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Sometimes, you know, sometimes

It’ll actually be the character of the person, not their religion, that matters:

Sadiq Khan has said he is not safe as an openly Muslim politician in the wake of the riots.

The Mayor of London said he had “felt triggered” by the events of the last week and was heartbroken that his children’s generation had felt scared.

19 thoughts on “Sometimes, you know, sometimes”

  1. Khan is so inept, he can’t even play the victim properly.

    As I said in a comment yesterday: the fact that he is of The Faith is probably quite low on the list of why people hate him.

  2. It’s identity politics again. White? You’re privileged even if you are in a deprivation hotspot. Pakistani Muslim? Oppressed even if you’re mayor of London.

    The U.K. has serious problems yet all they can talk about is feelings as if that solved anything.

  3. The Meissen Bison

    Look at the photo in the article and you have to wonder whether vanity makes the stunted and obnoxious Khan opt for a tiny copper for protection. Two tier or Tom Thumb policing?

  4. The little Khant has been demanding vastly expensive round the clock security and a nice shiny limo for every journey since he was elected. This BS is nothing new.

    Meanwhile, when I lived in that London, I saw Boris on the tube on a couple of occasions.

  5. Now maybe he’s feeling a tiny percentage of the fear that little English girls and their families feel in Rotherham, Oldham, Telford, Rochdale, Oxford, Bristol, Burnley…

    What a c*nt.

  6. A truly odious figure and it says much about what has happened to our capital that he has been elected mayor of it three times. As with Warsi and Yousuf – if people put the slightest credence in what they say there’d be hundreds offering to pay their fares.

  7. The last few years have succeeded in turning this old white geezer well and truly racist. The BLM argument, well, you’re white, so you’re obviously racist and the more you deny it the more that proves you are definitely, incorrigibly racist was the one that did it for me. Seeing my country put back several hundred years by group of shameless grifters using the old Blair MO; “if you don’t like me you’re a racist” has enabled some evil people to get an unshakeable grip on this country.
    When snakes like the Kahnt drive round in tanks WE pay for, then charges US for driving cars WE paid for I just want to reacquaint his teeth with the nether regions of his alimentary canal…

  8. “…heartbroken that his children’s generation had felt scared…”

    I’m sure lots of Jewish mothers and fathers feel just the same.

  9. As I said yesterday about Humza:

    Check out ‘taqiyya’ – a term of art from ‘islamic law’ which means that lying is not a sin where muslims do it to further their religious aims.

    I’m obviously not saying that Humza Khan is lying to further the aims of islam – that would be a far right conspiracy theory.

    We’re being played like a set of bongos.

  10. Muslims tend to be thick enough and privileged enough to lack self awareness, so Khan the Khunt and co. have absolutely no idea how badly they are failing to read the room now.

    White people are sick of this shit.

  11. Person in Pictland

    If Mr Useless of Holyrood and Mr Khant of London left the UK then …

    Oh dear, I’ve just woken up.

  12. As Bonaparte said, never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.
    If muslim politicians spreading fear encourage muslims to go back where they came from, good.

  13. Person in Pictland

    Shouldn’t this fascist, anti-immigrant hater be arrested?

    ” … her constituency was like a “tinder box” and voters’ concerns about immigration and lack of control over their lives could “explode” on to the streets if they remain unaddressed.”

    How can someone who thinks like that, and utters such thoughts publicly, be allowed to walk the streets?

    The answer is that the quotation above follows “The Leeds West MP, Rachel Reeves, told a fringe meeting on Tuesday that …”.

    So, you see, two tier policing.

  14. Openly Christian (or Jewish) politicians have been persecuted by the left-wing media for decades. The militant atheist policies of the London Labour Party and ILEA resulted in a queue of Muslim parents applying for places for their children in Church of England schools in Inner London in the 1980s and early-1990s (possibly ever since as well but I have no data on that since I moved out).
    I can believe that Sadiq Khan feels unsafe while Boris (a survivor of the Eton Wall Game) did not. I can also believe that 99% of the rioters are cowards who will also only attack when they vastly outnumber their victims (so Boris could travel by Tube where he was unlikely to be simultaneously attacked by more than two thugs in one crriage unless they have advance notice of his plans and could congregate).
    So: Sadiq, take Amir Khan with you on public transport.

  15. Khan and I went to the same school in Tooting.

    It was a fucking madhouse.
    White kids were in the minority.

    I survived it ( just) and as a result although hardly fearless, I rarely feel unsafe anywhere.

  16. “…heartbroken that his children’s generation had felt scared…” At least his daughters won’t fall prey to a Muslim grooming gang.

  17. If a bunch of white men from “oop north” drove round his neighbourhood waving the flag of St George while using a megaphone to shout out “kill the M******, rape their daughters” and got caught by the police only for the CPS to decide over eighteen months later not to prosecute I’d understand his fears.

  18. @interested

    It’s not “taqiyya”, it’s the ECHR which allows it to be effectively enshrined in law that is the real issue.

    Ditto all the infantilised “woke” lunacy, nut zero and all the rest of the cancers.

    How else does a “climate refugee” gain “rights”, or a disgusting stone age child abuser get a “right to a family life”?

    “Rights” under the ECHR effectively become newspeak. The application of “rights” manifest for all practical purpose as thought crime and – via facial recognition – are well in the way to becoming face crime.

    The difference between now and 1984 is that the proles – the “far right” – are not ignored, but are the target and source if fear and dread for the wannabe (wonderfully diverse) inner party.

    Farage asked why we can’t get rid of it or have a referendum on the issue?

    If you want a reason to vote reform!

    He’s not the first to suggest any of this, but coming from him any talk absolutely terrifies the globo-filth filth and their hard left cowards.

    If there is a snake, it is not an individual or any group, not even the islamofilth. It is the law, and the head would actually be quite easy to take off.

    Without the ECHR how would the “legal-industrial” complex operate.

    Could it operate at all?

  19. Pretty sutre he will have blagged tickets for the family to go see Taylor Swift. I wonder how safe that feels right now and why it might seem risky?

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