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Our resident expert might wish to comment upon this

The first is the age-old assumption that women who take payment for sex – who are overwhelmingly coerced or trafficked into this rotten “industry”

One of those assertions that simply isn’t true, isn’t it.

And women are being trafficked into the UK from countries such as Romania and effectively held as sex slaves to be raped by several men a day paying for the privilege.

Another of those assertions which is not even congruent with reality.

FFS, a real, proper, total and whole investigation was done into this. Operation Pentameter.

The UK’s biggest ever investigation of sex trafficking failed to find a single person who had forced anybody into prostitution in spite of hundreds of raids on sex workers in a six-month campaign by government departments, specialist agencies and every police force in the country.

It’s just not true.

61 thoughts on “Our resident expert might wish to comment upon this”

  1. Prostitution puts women in mortal peril; it is hard to quantify precisely but women in prostitution are many, many times more likely to end up murdered than other women. Femicide Census figures highlight that 47 women involved in prostitution were killed by men in the UK between 2009 and 2023.

    Wow, 47 tarts in just 12 years.

    Those are rookie numbers.

  2. Forced prostitution isn’t commercially possible The added costs of the forcing would push the price of the service higher than the willing girls charge.
    These fantasies are based on the assumption that there must be a shortage of prossies available to meet demand because women are reluctant to go into prostitution. If only. There is always a vast oversupply. What there is is a vast undersupply of men who are willing & able to pay for it.

  3. Carrying out that survey was hell, just pure hell. And my medical bills (I went private, because I couldn’t wait 8 years) nearly ruined me…

  4. @Steve “Wow, 47 tarts in just 12 years. Those are rookie numbers.”

    On average two women are murdered every week. So, over the same 12 years, roughly 1250 such murders. Of which 47 is about 4%.

    Seems to me that is consistent with women in prostitution being in greater danger than average.

    Apologies for not descending to your depths of levity.

  5. “The reality is that prostitution is overwhelmingly reserved for women without other choices”

    That might be the case for the men involved, too.

  6. women in prostitution are many, many times more likely to end up murdered than other women.
    If the metric is comparing with all other women, very likely. But what sort of women go into prostitution? Pretty well everyone in the industry has failed at everything else they’ve attempted. So you’re preferentially selecting from failures. The terminally stupid, high risk takers, women with drugs problems, emotional problems, mental illness, you name it.

  7. 47 prostitutes murdered in 12 years, eh?
    So about 4 per year.
    “Domestic” murders run at about 240 per year.
    Controlling for population size, prostitution is marginally more dangerous than being married.

  8. I would doubt many punters would be interested in paying to rape the women, I’m guessing they prefer some level of pretence that the woman is enjoying it “oooh it’s sooo big” etc. Or maybe I’ve been watching the wrong movies

  9. decnine – Seems to me that is consistent with women in prostitution being in greater danger than average.

    They should probably stop renting their fannies out then.


  10. ” But what sort of women go into prostitution? Pretty well everyone in the industry has failed at everything else they’ve attempted.”

    That usually applies to people who become TEFL teachers

  11. Seems to me that is consistent with women in prostitution being in greater danger than average.
    That’s presuming all women are equally likely to get murdered. Which obviously isn’t true. Lifestyle choices greatly increase the probability. And the lifestyle choices increase risk largely overlap with the reason women become prossies.

  12. Thank you Julia,

    Further confirmation that the endemic sexual abuse in much of our country is due to white middle class blokes.


  13. @Steve
    I guess pimping ain’t easy after all.
    Indeed it isn’t. There is very little opportunity to increase the customer base by creating new customers. That tends to be taken care of by the girls hang around the bars where the mugs tourists go. So all you have left is stealing customers off the competition. And like almost anything else in the service industries that’s done 95% by selling CONFIDENCE. So god help you with a workforce who dedicate their lives to destroying confidence. As I said, everyone in the industry has unsuccessful at everything else they’ve they’ve ever tried. So why expect them to be successful at this?

  14. BiS – I think of it like this: if you are going to eat a sandwich, you would just enjoy it more if you knew no one had fucked it.

  15. Just a thought.
    That tends to be taken care of by the girls hang around the bars where the mugs tourists go.
    The most dangerous aspect of the industry are the people reading this, here. You, Steve.

  16. I’m serious, Steve. I’ve had to deal with a lot of the clients. Being a tourist destination, we get a lot of the guys who would only pay for it when they’re well away from their own turf. Holiday treat. It’s certainly contributed to my very low opinion of the “educated” classes. The guy who’s telling me the girl he met in a club a year ago remembers him fondly. She’s probably had similar conversations with 10,000 men in the interval. His sparkling repartee went straight past her because she wasn’t listening to a word of it & wouldn’t have understood it she had. They have no common points of reference for a conversation at all. And she certainly won’t have appreciated his sexual prowess. She was compiling the next day’s shopping list, had had his money & just wanted him get get done whatever he was doing & to be gone. That they can’t work this out for themselves says a great deal about them. And they are exactly the people who can’t handle the girl fucking someone else. Because they can’t face the fact that they do. That’s why they’re the most dangerous clients. They can’t tell the difference between reality & fantasy. You can see where that can lead. And I’d say the majority of Brits coming down here on holiday are to some degree similar.

  17. BiS – Yarp. Obvs, Johns are dangerous, because men are dangerous.

    So, 47 prossies in 12 years just goes to show how relatively safe the UK still is, compared to other countries. That’s the equivalent of two Peter Sutcliffes, out of a population of over 70 million. Or, a long weekend in Chicago.

  18. To compare it to a different industry I wonder about the number of Uber/Lyft/whatever drivers getting killed by fares vs. people who drive other people that they know.

    Would you say the rate would be higher or lower? At first glance I would say higher.

    Bringing it back to the topic, I suspect that having s*x with strangers does tend to be more dangerous than with people you know, even after controlling for the extra care you would think they would take.

    As for the 47 in 12 years? What’s the denominator? How many encounters? What’s the rate?

    In 2018 there was a report on Canada’s logging and forestry industry (I’m Canadian so this is somewhat relevant to me):

    “Logging and forestry was found to be the most dangerous industry of all, with 11 fatalities and 1,324 claims, and only 48,100 people in the industry (2.8 per cent of employees injured or killed).”

    That’s 11 workplace deaths in one year, out of less than 50k people. Admittedly, probably no stabbings. But it sounds a bit more dangerous, doesn’t it?

  19. Person in Pictland

    Clearly being a prostitute isn’t as dangerous as being US president or a candidate for that job.

    ‘course, you might say they are mostly prostitutes too, if only metaphorically.

    Or literally in Kamala’s case.

  20. M,

    “That’s 11 workplace deaths in one year, out of less than 50k people. Admittedly, probably no stabbings. But it sounds a bit more dangerous, doesn’t it?”

    This is the thing. It’s 4 murders out of something like 72,000 women. Which is a lot higher than average. But it’s still an irrelevant level of risk. There are 3 road deaths per 100,000 people per year, so not much more dangerous to be out on the roads than servicing punters. Riding a motorbike is probably more dangerous, but no-one talks about that.

    And what’s the reward? You earn a lot more per hour than working in Poundland.

  21. “Prostitution puts women in mortal peril; it is hard to quantify precisely but women in prostitution are many, many times more likely to end up murdered than other women. Femicide Census figures highlight that 47 women involved in prostitution were killed by men in the UK between 2009 and 2023.”

    That’s 4 per year. Estimates of the number of prostitutes in Britain are around 100,000, so that’s 40 per million per year.

    Murders of women in Britain over that period averaged about 8 per million per year (latest figure is 6, but has been over 10).

    So prostitutes are about 5 times more likely to be murdered than the general female population. That’s not “many, many times more likely” and, as others have said, if you adjust the figure for drug use and other issues there’s probably not much difference.

    Yes, murders are bad, but it doesn’t sound like this is a group that is “many, many times” more at risk.

  22. bloke in spain said:
    “The guy who’s telling me the girl he met in a club a year ago remembers him fondly.”
    “She was compiling the next day’s shopping list, had had his money & just wanted him to get done whatever he was doing & to be gone. That they can’t work this out for themselves says a great deal about them. And they are exactly the people who can’t handle the girl fucking someone else. Because they can’t face the fact that they do. That’s why they’re the most dangerous clients. They can’t tell the difference between reality & fantasy. You can see where that can lead. And I’d say the majority of Brits coming down here on holiday are to some degree similar.”
    “ It’s certainly contributed to my very low opinion of the “educated” classes.”

    Good grief, are men really that gormless? Not just occasional ones, but most of them? I can see why you don’t have much faith in people.

  23. “47 women involved in prostitution were killed by men in the UK between 2009 and 2023.”

    That statistic is borderline meaningless without the size of the UK sex worker workforce, without comparisons to other dangerous occupations (including rent boys) and without a breakdown for types of prostitution (streetwalkers are very vulnerable; agency whores less so; companion courtesans to the mega-rich on their yachts much less so).

  24. BiS

    She was compiling the next day’s shopping list…& just wanted him get get done whatever he was doing…

    So not that different to a wife…

    Also: The guy who’s telling me the girl he met in a club a year ago remembers him fondly. She’s probably had similar conversations with 10,000 men in the interval.

    OK, a rhetorical flourish. But the girl who has 10,000 such “conversations” in a year is having about 27 a day…

  25. Conversations might be about right – if we take the meaning literally. How many conversations conclude in a deal might be a rather lower number.

  26. Re. Julia’s “Xcretion”….why was Jake charged and not Josie?
    If they were both drunk, he coudn’t have consented either, so she assaulted him. Two tier justice etc.

  27. Used to drink at a pub where landlady was ex-prostitute and working girls would drink there as they knew they would be left in peace as there was a strict no business on the premises rule.
    Can’t say they were all happy souls but did not fit the description in the article if coerced slaves locked in a room. Many were just trying to make ends meet.

  28. I do recall they were very unhappy with the influx of Somalis at the time and many wouldn’t take them as clients because of their attitude to women and higher rates of violence

  29. Incidentally there is an old joke about Frankfurt in this.

    Why is the red light district right next to the banking quarter?

    Because in both professions you get paid a lot of money to screw your clients.

  30. I belatedly realise that some readers may feel I have slandered their profession by association with my joke.

    Therefore, if any prostitutes are reading this please accept my humblest apologies.

  31. “47 women involved in prostitution were killed by men in the UK between 2009 and 2023.”

    Interesting phrasing.
    Not “47 women involved in prostitution were killed by men while servicing male clients in the UK between 2009 and 2023.”

    Or “while working”…

    No. Just killed by men.
    So… We’re they killed by their pimp? Jealous boyfriend? Random client? Mugged in the street for their evenings earnings?
    Meaningless statistic without more information.

    Also from the article:
    At least 100 women were killed by a man in 2023.

    Maybe we should stop importing lots of foreigners who think that a bit of rapey fun time is acceptable.
    See that Ross Kemp interview with two enriching gentlemen in Africa about their attitudes to rape and you can see what class of doctors and engineers we’re importing.

  32. Rhode Island Experiment

    Republic of Ireland brought in Nordic Model to criminalise punters in March 2017 saying it would help reduce trafficking of girls and women into prostitution.
    The Ruhama Agency supports trafficked prostitutes in the Republic and their annual report documents how many new victims they helped:
    2014: 26
    2015: 26
    2016: 27

    2020: 29
    2021: 28
    2022: 45

    Not obviously trending down which is what we would like.

    Here’s some more stats from the Uk’s ONS this time:
    “The homicide rate over the three-year period to the year ending March 2023 was 39.8 victims per million population for the Black ethnic group, more than four times higher than for the White ethnic group”
    “The most common age group for victims of homicides recorded in the year ending March 2023 was those aged 25 to 34 years (Figure 4).
    As in previous years, children aged under 1 year had the highest rate of homicide . This rate fluctuates from year to year because of the low number of victims in this age group. This was followed by those aged 16 to 24 years.”
    I suspect that female prostitutes are more likely to be aged 16-34 and this explains away almost all the hysteria of the guardian writer’s stats on this subject.

  33. bloke in spain said:
    “creating new customers … tends to be taken care of by the girls hang around the bars”

    I’ve never knowingly been propositioned by a ‘working girl’ in a bar. In the streets, yes, but they were very obvious about the nature of the transaction on offer (and the potential rewards never seemed worth the risks).

    Have I just never been in that sort of bar, or are they too subtle for me to have worked out what was on offer?

  34. Actual experience in Warsaw, being propositioned on the street.

    “You looking for a good time guys? We got lots of girls, anything you want!”

    “Thanks but we’re gay” (true of the speaker)

    (without breaking step) “We got cute boys for you too!”

  35. You got it Tim. Club girls. Like that place at Vilamoura. Cats isn’t it? 10k might be too low. They’ll try & get alongside every bloke goes in. The conversion rate’s dreadful. At a good time they might snag five in a night. These days more like three. Ghastly job. Soul destroying. Very few of the girls will work clubs but it tells you something about the ones that do.

    Good grief, are men really that gormless?
    Yeah they are, to various degrees. They have trouble with the equation love leads to sex but sex does not necessarily lead to love. Or in this case even acknowledgement they’re a sentient human being. Which at this point, they’re not that much anyway. The funny thing is, it does seem to hit the “educated” very hard. White Van Man much less so. Different life experience?
    Have I just never been in that sort of bar?
    The sort of bar (or any venue) is where men are likely to have money & approachable. But they are quite good at reading people. Maybe you don’t put out the right signals.

    I’ve always enjoyed the company of working girls. One doesn’t have the “mating game” constantly going on as a background. You can have sensible conversations & even friendships with them. Civilian women are a pain in the arse, most of the time. They all have agendas.

  36. BiG – that’s a lot more tasteful than my Peter Sutcliffe joke, which will probably get me and Jerry Sadowitz jailed.

    What’s got one ball and fucks women?

    Peter Sutcliffe’s hammer.

  37. @BiG..

    In Tunisia, one was approached by a “gentleman” with the line “Hello effendi, would you like to sleep with my sister?”. I said “Damn it man! I’m a member of the English aristocracy!”. He then changed his line to “would you like to sleep with my brother?”.

  38. @BiS

    I’m surprised by your comment re: gormless punters apparently looking for a romantic connection with the girl. I had assumed that most customers were just looking for a release of sexual tension, a step up from Mrs Palm and her five daughters, perhaps after the missus turned off the tap at home (a position I have some sympathy for).

  39. ‘I said “Damn it man! I’m a member of the English aristocracy!”. He then changed his line to “would you like to sleep with my brother?”.’

    Thank you BJ!!!

  40. @Mr Womby
    I’ve no doubt it starts out as that. But the amount of guys subsequently believe it was “special” for the girl & not just a paid encounter is phenomenal. For the ones where it’s a once in a while it could be a majority. I remember one Danish guy wrote a glowing tale on an online forum about one his exploits here & how much the other party enjoyed it. He Whatsapped me the next time he was here, wanting to get back in touch with the girl. By a coincidence she was sitting next to me along with her friend. So I showed her his profile picture & asked her if she was interested. She said “I remember him. Horrible fat, sweaty, smelly man tried to cheat me out of 100€. (An untranslatable spanish word!) NO!” Other girl wasn’t interested either.
    It’s not really how they think of the girls. It’s how they think of themselves. The amount of middle aged, overweight, balding unattractive men are obsessed with chicas young enough to be their daughters if not their grandaughters is amazing. (“It’s the only sort of girl I would consider!”) Why would one want to be with someone who’s thinking “I can’t wait for this to be over so I can forget about it” I could understand it if they just saw the girl as a sex toy to play with. But that’s not how they see them. You don’t expect deep friendship & affection from the bloke who put up your kitchen cupboards, do you?

  41. @BiS – so the girls do remember the men! Just not in a good way.

    (although I suspect her description applies to 90% of the tourist customers, so she’s probably not actually remembering him even then)

  42. @M – “I wonder about the number of Uber/Lyft/whatever drivers getting killed by fares vs. people who drive other people that they know.”

    Those statistics seem hard to find, but from we find (in the USA) “the homicide rate among U.S. occupations, measured per hundred thousand workers, is the highest for taxi drivers. Taxi drivers face the likelihood of workplace homicide at four times the rate for police and other law enforcement jobs, which are generally perceived as having high workplace risk”

    And (also from the USA) from “Taxi drivers face a 30 times greater risk of murder than other professions.”

    Both taxi driving and prostitution involve workers going alone to places chosen by their clients. This is ideal for criminals looking for victims. When a society has an anti-prostitution attitude, this amplifies the risk when the prostitute is unable to work openly.

  43. Tim W

    BiS wrote: The guy who’s telling me the girl he met in a club a year ago remembers him fondly. She’s probably had similar conversations with 10,000 men in the interval.

    But 27 such “similar conversations” a day for a year is not plausible. It was an understandable rhetorical flourish by BiS.

    BiS: I’ve had to deal with a lot of the clients. Being a tourist destination, we get a lot of the guys who would only pay for it when they’re well away from their own turf.

    So what is your business model? Why do you have to meet the clients? I imagined all prostitution was on-line personal or agency booking…

  44. Well, it’s not my business model, you understand. But no, clubs/bars as a starting point for the negotiations, rooms upstairs, still exist.

  45. Theophrastus said:
    “So what is your business model? Why do you have to meet the clients? I imagined all prostitution was on-line personal or agency booking…”

    Dunno, but thinking of online shopping, if one does it regularly, one knows which platforms & providers are reliable, and how to avoid dodgy sellers. If you don’t use it regularly, it must all be a bit of a minefield.

    BiS is talking about Brits who don’t usually do that sort of thing, who kick off and try it whilst on holiday in Spain. I wouldn’t know how to go about arranging that online with any confidence in what I was going to get, so presumably meeting the lass in a bar at least gives them some degree of confidence in the product.

  46. Of course it isn’t Theo. It’s no different from double glazing salesman cold calling. This is business, remember. Behaves like business. There are conversion rates. Ideally (for her) the girl would be seeing clients the entirety of an 8 hour shift. In reality she might see four. The rest of the time’s spent canvassing.
    These are clubs. A hotel with a bar. Spain & Portugal has them. As does Germany, the CR & several other countries.
    Business plan. I was involved in running a villa. Large house, sauna, bar, swimming pool, massage suite, masseuses, girls, 8 bedrooms, extensive gardens. I got into it by meeting a woman had one. Interested me. I start & run successful businesses, when I can be bothered. So it seemed a fun idea to apply that to this. Optimal pricing. Customers never paid for a drink. You want them drunk so why ration alcohol by price? Drinks cost virtually nothing. And it’s easier to get rid of the customers. You just stop giving them drinks. Selling CONFIDENCE. No twists. No hidden costs. Good advertising. The thing I didn’t allow for is mentioned in a comment above. Everybody in this game has failed at everything else they’ve ever done. They won’t do what is in their best interests let alone yours*. They’ve honed incompetence into an art form. You could stand over them whips & they still wouldn’t do what they’re told. They’re incapable of learning. There’s no doubt one could make a fortune doing this. But most of them barely break even. So I admitted defeat.
    All of this is perfectly legal & legit here & in other European countries. It is part of the service industry. It pays taxes.

    *Maybe I discovered a new economic law. People value their status more than their earnings. We actually paid the girls a bit more pro rata than other places to get the best ones & they got fed free where normally they’d pay. But to be competitive, the price for the customers was less than the opposition. The house makes less per but more on turnover. The girls were making far more money than elsewhere but they weren’t happy. Because their services were being sold cheaper than the girls up the road. They were working in a “cheap” house. Why were we giving the clients the difference? Why couldn’t they have it?

  47. Incidentally, if you don’t approve of this I don’t give a monkey’s. The girls say this is much safer place to work than the UK. A house keeps books. Copies of the girls’ docs so no illegals. The girls sign for their money. The police can turn up at any time & want to see them. Ensure the girls are being treated properly.
    In the UK the business is dodgy from top to bottom. The girls have no rights. Quite the opposite. They’re treated as criminals.

  48. I wouldn’t know how to go about arranging that online with any confidence in what I was going to get, so presumably meeting the lass in a bar at least gives them some degree of confidence in the product.
    There’s good reason not to think that. It’s down to the way a lot of these clubs run. As a business, they sell drinks to customers & rent workspace to girls. The girls don’t work for the club. They pay the club to hustle the customers in its bar. You are the girl’s client.
    So you’re pretty well at the mercy of the girls. They’re just indoor street girls with attitude. Since you’re unlikely ever to return, you’ll get whatever they’ll deign to give you after they’ve got your money.
    Villa’s are probably your best bet. You get a choice. She’s on a split with the house on your money. The important thing is the villa prospers on return customers. So it has a lot of influence on the service you’ll get. Girls don’t put out get thrown out.
    Unless of course you’re one of these Brit tossers to whom young/slim/pretty just like your daughter’s schoolfriend, is the prime imperative. In which case the dead starfish impersonation won’t bother you.

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