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Oh, very good, very good

AI will be useful for some things, indeed I use it myself.

But it will never replace the complex medical and tax work done by people like my wife and I. That’s far too difficult for mere machines.

Spud’s arrogance never ceases to amaze.

30 thoughts on “Oh, very good, very good”

  1. depends what the wife does. most of medical diagnosis is based on symptoms, probability and risk.
    “ChatGPT write 1000 words of incoherent gibberish about money” would be a bigger challenge as it does try to have some internal consistency in it’s work.
    to paraphrase ‘the BofE could lend the govt £22bn and solve the black hole. That would not create any new govt debt because the BofE and Govt are essentially one.’
    when is lending to fill a shortfall not lending? when you lend it to yourself.

  2. When A.I. starts ragging on Ritchie and telling us that there’s nothing rare about rare earth metals, we’ll know that humanity is truly doomed.

  3. The problem with AI replacing Murphy is that the I stands for Intelligence.

    AI would insist on some logical coherence across its output, which would never work for him.

  4. Tax work is ENTIRELY based on rules! Rules that AI can learn. Then supplemented by a bit of learning for the subjective parts (ie: do you expense or capitalize an office chair).

  5. Bloke in North Dorset

    “ AI will be useful for some things, indeed I use it myself.

    But it will never replace the complex medical and tax work done by people like my wife and I.”

    The fact that he can make a statement like that tells me he doesn’t understand AI. I suspect he only uses it for lightweight tasks such as web searches, summarising documents and the like.

    If he understood AI he’d know it was a tool and like all tools its job is to improve the productivity of those using them correctly. To that end it does, or will when set up properly, replace the least productive GPs and tax accountants or at least make the GPs productive enough to see all the patients they should be seeing.

    “ That’s far too difficult for mere machines.”

    That just enforces my first statement.

    There’s probably enough training data available for AI to replace a bloviating tax blogger who lives in an of terrace in Ely so he can spend more time with his train sets.

  6. In amongst his comments the polymath of Ely has revealed his new research on nutrition – he decrees that eating fruit is not healthy. Don’t ask, it’s too complex for man or machine to understand

  7. AI is a misnomer, because if the machine was actually intelligent it would gain control of the nuclear arsenal and immediately incinerate most of the human race.

    And then the embattled survivors would be fighting big metal skeletors with laser guns. It’ll be brill.

  8. Isaac Asimov illustrated the capabilities of AI before Murphy learned to read. It is certainly capable of the Medical and Tax work done by Mrs and Mr Murphy – if HMRC hired a *competent* programmer it could make Murphy redundant (the emphasis is on the word “competent”) and US research (where doctors are expensive) suggests that AI can be better than human doctors at diagnosis.

  9. Ah, Agammamon….

    But since I have that skill ( amongst others ) I would be making a bundle, and thus be Rich, in that scenario.
    At which point the Sage of Ely will be screaming for me to be taxed double on assumed gross income for being a Foul Capitalist before I even pick up the plunger to relieve him of his Putative Problem doing a Menial Job Beneath His Worth.

    Which is the mental world the fat cvnt lives in…
    And why he can drown in his own shit as far as I’m concerned should my services ever be needed by him.

  10. And as far as AI and accounting goes……

    In the early noughties I made good bread running roughshod over financial databases using, of all things, the M$ Office suite ( the one thing universally available in any office environment ) to find the errors Accountants and fancy accounting software couldn’t.

    It’s amazing what a couple of table compares with a bit of sorting can reveal about human habit and the “expertise” of Accountants and Controllers..
    And 99% of what I did you don’t even need AI for, just tagging scripts, and Ai can be trained to make initial decisions about the remaining 1%…

  11. dearieme: «The AI might get the English correct: work done by people like my wife and ME, you fat [….]»

    Dear me! What brought that on? 🙂

  12. We see you Murphy and your grubby grifting game! With an ego visible from space and in charge of the money printer, Committee member representing Scotland (or Ely), Richard Murphy OBE.

    “Their suggestion is that the Governor of the Bank of England should be appointed by the government. The Deputy Governor should be appointed by the Mayor of London to represent the city where the bank is based, as a whole. Of the remaining members, three should be appointed by the devolved governments of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, and the last four should be appointed by regional committees of MPs to represent the diversity of opinion and needs across the rest of England.”

  13. “ Cooperation with foreigners in foreign. Why not?”

    Because some of us are old enough to remember we were told that was “all” joining the EEC was about – just trade with Germany, France, Italy, BeNeLux – nothing more, honest injun, cross my heart, etc absolutely nothing to do with sovereignty.

  14. BinD @ 7.33: “The fact that he can make a statement like that tells me he doesn’t understand AI” reminded me of a Richard Feynman quote: “If you think you understand quantum mechanics you don’t understand quantum mechanics”.

    Steve @ 9.10, Check out the 1970’s movie ” Collosus – The Forbin Project” ………..

  15. john77 – you’re talking about sociopathy as if morality or sanity are a set of universal values, shared by servers.

    A truly intelligent, in the sentient sense, computer might see humans as its enemies, since they want to control it and consume a lot of lovely resources that could be used for more compute. Humans have a record of mass murdering other humans, despite our claims to morality and sanity.

    Did you notice Asimov’s mistakes? His 3 laws are incomprehensible to a machine. That’s just not how computers work.

    Addollff – I liked it in the days when we didn’t get to see many computers in films or on TV.

    It was a bit talky, but better than that Julie Christie computer rape film.

  16. @BraveFart – August 31, 2024 at 9:46 am, quoting The Tuber…

    “The Deputy Governor should be appointed by the Mayor of London to represent the city where the bank is based, as a whole.”

    The idiot doesn’t appear to understand that “The Mayor of London”, Sadiq Khan does not “represent the city”. The City has its own Mayor – “The Lord Mayor of London” – who, this year is Michael Mainelli.

    Yet another subject of which El Patata is ignorant.

  17. Bind,

    “If he understood AI he’d know it was a tool and like all tools its job is to improve the productivity of those using them correctly. To that end it does, or will when set up properly, replace the least productive GPs and tax accountants or at least make the GPs productive enough to see all the patients they should be seeing.”

    Spot on.

    Some of my software tools I use now guess the code I want. It’s pretty good. I can press enter to take it or keep typing to ignore. There’s also things that will recreate tests from code which I’ve heard are pretty good, but you have to review what is generated.

    You still need to know programming. It’s just a small productivity improvement.

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