoke and flame who otherwise would have survived if they had evacuated the building.
The fire at Valley Parade stadium in Bradford killed 56 people. It was rebuilt.
There’s a new building on the World Trade Centre site.
Why is Grenfel different?
Quite right too. It can be a memorial to Imran Khan KC’s bulging wallet. The seams finally split & he had to buy a new one. He billed for the expense, of course.
Grist: ” Is it possible that two incredibly vindictive socialists want to destroy Britain by importing so much scum…”
Remember that third-world immigration reached new record levels under the ‘Conservative’ regime that preceded Starmer.
Yes, I think we keep the ashes this time!
An utterly barking decision. A plaque would suffice, possibly with a sculpture. But, No, victimologists insist that the ruin must remain as a monument to capitalism’s exploitation of the diverse…
A Public convenience would make a good memorial for the site. It could have different sections for all flavours of LBGQWERTY.
Incredible waste. They might as well set fire to the money as a fitting tribute.
All this makes me wonder if there’s a key notion behind it. About whom are we allowed to be/encouraged to be sentimental?
Presumably the point of the Grenfell Tower idiocy is that many of the tenants weren’t British but a variety of third-worlders. Now, in the big picture it’s perfectly decent to mourn all deaths in such an accident equally. But that’s not what’s being done here: it’s not restricted to mourning. If the victims had been predominantly British, or even simply predominantly white, this gush of sentimentality would not have been indulged in. Is that the point?
I look too at the proposed holocaust memorial. The mass murder of Jews in The War was a horrible thing – but it wasn’t our horrible thing. It was no more part of British history than the Armenian genocide perpetrated by the Turks or the Herero genocide by the Germans in S W Africa. Yet we must, apparently, have a memorial of this event – a slaughter of predominantly Eastern Europeans by Germans and their allies. Horrible, horrible, but not our horror.
The last attempted genocide on British soil that I know about was the 17th century attempt by Irish troops to kill all the Campbells in Argyll. Is there a memorial to those victims? If not why not? It is part of our history.
We don’t, that I know of, have a memorial to those of our people who were killed by German bombing in two world wars. Why not? That is our history.
It’s all very peculiar. Next thing we know some bugger will want a memorial to the kulaks that the Bolsheviks murdered. But they weren’t our kulaks.
I look too at the proposed holocaust memorial. The mass murder of Jews in The War was a horrible thing – but it wasn’t our horrible thing.
Ah but you don’t understand Dearieme.
The state religion of the west post WW2 is Holocaustianity. The original sin is whiteness, and our only salvation is our obliteration and replacement.
For that money we could fix most of the other tower blocks with dodgy cladding.
It astonishes me that the building wasn’t dynamited as soon as they knew there were no more bodies to recover.
Valley Parade wasn’t rebuilt as a memorial though. We played in Leeds, Huddersfield and at Odsal. There were no other realistic alternatives to rebuilding.
The stand was due to be demolished on the Monday after. There’s a picture somewhere online showing the burnt out stand with the steel girders waiting…
You should read Justice Popplewells words at the Inquiry about the people of Bradford and compare it to the grifters of Grenfell. I was 9 years old and it still affects everyone who was there that day
Always curious that the activities of the Japanese in China after Doolittle’s propaganda stunt never gets on anyone’s list. Nobody really knows what the death toll was. Considerably more than the Holocaust.
@bis: the list is endless. What about the poor buggers the Khmer Rouge murdered? The “boat people” drowned as result of the actions of the Vietnamese government?