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So, the official story then

Nesrine’s not going to stray far from that wokester accept line now, is she?

But it will not be that. Because that minority reflects, and draws on, decades of racism, Islamophobia and anti-immigration rhetoric and policy broadcast by parts of the rightwing media, the Conservative party and the Labour party itself. Those years will not be swept aside by a policing crackdown. And their legacy will not, more importantly, be dismantled without its narratives being taken on and confronted.

Everything’s about the lies people are telling. Nothing is about the underlying at all. The largest – in total numbers – immigration in the history of the isles has and should have passed off without a murmur. It’s only people telling lies about it that caused violence.

Well, guess it’s possible. But I also think it’s an interesting guide to how censorship[ is going to work if they ever get those full powers they’re seeking.

57 thoughts on “So, the official story then”

  1. ’…Starmer could, on the back of a large majority and fresh in government, mount a campaign against the notions that precipitated this month’s events.’

    Even the Starmbanfuhrer isn’t stupid enough to take her advice. A lawyer should know when it’s advantageous to stay silent, after all.

  2. Given the overcrowding of Britain’s prisons, perhaps it’s time to dust down the Rwanda scheme in order to export the racist and islamophobic elements in our midst.

  3. When I was born the population of London was 8.6 million. There were 160,000 non whites.

    The population of London is now 9.6 million. The number of non whites is 6.1 million.

    The number of foreign born people living in London is 3.8 million.

    I really don’t know where ‘The Far Right’™ get this idea that there are too many migrants in the UK…………

  4. No update of info on ‘good Christian family’ Axel Muganwa Rudakubana since 2 August.
    I guess the police have found no motivation for the violenk knife attack yet. Too busy arresting far right rioters.

  5. Everything’s about the lies people are telling.

    Well, that is true up to a point. But it’s the cunts like Malik who are lying and who have been lying consistently for the past 30 years. They blather about ‘narratives’ because the facts undermine all their claims.

  6. Nesrine’s won lots of awards hasn’t she? None for quality, insight or accuracy. But she is very diverse! And possibly the only writer in mainstream media who can be so blatantly and fearlessly racist. But I suppose they don’t give out awards for that, do they?

  7. An individual cannot be diverse. “Diverse” is a characteristic of a *collection* of items. It quite literally means – “not all the same”. One item, by *definition* *CANNOT* be “not all the same”, a single item, *BY DEFINITION* *IS* all the same.

  8. Swannypol – the media is continuing to use a photograph of the cheeky little scamp and his lightbulb-shaped head taken when he was about 10.

    Apparently he’s a literal “choir boy” as well now. 😀

  9. @ Swannypol
    The police are, one hopes, being very careful not to supply any comments that the defence lawyer could claim have prejudiced the trial through jurors having read them in the newspapers. The lawyers are pretty sure to question any white juror about racial prejudices.

  10. John – The police are, one hopes, being very careful not to supply any comments that the defence lawyer could claim have prejudiced the trial

    Unlike the Home Office and Prime Minister, who have repeatedly described the people arrested recently as “criminals” before any trials took place.

  11. There’s an oft quoted phrase: “We have far more in common that what divides us”. Heard it from a co-Director last week. It sounds wise and clever but genuinely don’t know what she really meant, but was afraid to ask. I do want to quietly enjoy my remaining years up to a point.

  12. Unlike the Home Office and Prime Minister, who have repeatedly described the people arrested recently as “criminals” before any trials took place.

    Speaking of trials, any news on when the Hope Not Hate guy, the Labour ‘throat slitting’ councillor or the Manchester Airport thugs who broke a WPC’s nose are going to be tried? The hypersonic justice system seems to have slowed down in some cases.

    I guess the police have found no motivation for the violenk knife attack yet.

    They’re probably still trying to get him to say it was Tommy Robinson.

  13. But it will not be that. Because that minority reflects, and draws on, decades of racism, Islamophobia and anti-immigration rhetoric and policy broadcast by parts of the rightwing media, the Conservative party and the Labour party itself. Those years will not be swept aside by a policing crackdown. And their legacy will not, more importantly, be dismantled without its narratives being taken on and confronted.

    As opposed to decades of pro immigrant propaganda across the education system, the BBC and the Left wing media? I wonder what could have caused the wholly fictitious term ‘Islamophobia’ to flourish?

    – Sharia Law
    – Proposed Bans on alcohol and Bacon
    – Honour killings
    – Ongoing issues with Islamic terrorism
    – Vast gangs of lunatics going around threatening to exterminate all members of another religion?

    What he should say is that immigration is not “out of control”. That we do, in fact, have control of our borders, and that the vast majority who come to the country are allowed in after meeting an extremely high visa threshold. That we do in fact, invite many of them in, to fill gaps in our health and care sectors, and that those who come as students, or to work in the private sector, pay hefty residence permit fees and pay twice for the NHS, in taxes and in NHS surcharge.

    Is there a single aspect of this paragraph that isn’t either close to an outright lie or so disingenuous that it counts as such? Those coming in on student visas are now bringing their entire family to come over. the people coming over on the boats are not following any ‘visa threshold’ I’m familiar with and most are allowed to stay in only because Ambulance chasing lawyers abusing ‘Human Rights’ Laws extend their deportation so long that they are granted periodic amnesty?

    What he should say is that those who are not allowed or invited in constitute a tiny fraction of overall immigration. That asylum seekers are not merely an administrative processing concern, but a human rights one. That the UK has obligations, and moreover, values and convictions, that necessitate looking fairly and humanely upon the resettlement needs of those fleeing war, persecution and the devastation of their countries. He will not, because, well, it feels like heresy just to have typed the above. The Tory party’s Rwanda scheme, its “stop the boats” sloganeering, Nigel Farage’s jaunts to Kent to witness the “invasion”, and an almost total failure by the media and politicians to humanise asylum seekers, makes pointing out their needs and real numbers forbidden.

    Actually this would be a far more honest position to hold – and indeed is one he (Starmer) is getting close to but he should follow her advice and openly say that your concerns over your children being raped or molested are overriden by the wider concerns over ‘Human Rights’. Indeed where these people are coming from, I’m guessing their needs extend to the freedom to molest children and women and policy needs to reflect that. And given the numbers of people who ‘need’ to come here it’s tough if you object and indeed your objection is evidence of ‘racism’, ‘Islamophobia’ and myriad other thoughtcrimes.

    What he should say is that people have been fed lies. That he is going to finally tell us the truth. That immigration is not responsible for the housing crisis, or for the one in the NHS.

    These immigrants require no housing and no healthcare?

    That asylum seekers being housed in a hotel is not the reason your high street is empty, your industries mothballed, your public spaces scorched, your councils bankrupt, and your community spaces shuttered.

    Richard Murphy had better be careful – his Straw Man manufacturing business has competition.

    That we have laid at the door of immigrants the consequences of an entire economic model that has defunded the state and privileged big businesses and private capital, and concentrated asset accumulation in the south of the country with no foresight or plan.

    ‘Defunded the state’? Where the hell is an all time record level of taxation going?

    That immigration is not the biggest problem we face; that would be the disgrace of inequality and rising child poverty in the sixth wealthiest economy in the world. He will not say any of this, because Labour cannot be seen to threaten higher taxes or higher spending. Better to blame a lack of growth, and then be muzzled by the implicit cosigning of austerity when immigration is blamed for its consequences.

    Labour is going to reduce expenditure and lower taxes? Have I been living in a nightmare ‘alternate reality’ since July and I don’t even know it?

    And yes, that racism is behind many of those concerns, an undeniable fact now that they have been manifested in attacks on Muslims and people of colour. That Islamophobia is a real, powerful threat to social cohesion, one that has passed without condemnation or consequence in the highest offices of the land, and which now must finally be confronted.

    I think the one thing that recent demonstrations make clear is that the UK needs to be ‘free from the River to the sea’ and that most would like to see a lot of Muslims carry out their promises to leave on the next plane for whichever Islamic country will have them. I know I’d have no objection to my taxes being used to facilitate that and I suspect many would agree. Is that ‘Islamophobia’ – to be honest I don’t know – I do know that whenever there’s religious strife in the world, pretty much without exception you can count on one of the two sides being one religion – and it is the self-styled ‘Religion of Peace’.

  14. There’s an oft quoted phrase: “We have far more in common that what divides us”.

    The phrase is correct, but the appropriate response (to a leftie sputtering it) is that we have far more in common with Nazis than what divides us. What we have in common is mundane; that which divides us is essential.

  15. OT & not the Official Story. And sort of connected.
    Couple of days ago I commented about this:
    Prince Harry should apologise for slavery, Colombian townsfolk say
    I have good contacts in Colombia (linked to Venezuela’s opposition) What I’m now getting back on this is what I thought it was. A load of bollox. The Great Prince Harry & Other Royal Tour of Colombia is a self-publicity exercise set up by a certain American shall remain nameless. The questions & people supposedly interviewed are all plants. The entire thing is manufactured & scripted & intended to boost her & denigrate the UK. I also discussed it with a typical Colombia Paisa (comes from Medellin) runs a business here. This part of history means absolutely nothing to her. Although she was taught about the Guerra de la Independencia & the battle of Boyaca in school, because it defines Colombia. Colombians do not require apologies from the British royal family or Brits. Quite the opposite. Says much about this particular viper you’re supposed to be clutching to your bosoms, doesn’t it? Sewing dissent where there was harmony. Why the hell are the Brit media falling for this?

  16. For a moment I thought it was sensible for the government to outlaw arachnophobia. After all, whose afraid of a little spider? Then I thought well you can’t force people not to be scared.
    Then I found this fourteen stone tarantula in my daughter’s bedroom….

  17. PJF – 95% of the base pairs are exactly shared between chimpanzee and human DNA, and yet humans are not proud of their chimpanzee relatives, and rarely invite them to dinner.

    Because the chimps would gouge out your eyeballs and eat your face, and then shit all over your house until the zookeepers arrived to gas them all.

    BiS – Colombia should apologize for Charlie Sheen.

    Marius – Two Tier Kier will get on to that at about the same time he announces the new Foreign Secretary, Lord Lucan.

  18. “If many people in this country are now, in Keir Starmer’s words feeling “targeted because of the colour of your skin, or your faith”, how does such a colossal violation come about, and how will it be addressed?”

    Nesrine, some of us have wondered for some time why nothing much was and is being done to prevent recurrences of Rotherham, Batley and Wakefield, all situations involving white people who are not adherents of the religion of peace (sic). As a result of the inaction some of us want all pyjama wearing cvnts and their families sent back to the countries of their ethnic roots.

  19. Islamophobia means “fear of Islam”.
    Why should that occur in the UK?
    Well, originally (roughly a millennium ago) it started with the slave trade – African Muslim pirates raiding British coastal villages, killing the men and carrying off the women and children to sell as slaves to their co-religionists.
    Manchester Arena? Trivial in comparison the victims are less than 1% of 1% of the number of those killed *or* the number sold as slaves.

  20. phobia /ˈfəʊbɪə/ (noun)
    an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

    Fear of Islam (certain sects thereof, for sure) is perfectly rational.

  21. You think CO should apologise for half of the US’s political/media class & the entirety of Hollywood, Steve?

  22. I see the media in Spain is playing the same game.
    Spain’s far-Right stokes anti-immigration tensions after 11-year-old murdered
    The party in question is Falange, Franco’s old party.
    It seems to me governments & media are playing a very dangerous game. By continually equating people’s understandable & legitimate concerns about high with the “Far Right”. they’re going to end up legitimising the real Far Right. . Do they really want to rehabilitate the Nazi Party? (Yeah, I know.) Because that’s what they’re in danger of doing. People know they’re being lied to now. So why shouldn’t history be lies? Especially in a country like Spain where they know some of their official history now is lies. There were two sides to the Civil War.

  23. @john77
    The police are, one hopes, being very careful not to supply any comments that the defence lawyer could claim have prejudiced the trial through jurors having read them in the newspapers

    This begs the question why he hasn’t already been tried convicted and sent to jail. It’s not as if there is any doubt about his guilt. We do have evidence that the criminal justice system can work remarkedly fast in select circumstances. Odd though that Huw Edwards is not due to be sentenced till September 16th. Perhaps they are hoping the prisons will be full of people convicted of the heinous crime of setting a bin on fire.

  24. @ andyf
    The answer to your question is “lawyers”.
    Speedy justice is much easier if the offender pleads “Guilty”, not at all easy if he/she pleads “Not Guilty on account of …” whereupon the Prosecution not only has to prove guilt but also to disprove the … which is sometimes quite difficult to *disprove* even when it is a bare-faced lie.

  25. not at all easy if he/she pleads “Not Guilty on account of …” whereupon the Prosecution not only has to prove guilt but also to disprove the … which is sometimes quite difficult to *disprove* even when it is a bare-faced lie.

    Curious so many arrested as a result the “riots” pleaded guilty, then. It’s almost as if they hadn’t been appraised of their rights.

  26. @Addolff – “When I was born the population of London was 8.6 million. There were 160,000 non whites…”

    So if the number of non-whites had stayed the same, the population of London today would be 3.66 million. What do you think would have been the consequences of that? And why does the colour of a Londoner’s skin matter?

  27. Curious so many arrested as a result the “riots” pleaded guilty, then. It’s almost as if they hadn’t been appraised of their rights.

    I’ve seen others speculating that those arrested were told: “plead guilty and you’ll get x weeks; go to trial and you’ll be on remand for 2x weeks.”
    Wouldn’t surprise me if they added “and we’ll put you in with the muzzies” too.

  28. the population of London today would be 3.66 million. What do you think would have been the consequences of that?

    It wouldn’t be a foreign shithole?

  29. London is a foreign country now. I’ve been in contact with transport for london about a particular type of railcard that i’m entitled to. This matter started in may and is still ongoing due to tfl losing paperwork/destroying paperwork and allround fucking uselessness. However when i first contacted them in May by phone The asian man on the other end of the phone asked me how i spelt my name – not the tricky surname but my christian name. Most people call me bob so you can guess my actual name. He hadn’t come across my christian name so he didnt know how to spell it. Fucking hell. I tend to avoid visting the 3rd world but it seems intent on visiting me.

  30. Cost – I agree with Kenan Malik:

    Defending working-class interests requires more than simply opposing immigration

    To defend the working class, it’s not enough to oppose immigration, we must actively support remigration.

  31. How far back would you want remigration to go?
    Vikings, Jews, Muslims, gypsies, saxons, angles, celts, Normans, Irish, Americans, Australians, Greeks, Slavs, Romans, French protestants.
    Would you be racist?

  32. Would you be racist?
    Ah, the “R” word pops out again. Funny how only white people can be racist, isn’t it. “Community leaders” being consulted on behalf of the “community” is, however not racist. Oh no. Despite that community being self defined by its race, separately & different from other racial groups living in the area.
    It is time to reclaim the word.
    “You are racist!”
    “Thank you. Indeed I am. I am a member of the white community. You have a problem with that? ”
    How far back would you want remigration to go?”
    How about to a bit of legislation goes back to ’48(?). Created the “Citizen of the UK & Commonwealth” class of citizenship. It always was a ludicrous idea. Labour government, of course. So it would be.

  33. Cost said:
    “How far back would you want remigration to go?
    Vikings, Jews, Muslims, gypsies, saxons, angles, celts, Normans, Irish, Americans, Australians, Greeks, Slavs, Romans, French protestants”

    Most Americans & Australians here are just Brits who left (possibly a few generations ago) and are now coming back.

    “ Vikings, saxons, angles, celts, Normans, … Romans, French protestants”
    – it’s pretty much impossible to tell who is one of those without a blood test (or a lot of historic research for the French Protestants or the more aristocratic Normans), and they don’t have their own “community leaders” or collective demands on the rest of us.
    And that’s sort of the point; they’ve integrated.

  34. Charles @ 7.07, I have experienced first hand the culture and actions of ‘diversity’ in London over my 65 years and learned to be to be wary of certain demographics.

    Most third world countries are tribal, violent, low trust*, misogynistic societies.
    *The most respectful trainee I have ever had (moslem) had no qualms lying to me straight faced when it suited him – Taqqiya.

    And it’s a bit white supremacist to expect them to behave differently when they get here isn’t it?
    Check out the video of Ross Kemp interviewing some diverse types about rape – Quote: “they scream but they like it”, “if she gets pregnant – who is going to look after it”? (that’s a statement from the ‘raper’, not a question from Kemp btw).

    And if Ghandi, Mandela, Mugabe et al, were right to fight white colonialsim, I don’t see a problem with fighting moslem colonialism.

    Cost @ 10.49, just the ropers will do………

  35. And why does the colour of a Londoner’s skin matter?

    It doesn’t, except that it is a signifier of behaviour and culture. London’s problem is that its immigrants overwhelmingly hail from violent third world shitholes and they bring the mores of said shitholes with them. Hence 5 million white Britons fleeing the capital over 50 years and hundreds of stabbings.

    a British person in Spain complaining about immigration

    A spectacularly stupid and dishonest line of argument. No one is arguing for zero immigration and you know it. The objections are to mass immigration which neither society nor infrastructure can cope with due to the numbers involved, and to the immigration of backwards peasants from violent, low trust societies.

  36. @Cost (although that would be too expensive)
    I would be an immigrant anywhere these days. Especially in UK. But I stick to certain rules. I will go wherever they’re pleased to see me & not where they aren’t. I abide by the customs & laws of the country I’m in. I don’t believe I have “rights ” here But I do have obligations. I contribute to this country both in what I do & the money I bring to it. I take nothing from it but the pleasure of living here.

  37. Marius; it is not a stupid and dishonest argument to point out the silly hypocrisy of someone to claim migration is wrong while being a migrant in another country?
    And there are far right wingers who argue for zero immigration. Do not gas light me.

    BIS and Boganboy; The UK is supposed to be a free country People are supposed to be given religious freedom as long as they do not break the law.

  38. @Cost
    You’re treating migration as if all migration is the same. Do the migrants bring talents the accepting country needs? Are they self supporting? Do they have sufficient wealth to support themselves?
    There’s no real reason the UK should have any migrants at all since 1945. The UK has always been self sufficient in labour & capable of educating its people for any labour requirement necessary. You’d have a very hard job proving any immigration has been of benefit to the country. Japan very successfully rebuilt its economy after the war by efforts & is now the third largest economy in the world. UK languishes at number 6.

  39. I’d agree with your arguments about the UK, BiS.

    As for migrants in Oz, young Alice who was doing her first day at nursing when Chris jabbed a needle into my right eye yesterday seems to be an excellent sort of immigrant. She’s a beautiful young lady (important to drooling old drongos like me) and she’s willing to study and learn and to do a job.

    And indeed my neighbours Santo and Katrina are a nice young couple. They come from Kythera I believe.

    My dislike is for stabby barbarians who’ve been trying to conquer us for the last 1400 years, and feel it’s high time they finished the job. As you’ve guessed, I agree with Dutton’s criticism of Albanese granting visas to Gazans. Who their neighbours in the Middle East seem very anxious to keep out.

  40. Thing is, Boganboy, you have to differentiate between individual migrants & migration as a whole. Something the pro-migrants are always reluctant to do. They’ll pick one incontestable benefit to society & use him/her to claim all migrants are equivalent.
    I could do the same about myself. I would think I’m a net benefit to this country because of the considerable amount of money I’ve brought to it & the befits of the economic activities I’ve created. But I very poor opinion of much of the Brit diaspora here. Particularly the extensive Brit dosser community. Like the Spanish, I suspect the economic benefits get hoovered up by a relatively small proportion of Spaniards leaving Jose & Maria with the costs. I can understand the anti tourist feeling up in Barca & on the Balearics. Sure they bring in heaps of tourist money looks good on the Spanish balance sheet. But much of that sticks with the people own the Spanish tourist industry. Although it does produce a lot of low paid jobs. But it also produces astronomic living costs for the majority of Spaniards not in the industry. And they’re effectively barred from the amenities of their own country

  41. Yeah BiS.

    The main grift here is places at the universities. The unis profit and the students apply for a permanent visa after they’ve been here for a while.

    Unfortunately this has led to insufficient housing for the huge and continuing population boost. Obviously I think we need to cut back. And only import tradies for a while, so we can construct the necessary houses.

  42. BIS – Please tell me you are not one of the Costa del Crime people.
    According to the movies lots of British gangsters moved to Spain..

    I do not accept that migration should only be allowed for rich people.
    Often the poor need to migrate more than the rich.
    I think that aome governments want a high population so that the country is more powerful. A less populated UK would have less geo-political power.
    Japan and Russia have declining populations and it makes them weaker.
    Look at all the Irish migration to the UK. Would you have stopped that?

  43. @ Cost
    In one particular instance: “Professor Richard Murphy” who uses his title awarded by the zero-credibility “City University” which is in Islington just outside the City of London to give specious credibility to his nonsensical rants.

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