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This is not an effective denial

The allegation that there has been two tier policing in the UK is false.

The claim is based on the suggestion that the police, politics and media have been soft on Black Lives Matter and Gaza protests but tough on the far-right.

First, I do not agree with the suggestions about BLM and Gaza protests. Many politicians have called the latter hate marches, when they oppose a well documented and now legally described genocide.

BLM marches opposed police violence against people of colour. We have institutionally racist police forces in the UK: official reports say so. Profoundly unwise politicians seem to want to deny this.

The police are also I misogynist, and we saw the heavy handed policing of those pointing that out too. There has been political and too much media denial on this too.

So, all these protests were about:

– Upholding human rights
– Respecting the dignity of all people
– Rejecting violence
– Maintaining the rule of law

In contrast, far-right rioting has been tackled by the police as criminality intent on causing harm to particular people, promoting racism and damaging property.

It’s actually an affirmation of the claim. Along with the explanation that since Spud approves of one set and not of the other then that’s alright then.

40 thoughts on “This is not an effective denial”

  1. BLM marches opposed police violence against people of colour. We have institutionally racist police forces in the UK

    Ooga booga, innit?

    Ooga fucking booga.

  2. Anyone remember the August 6-11th 2011 riots? Arson, looting, 5 dead, 3000 arrested and £200 million damage.

  3. – Upholding human rights
    – Respecting the dignity of all people
    – Rejecting violence
    – Maintaining the rule of law

    Since “rights” are only a legal concept, we can treat the first & last as one. Law is arbitrary construct, mostly to ensure that those who hold the power in a society continue to hold that power. True law also regulates the interaction of individuals within a community to mutual benefit but that will always be subservient to preserving the power of the State. Repeatedly demonstrated.
    Rejecting violence – Since the State reserves violence as the ultimate sanction in enforcing its laws, as it’s been demonstrating on the streets of the UK past few days, you have a problem there old son.
    Nobody reserves respect. They might earn it.

    Like most lefty principles, logically bollox.

  4. “The allegation that there has been two tier policing in the UK is false.” Is itself a false statement, so is yet another example of the consistent lying by the utterly repellent Murphy.

    Murphy lives in tranquil and leafy Ely, not in rapey Rotherham or Charlie Hebdo Batley or Sharia law Wakefield.

  5. “The allegation that there has been two tier policing in the UK is false.”

    The futile scramble to rally round and protect the narrative from intrusions of reality. There was a time when people with an audience of any size were treated as experts, people who could be relied upon, who had expertise, and whose pronouncements settled disputes. Newspapers, the BBC, and other news outlets; the PM, Archbish of Canterbury, top scientists, and the like.

    The trouble is that many people on the internet think they can still do this. They are indulging the delusion that other people will defer to them. Unfortunately, the internet never forgets, everybody carries a video camera in their back pocket, and blokes posting from their spare bedroom are patently better informed and more intelligent than many well-paid journalists and academics.

    There’s no need to argue about two-tier policing. We can fucking see it, day after day, many different instances, often with choice details picked out by informed commentators.

  6. I see “Sir” Mark Rowley has apologised for throwing a reporters microphone to the ground, claiming it was in his way! Didn’t appear to be in the video I watched…

  7. So, all these protests were about:

    – Upholding human rights
    – Respecting the dignity of all people
    – Rejecting violence
    – Maintaining the rule of law

    1 – but not the rights of those who didn’t want to bow to Marxists or get offed by Islamists
    2- That must be why saying ‘all lives matter’ was a stoning offence
    3- Apart from multiple murders, billions in fire damage and ongoing demands for the genocide of Jews
    4-Er… see above maybe…?

    What a cock.

    @Simon Neale – spot on

  8. It’s not just two-tier policing we get, it’s two-tier kneeling. Has Mr Smarmer knelt for the wee lassies in Southport?

  9. I was never fully on board with Van Patten’s insistence that the potato was irredeemably evil. I aways thought of him of someone whose intellect had stopped developing after reaching puberty. His “arguments” seemed based on the logic of a hormonal teenager trying to persuade it’s parents, that their music tastes were superior to everyone elses and that you must listen to this album from X, and then complaining that when they found the music fucking awful, that they were too thick to understand this album. However with his series of posts lately I now need to aplogise to Van Patten – he is Evil. Thank God his personality is so vile that he never achieved vermin, otherwise i suspect his odious boasting would make grown men vomit

  10. The allegation that there has been two tier policing in the UK is false.

    Given Murphy’s relationship with ‘the truth’ we can assume that it’s taken as given there’s been two tier policing. who you gonna believe? Britain’s most consistently inaccurate and deranged blogger or your own lying eyes?

    The claim is based on the suggestion that the police, politics and media have been soft on Black Lives Matter and Gaza protests but tough on the far-right.

    You may argue the police behaviour was justified but in terms of their approach to the three spates of disturbance. For BLM taking the knee, for Hamas arresting Jews in the vicinity while for ‘Far Right’ protests are met by full riot squads could be seen as being softer on one than the other.

    First, I do not agree with the suggestions about BLM and Gaza protests. Many politicians have called the latter hate marches, when they oppose a well documented and now legally described genocide.

    Of course you don’t agree but there have been widely documented cases of harassment of Jewish bystanders and damage to property. The designation of ‘genocide’ is profoundly offensive and an insult to an entire religion which has suffered actual attempts at genocide in the past. They are certainly, by any rational definition hate marches.

    BLM marches opposed police violence against people of colour. We have institutionally racist police forces in the UK: official reports say so. Profoundly unwise politicians seem to want to deny this.

    Official reports also suggest that MMT is nonsense and money can’t be created out of thin air – but of course we don’t take everything ‘official’ at face value now do we?

    The police are also I misogynist, and we saw the heavy handed policing of those pointing that out too. There has been political and too much media denial on this too.

    I think the Muslim block whom you seem to be courting with this shtick might be slightly more misogynist than the police….

    So, all these protests were about:

    – Upholding human rights
    – Respecting the dignity of all people
    – Rejecting violence
    – Maintaining the rule of law

    By destroying property and threatening people based on their race or religion these rioters were ‘upholding ‘human rights’ and ‘respecting the dignity of all people’

    In contrast, far-right rioting has been tackled by the police as criminality intent on causing harm to particular people, promoting racism and damaging property.

    As suggested ‘Two tier policing’ based on an extreme Left governmental classification of what constitutes the greater threat. ‘Racism’ towards foreigners rather than attacking white people and Jews.

  11. Bloke in North Dorset

    OT but seems the right place to ask this questions.

    Has anyone claimed that the GB ladies sprint cycling team are horribly white yet? The BBC fawning on them was quite remarkable given those circumstances.

    PS And well done to them, breaking the WR twice was some accomplishment, even if the technology keeps improving.

  12. Moqifen

    Anyone who can get barred from an entire town’s pubs is either uncontrollably violent or someone who is seriously obnoxious – and Murphy falls into the latter category I think more than the former!

    But I have never seen anyone who is so utterly convinced of his own righteousness and the evil of his opponents. The Post ‘ Do we have politicians brave enough to tackle the real causes of stress in our society?’ is a case in point (and apologies to those who don’t come here for this guy’s pronouncements and thanks to our host for his indulging me)

    When trying to appraise any situation the question that has always to be asked is cui bono, or who benefits? That clearly coordinated rioting is taking place in the UK obviously justifies this question being asked.

    I accept that there is such a thing as coincidence in life. I also believe that when something is happening that suggests that a pattern of behaviour is being revealed then to presume that this is coincidence is mistaken. Coordination is much more likely.

    This reads rather like an undergraduate essay and in some ways, he is the ‘eternal undergraduate’ – thinking that his views are radical when for someone now of pensionable age they evoke memories of Citizen Smith.

    That is most especially the case when we are aware that there has been massive misinformation with regard to migration published by the UK news media over many years. The Daily Mail and the Daily Express have been particularly responsible for this, although throughout the media over the last few days the widespread acceptance by employed commentators that migration is a problem and that there is, apparently, a legitimate right to complain about those who can be identified as migrants has been far too commonplace to be comfortable. That at last some of the media have a stake in the creation of the current situation appears undeniable as a result.

    Get a quick kick in at the tabloids – vegan tofu and non alcoholic spirits to those who disdain such publications. Apparently any criticism of migration and any restriction on the rights of people to travel and indeed settle freely is outright wrong and should be classed (by the state I presume) as ‘misinformation’

    The Conservative Party and Reform have also heavily promoted an anti-immigrant agenda, whilst Labour has been far too weak to resist it. As a consequence, we now see them, too, supporting the idea that the free movement of people is, somehow, a threat to our freedom, and that migration must be controlled, come what may, even though the whole bedrock of the UK has been built on the basis of migration actually happening, and we once invaded and occupied other countries without ever asking permission, which it seems those in power would very much like to forget.

    So apparently those current UK citizens are required to answer for the ‘crimes’ of Cecil Rhodes and Clive of India? and I see no evidence that those in power have ‘forgotten’ about the Empire. Every institution in the country is engaged in a process of decolonization and the public sector loses no opportunity to teach the unique wickedness of British history across every department. However in his fevered imagination he is some kind of Fens based Don Quixote, fearlessly confronting the fascist hordes.

    Who else has gained from creating stress leading to the current situation? Some social media companies would definitely appear to have done so.

    What is it, therefore, that those who have promoted these ideas seek to gain by doing so?

    Maybe if someone took to blocking the accounts of such people it considered to be ‘racist’ – perhaps someone who has blocked more than 25,000 people on Twitter things might be different?

    Firstly, I think we can safely say it is none of those things that those who are on the streets claim to be worried about. When they are denying that they are racist, those rioting about migration suggest that they are worried about pressure on wages, increased use of public resources and pressure on housing as excuses for their actions. I frankly doubt that any of those entities that I have noted above care very much about these supposed concerns of those who might claim that they are legitimately protesting. None of them seems intent on solving the problems of low pay, poor public services or housing shortages, so the possibility that they might be exploiting the issue of migration for their own goals has to considered.

    So there we have it – the solution to low pay, poor public service and housing shortages is to import more people.

    Saying so, we know that the Mail, Express, Tories and Reform all share a mythology based on the idea that there was once an ideal Britain when misogyny and the Empire ruled. They use this wholly false idea as an excuse for the re-establishment of patriarchal power by a wealthy elite. I think Labour is not far from this view now, such is its dedication to the symbolism surrounding these ideas.

    It does, therefore, follow that those promoting anti-immigrant sentiment are doing so to fuel their own deeply divisive political agendas. They have a very real responsibility for what is happening as a result, most especially as they are in many ways responsible for exacerbating the real inequalities in our society that feed into the tension that has led to rioting.

    His embrace of the ‘feminist’ angle sits uneasily with his embrace of the ‘Muslim block’ as a means to secure his financial situation.

    Then there is a second reason for what has happened, and that is a profit motive. For some in the media, whether mainstream or social, fuelling anger on migration – and so racial hatred – has been a way of promoting sales of their products. There would not have been nearly so many front covers of the Mail and Express on this issue if that was not the case. Social media has won traffic, too, as a result: that is why it is not dealing with the issue.

    Third, behind all this there are the tech billionaires and others of exceptional wealth who do not believe in democracy, would rather see it gone, and who are happy that it be stressed to its limits by what is happening. Did Elon Musk really suggest civil war was likely in the UK in a disinterested way? I don’t know because I cannot know his mind. But if your desire is to undermine the state and social structures as we know them, then the creation of social stress most certainly helps.

    I am guessing a lot of the people involved were probably blood drinking lizards as well.

    Put together, there appears to be a remarkable lack of coincidence about what is happening. All it took was a trigger – which in this case was manufactured using misinformation – and a hot few days, and the stress spilt over.

    Of course, this stress might go away. A few days of rain and trouble on the streets will fade. But the tensions will not.

    Companies with interests in fuelling tension that promote sales of their products; politicians who are indifferent to the needs of most people they are meant to serve and the conditions they are forced to live in; and those with wealth intent on bringing down democracy are not going away, and they all carry a big portion of the blame for what is happening, without in any way condoning the actions of those who are rioting, which are vile.

    People promoting unlimited migration, untrammeled government expenditure and the idea that the UK is beset by myriad ‘isms’ bear no responsibility whatsoever for the current situation.

    There could be change.

    Papers could be charged with fuelling racist tension.

    Social media could be better regulated.

    The ability of those with wealth to influence politics could be constrained.

    Politicians could make addressing inequality and poverty their priority.

    All of those things are possible.

    Then, the cause for what is happening might begin to dissipate.

    But until we take seriously the fact that millions of people live lives of unacceptable poverty in the UK anger will remain, and those intent on using that anger for their own ends will continue to exist.

    My concern is that all I am hearing from politicians is discussion on criminality. That is the symptom, and not the cause of what is happening. It has got to be addressed, but matters should not stop there. The real causes of what is happening – including the Islamophobia deeply embedded in UK politics, as Baroness Farsi has so often, and bravely said – have to be addressed. Until it is, we will live in a society ill at ease with itself at cost to us all.

    I can agree there could be change – not least in ensuring any funding and any taxpayers money that is going to this absolutely appalling individual is stopped at source, and that legal actions against him for slander and libel are pursued aggressively until he is forced into abject penury.

    Unfortunately, I am reminded of some verses from the Book of Matthew:

    ‘Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
    Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
    Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
    A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
    Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
    Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.’

    There can be few prophets more false, nor trees more corrupt than Murphy. He is utterly bereft of any redeeming qualities – pure evil.

  13. First, I do not agree with the suggestions about BLM and Gaza protests. Many politicians have called the latter hate marches, when they oppose a well documented and now legally described genocide.

    It’s “genocide” when Israelis settle on land previously occupied by Muslims, but it’s “our greatest strength” when Muslims and Africans settle on land previously occupied by the English.

  14. Paul Joseph Watson has a video containing two clips of Sturmer side by side – one after the BLM riots and a more recent one:

    Nothing ‘two tier’ at all, no, no, no.

    An interesting video throughout *(apart from the ‘and now a word from our sponsor’ bit) but the relevant clip with Sir Kneel is at 5.59.

  15. @ Steve
    What was it when Stalin seized eastern Poland and replaced its inhabitants with Russians and moved Poles into East Prussia?
    Oh, it’s different when the “Socialist” does that, is it?

  16. Yet again, one of the establishment (and yes, Spud is on the fringes of it) condemns himself by his own words. We know they think there isn’t a problem. And that’s the problem. As Robin Aitken said in his book about BBC bias, “They really believe they’re being impartial”.

    Andyf: The 2020 riots – during supposed “social distancing” and “lockdown” – resulted in the deaths of 25 people. Starmer had himself photographed symbolically kneeling before those responsible. But don’t you dare say he has double standards.

    Simon Neale: Spot-on. That’s why the internet terrifies them.

  17. Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo

    Two tier “protesting”, white spanish migrant kills a black british boy and none of these knuckle draggers “protest” about immigrants. Got to tip my hat to whitey always find someway to monetise stupidity.

  18. Exactly the same affirmation was given on GB News in response to Matt Goodwin pointing out the obvious and observable disparity. James Schneider gave us exactly the same equivocation to a direct question. He was talking bullshit, too.

    There is two tier policing in this country and our political establishment is institutionally racist – against the white working classes. Who am I to believe? Establishment shills such as Cur Kier Stalin, Spudulike and Schneider or my own lying eyes?

  19. James Schneider gave us exactly the same equivocation to a direct question.

    Neo: “What are you trying to tell me, that I can check the ‘Early Life’ section on their Wikipedia page?”

    Morpheus: “No, Neo. I’m trying to tell you that, when you’re ready… you won’t have to.”

  20. 11 not guilty pleas entered at Teesside Magistrates this morning. 28 arrested in total, 2 have admitted guilt or guilt to at least one charge. I presume the rest enter their pleas later. I don’t know if these ratios are typical of earlier riotous periods.

  21. Person in Pictland

    “Two-tier” is a brilliant formulation. Which paper will be the first to refer to two-tier Kier?

    (Answer: none of the bastards.)

  22. Imagine if a couple of white men started punching police officers at a major airport and broke a policewoman’s nose.

    Would they still be walking the streets uncharged over two weeks later?

  23. Anyone remember the August 6-11th 2011 riots? Arson, looting, 5 dead, 3000 arrested and £200 million damage.
    According to the new convention as laid down by Starmer’s government, the BBC & craven media, the 2011 Tottenham riots were far-right riots. As were the previous Tottenham riots in the 80s’, the Poll Tax riots & the Brixton riots, the Notting Hill riots & no doubt Cable Street. For no proof is needed that the rioters are right wing. That can be assumed from them rioting.

  24. So you’d better take down those memorials & cancel the festival Tolpuddle , you fascist scum.

  25. Anybody seen this?

    The government earlier said it would make more than 500 new prison places available to ensure those taking part in the violence could be jailed.

    Justice Minister Heidi Alexander said 567 additional prison places would soon be available, including extra cells at HMP Stocken, Rutland, and places at Cookham Wood Young Offender Institution in Kent for adult prisoners.

    But we don’t have any “additional” prison cells. The only way to make them available soon is to release incarcerated criminals.

    How many rapists and child molesters does Two Tier Kier plan to release from jail so he can imprison Englishmen?

  26. @ Steve
    You haven’t read enough Harry Potter – Sir Keir has asked the Minister fpr Magic who will create 300 new prison cells while the Governor of HMP Stocken is asleep. That will solve the problem that the Tories left the prison system near to bursting point as Ms Cooper (aka Mrs Balls) told us last week.

  27. It’s “genocide” when Israelis settle on land previously occupied by Muslims, but it’s “our greatest strength” when Muslims and Africans settle on land previously occupied by the English.

    Spot on, although I could quibble that there were Israelis (or Israelites) settled on that land long before there were any Muslims occupying any land at all on the planet. There was also some flap with the Romans and the Israelis over that same land, also long before Muhammed (PBUH) was even born, let alone started his religion.

    But as history shows, it’s not so good for the home group when the invaders take over.

  28. I found this interesting:
    Stephen Parkinson, the Director of Public Prosecutions, said “We are willing to look at terrorism offences. I’m aware of at least one instance where that is happening.

    “Where you have organised groups planning activity for the purposes of advancing an ideology… planning really, really serious disruption – then yes, we will consider terrorism offences.”

    Good luck to him, there. A terrorism charge has to be a full jury trial because no one in their right mind is going to make a guilty plea to that one. And then he’d have to prove all those assertions to a jury’s satisfaction. So you’re talking lengthy trials with a high chance of acquittal. Even if they have evidence.
    Maybe they’d be stupid enough to try it.

  29. Wrt TTK

    A white triangle (pointy white hat) – square glasses – and a comment about not tolerating the far right….

    One for Bob?

  30. “Where you have organised groups planning activity for the purposes of advancing an ideology… planning really, really serious disruption – then yes, we will consider terrorism offences.”

    So that covers Just Stop Oil and if memory serves the statute topplers wasn’t a spontaneous act they came with equipment

    Had one locally is a newish cable car where the cable was cut on two different occasions, you need some specialist equipment and the skills to climb and use it to achieve that, also significant repair costs and lost revenue from downtime etc . No group ever took responsibility for it either and authorities said they had no clue

  31. Moqifen – well, it beggars belief (or should) that many of the OG Rotherham grooming gang pimps are already out of prison. British justice, in the Gandhian sense.

    BiS – they absolutely will continue to escalate (against their own people! as our gov would solemndignantly declare if this were happening in Russia). The pink, runnely wattle of the collective British ruling class is quivering in fear and outrage. This is a peasants’ revolt, and we know what they do to unruly peasants.

    Suddenly, all those heartbleeding liberals who were trying to convince you Shamima Begum is a poor misunderstood adventure tourist are gnashing and spitting and telling working class white people their mothers are performing fellatio in the Bad Fire. Good times.

    john77 – Two Tier Kier is a crap magician, and looks like a Viz character. Unlike that Harry Potter lad, who defeated that nose guy and saved the school from having to accept kids from the local comp, Stabbington High.

    Lab Rat – I’m sure that’s one of the reasons for all the begats being chronicled in the Old Testament. There was a lot of begetting going on, but tbf around 700 BC on the Med, what were your other options for entertainment?

  32. the end result of all the potatoes ceaseless incoherent babbling is that it’s shown him up to be the establishment shill that he is. He thinks he’s an iconoclastic thinker but he’s just the establishments bitch.

  33. It’s amazing how quickly lefties will convert from “It’s not his fault, it’s his upbringing and anyway prison will only make it worse” to full-blown hang ’em and flog ’em, when the magic words “far right” are uttered.

  34. Politicians could make addressing inequality and poverty their priority.

    Addressing poverty is a good goal. Reducing inequality, though a pillar of lefty policy is largely irrelevant. Even worse it could make us poorer. Equal poverty is not a good goal even if people don’t realise they are poor.

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