We need to tell the truth about what motherhood does to women
After she had her first child, Zoe Blaskey felt broken. Her podcast about the physical and mental impact became a huge hit. Helen Rumbelow meets her
Talkin’ to your Mum is how the species has long done it…..that the answer is often “Yes, it does, doesn’t it, Dear” might not be wholly analytical but there we are.
The truth about what motherhood does to mentally well, normal women is that it makes their lives complete, because that is what they were designed, by God or nature, to be.
Mentally ill, bitter, miseducated women, less so.
I know a few women. Those who have had children seem much happier than those who haven’t.
Perhaps my experience is unusual.
The problem isn’t what motherhood does to women, even when it’s not positive, the problem is this new wave of people who Know Better than their ignorant, unsophisticated ancestors.
Reality gives them a great whack around the face, and it’s all blubbing into their prosecco.
Babies are expensive, difficult to cope with and the crying can drive you mad*, but …. you chose it, and you’ll be very happy you did, so keep going.
*The most comforting observation I heard was from my father-in-law, rather than the m-in-law. On the bouts of unending crying that can happen; “it’s a wonder any children make it to three really”.
My dad came out with a good summary of the difference between your first and subsequent children – for the first “if it was crying it was probably dying and if it was quiet it was probably dead”… For the second and subsequent “they cry, get over it!”.
Crikey – another trans story!
I liked this one:
“The immediate cause of the obesity epidemic is feminism”:
@Jack C
“Babies are expensive”
Dunno about that. We got all of ours for free.
First one came when the two of us were living on one income which was less than or around minimum wage. A genuinely delightful time, where we had everything we needed.
You can spend a lot, but you don’t have to.
Jack – On the bouts of unending crying that can happen
I’ve mostly gotten over those, tbf.
I don’t think you’ll get much sympathy under ‘The Muslim Vote’s regime. Which, largely due to the collapse in the birth rate caused in no small part by feminism is looking like a fait accompli. So cry me a river .
Well, there are certain physical issues that pregnancy and/or delivery can cause and they really are not very inviting at all and can last for the rest of one’s life.
Back in the day, there was no choice, now there is.
There was always a choice: “Take one aspirin and grip firmly between the knees.”