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OK, that explains something

The fact that Kamala Harris is where she is now says everything. I have no doubt that, growing up, she was required to be twice as good for half the credit.

“Willie Brown, what did you see in her?”

11 thoughts on “OK, that explains something”

  1. She has the full backing of Hamas and Al Qaeda certainly – how that squares with women’s rights is anyone’s guess. I do have a horrible feeling ‘the fix is in’ and they already have enough votes being tallied in Mexico to do the same as they did last time!

  2. An article about Kamala Harris by Ayanna Pressley in Marie Claire?

    A glimpse into the echo chamber then. It appears to be somewhat empty.

  3. “Willie Brown, what did you see in her?”

    Nothing. The brown (black?) paper bag did its job. The ear plugs helped too.

  4. This is a common one that they now teach little kiddywinks. Starts off as a parent’s motivational technique. ‘You have to be twice as good , work twice as hard because [insert identity here] and insert [bad people] here. Which is justifiable I suppose if it works and little kiddy does indeed work their arse off. But downstream this becomes received wisdom and teachers start teaching it as an intrinsic fact of the universe. So that people like our journo here make statements such as” I have no doubt that, growing up, she was required to be twice as good for half the credit” without fear of contradiction.

  5. Considering Brown’s famously long string of girlfriends tended to be very blonde and very white, Kamala probably does have some very good qualities.

  6. Dennis, Inconveniently Noting Reality

    Kamala Harris is – according to her father – Indian-American, not African-American. Harris bragged about it as late as 2019. And Ayanna Pressley? Well, she’s what Malcolm X termed a “house negro”.

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