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Third, talking tough is a distraction when the reality is that there are deep seated problems in communities across the UK. I find the trolls accusing me of being unaware of that fact deeply annoying when I have been drawing attention to these issues for years. I will do so again now. Decades of austerity, but most especially since 2010, have heightened tension, disquiet and alienation. I understand all that. What worries me is that there is no apparent sign that Labour do. If they really think that ‘talking tough’ will solve these tensions they are deeply mistaken.

People who say they’re rioting over immigration aren’t, in fact, doing so. False consciousness, see?

34 thoughts on “Perceptive”

  1. I’m sure we all remember when austerity blew up that concert, raped thousands of children and engaged in widespread electoral fraud and intimidation.

  2. How is he different from any of the main stream media? Almost universally the riots are being described as “far-right riots”. As if all of the rioters have a particular political persuasion & that has provided the incentive to riot.
    Now it might be true that those of the politically far right are often opposed to immigration. (Although most Muslim organisations could also be described as politically far-right & as far as the UK is concerned, favour immigration.) It doesn’t automatically follow that being anti-immigration implies being politically far-right It’s far more likely that the rioters would otherwise be inclined to be politically of the left. Labour voters.
    But that seems to be the general Establishment reaction to the riots. Don’t address the reason why they’re rioting, attack they’re supposed politics. I see Farage has been heavily criticised for not following he herd.
    It’s the reverse of what has been the practise with previous disturbances. With BLM, the usual suspects were falling over each other with claims of underlying reasons. And the same’s been true of every riot & public disturbance of the past. In both the Tottenham riots. the police’s relations with the black community were called into question. But with these riots nobody must mention the underlying causes because that would be justification. So they have to be political.

  3. He thinks talking tough is calling everyone who disagrees with him far right or fascist – farage / the bbc / the Bank of England / the neighbours cat.

    Oh how he longs for the day when people take to the streets chanting “what do we want? The taxing wealth report part II. When do we want it? Now, candidly”

  4. When someone only works with numbers, then everything around him is seen as numbers. It’s a bit more than just austerity.

  5. As per Emil.

    What austerity is this you speak of? That which has led to record debt?

    At this point, I’m not sure if the debt for the UK after the end of WW2 was larger or smaller than the one now, as a percentage of GDP.

  6. Up until 1948 the tax base included the Raj, so anyone using current GDP measure for the immediate post-war is using the wrong denominator.

  7. That would be the kind of austerity which has caused Govt Spending to increase every single year, no doubt.

  8. Second, Labour is only talking tough. It is refusing to call out the fact that all this behaviour is motivated by Islamophobic racism. I have a horrible nagging fear that they would not be so reticent if it was Jews and synagogues that were being attacked. The sense of hypocrisy, or the possibility that that Labour (like the Tories) has a deep-seated Islamophobia problem feels very real.

    He’s definitely looking at the Muslim block to get him that seat in the Lords!

  9. Bongo

    “Up until 1948 the tax base included the Raj,…..”

    Did it? The Raj kept everything else seperate, down to and including foreign policy; not sure that the tax base would have been, uniquely, classified as a UK Treasury matter.

  10. Well, BiS, I think the cops might not be getting a great deal of fluffing from the MSM in future, given Rowley’s petulant little display this morning.

  11. A word of advice if anyone here tried to post the comment below on Murphy’s blog. Take heed of how Murphy himself makes insulting comments to others. If you precede your comment with “Respectfully” or “Politely”, to be followed by the insults, I think he’s much more likely to allow the post.

    That would not explain this little missive that turned up in the comments section of this blog overnight:

    “Kill yourself you old commie rat, traitors will get the rope too… you will pay for your crimes against the native European people. You filthy disgusting subhuman subversive communist freak.”

  12. Many will have watched pictures from Rotherham and elsewhere as racists rioted in pursuit of the neofascist goal of threatening the right of people to live in peace.

    No supposed grievance can justify such abuse. No excuse can be offered for it. There is no human rights defence for what these people have done: behaviour of this sort can never qualify as protest. No one should, therefore, describe it as such, but the media is still doing so, too often. If evidence that we have a problem with the media in this country is required this is it.

    That could be applied in its entirety to the Months of Pro Hamas riots that have taken place. What did the Jewish people in the UK do to merit such abuse? Apparently – ‘it would have been called out’ – perhaps wrongly in his eyes.

    Second, Labour is only talking tough. It is refusing to call out the fact that all this behaviour is motivated by Islamophobic racism. I have a horrible nagging fear that they would not be so reticent if it was Jews and synagogues that were being attacked. The sense of hypocrisy, or the possibility that that Labour (like the Tories) has a deep-seated Islamophobia problem feels very real

    What the F%&k is ‘Islamophobia’? I do fear that the influx of Muslims into an area could lead to pubs being shut down. I do worry that my daughter will feel pressure to cover herself up. i am worried about Muslim rape gangs as seen in Telford, Rotherham, Swindon and myriad other locations. I am worried that an extremely backward, anti-scientific religion founded on deep and lasting antipathy for anyone who doesn’t adhere to it and which has a proven record of violence is being given ‘carte blanche’ to expand. The fact he isn’t is as blatant an admission of his ignorance as is necessary.

    Third, talking tough is a distraction when the reality is that there are deep seated problems in communities across the UK. I find the trolls accusing me of being unaware of that fact deeply annoying when I have been drawing attention to these issues for years. I will do so again now. Decades of austerity, but most especially since 2010, have heightened tension, disquiet and alienation. I understand all that. What worries me is that there is no apparent sign that Labour do. If they really think that ‘talking tough’ will solve these tensions they are deeply mistaken.

    What austerity? Public expenditure – an all time record. Taxation – the highest in 40 plus years. Money being pissed up a wall by all and sundry. I agree that ‘talking tough’ will not solve the issues unless its backed by real actions but nor will spending money we don’t have on people arriving here illegally by boat.

    Fourth, whilst tiny minorities are involved in these activities, those fuelling their anger are powerful. Years of anti-immigrant lies by the Mail and Express helped create the sentiments that have fuelled what has happened. Similarly, far-right politicians in the Tories and Reform have done the same thing. They need to be held accountable.

    ‘While tiny minorities support unlimited immigration, a policy for which they have no electoral mandate, the forces fuelling this movement are powerful. Years of propaganda painting any concerns about movement of people and integration as ‘racist’ have helped create the feelings of powerlessness that have caused what has happened. Similarly, Far left politicians in the Greens, SNP, Libdems, Labour and especially the Muslim block, and their allies in academia have promulgated the myth of ‘institutional racism’. They need to be held accountable.’

    Fixed that for you.

    But, fifth, beyond these there must be ultra-far-right-groups who must be behind this. What are their goals? I think it safe to assume it is the destruction of the state as we know it. But when this appears to be an open objective of leading politicians in the US the likelihood that there are those of like mind here has to be high. The stakes are very high.

    A state that utterly ignores their concerns and openly flaunts the fact that if they do object they can expect to be imprisoned regardless of how they express that opinion is viewed as ‘illegitimate’ – how surprising!

    I didn’t think it was possible for him to more comprehensively reveal his evil but he has managed it. He is a horrific human being bereft of any redeeming features whatsoever.

  13. Bloke in North Dorset


    It doesn’t automatically follow that being anti-immigration implies being politically far-right

    As far as I can tell the only difference between Germany’s darling of the left Sahra Wagenknecht’s eponymous BSW party and the AfD on immigration is that the BSK hasn’t called for repatriation of those with German passports.

  14. @Burnside Not Tosh


    Were you radicalised by Nigel Farage? Incapable of seeing with your own eyes the deterioration in your own living standards while watching the red carpet rolled out with your tax money for free-loading grifters illegally entering the country intent on our benefits and your daughters; you were perhaps incited by Nigel Farage having a shower on I’m a Celebrity and dazzled by his extraordinary array of mustard corduroy and you woke up one day and found yourself goosestepping to work and jumping on police car bonnets while singing the Horst Wessel song.

    We need to urgently regulate Nigel Farage to avoid further disarray caused by him pointing out what many choose not to see with their own eyes.

  15. the BSK hasn’t called for repatriation of those with German passports

    Is that “far right*? Pakistan has successfully deported nearly a million Afghans this year. Nobody’s accusing Pakistan of being a “far right” pariah state.

    Deportation of unsuccessful/unwanted or just plain unpleasant migrants isn’t far right, it’s common sense. British passports aren’t an inalienable right granted by God, they’re just bits of paper issued by civil servants, that can be cancelled at any time.

  16. Austerity seems to be like “far right” or “neo-liberalism”, i.e. one of those words that can mean whatever the leftist pronouncing it wants it to mean without ever having to provide a consistent definition.

  17. Does this fool have any influence with the present band of idiots allegedly in charge? I hope not, as they seem to be capable of fucking things up without his stupidity making it worse.
    Give a moron a voice (or a web site in this case) and many ignorant fools will swallow the inane utterances from it. This Murphy is a danger to sane discussion – he would have been well received in 1930s Germany. Evil and almost totally wrong about everything.

  18. At this point, I’m not sure if the debt for the UK after the end of WW2 was larger or smaller than the one now, as a percentage of GDP.

    Apparently debt reached 252% of GDP in 1946, not sure if the formation of the NHS the same year factored into that number. No wonder postwar governments were hastily exiting the Empire business, we couldn’t bloody afford it even if we wanted to defy the Americans, which we didn’t. Not with the welfare state to pay for.

    However, in 1946 we also had many advantages and reasons to be cheerful about the debt: healthy demographics, with a much younger and growing British population, an industrial base that could make anything you wanted, from a nail to a jet aeroplane, an excellent education system, relatively few regulations, plenty of cheap energy, Christianity to keep louche types such as BiS away from your daughters…

    In just over a decade, we designed and built our own atomic power stations and hydrogen bombs. Postwar Blighty was a society that was going places. Even if they got there in embarrassingly financially constrained circumstances, compared with the bloody Yanks.

    Somewhere along the way, They lost the plot.

  19. I mean, which sounds better: 252% debt, with a hugely productive young population of builders and doers, or 91.3% debt with a chronically ageing population that has just been lumped with tens of millions of Uber drivers, toilet cleaners, mysterious Turkish Barbershops that don’t exist to make a profit, and other people who – candidly – will never work because their job is to have loads of children who will be taught that you’re an infidel?

    Obviously it’s the latter, because Diversity is Our Greatest Strength.

  20. John: “O/T but just when you think you’ve reached peak “Bbc bare-faced lying…”

    Add to that ‘lying by omission’, as the incident didn’t make the 6:00 BBC news, no, not even the local news.

    I guess it’s the unique way it’s funded.

  21. “In just over a decade, we designed and built our own atomic power stations and hydrogen bombs. ”

    It often amazes me how much stuff our forefathers got done in those days. Look at what they did just in the 1939-45 period, how much material was made (and destroyed), research done, new weapons developed, massive construction projects done in a flash that would make the builders of HS2 weep. The entire Mulberry Harbour project was built and installed in less than a year, with perhaps 2 years of design and experimentation work prior to that. And all done while fighting a war from Tobruk to Kohima to Murmansk and all points in between.

    I would hazard a guess that in 2024 the UK contains no more than 10m people who are actually involved in productive work. The rest are either not working at all, working in name only, or involved in ‘work’ that has no productive point, or indeed is actively working against a productive outcome. Its no wonder getting anything done takes forever and costs a Kings ransom.

  22. Bloke in North Dorset


    Lots of “productive” work going on in this country, its mostly valueless but you can’t say they aren’t producing anything:

    To re-open 3 miles of track to Portishead, the local council had to complete a 79,187 page long planning application. If printed out, that’s 14.6 miles of paper (4 1/2 times the line itself!). Then they had to wait 3 years for approval.

    Yet now this project may be scrapped.


    Within the nearly 80,000 pages, 17,912 are devoted to the environmental statement. That’s 3.3 miles of paper trying to determine if rail transport is good for the environment.

    1,174 for bat technical appendices, 215 for newts, 1,810 for vegetation management.

    The project has a Benefit to Cost Ratio of 4.85 making it a no-brained, yet it could be lost because of an unwillingness to invest in capital expenditure. [we might argue that number, but take it at face value]

  23. I think you just proved Jim’s point for him:

    The rest are … actively working against a productive outcome. Its no wonder getting anything done takes forever and costs a Kings ransom.

  24. @Jim

    There’s also a fair bit of anti-anti-productive work going on. You can guess how I know. The kind of work that improves the situation, but only because someone anti-productive (e.g. HR, public sector etc) has made a mess in the first place.

    Firing the anti-productive folks would free up the anti-anti- folks to do something truly productive.

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