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Numbers still have to pass the taste test

The Census reported there were 262,000 trans people, equivalent to 0.5 per cent of the population, or one in 200 people. It was the first time the survey had asked whether people identified as a gender that was different from their registered birth sex.

People whose first language was not English were four times more likely to say they were trans than those with English as their main language.

It led to anomalies such as a greater proportion of people in the London boroughs of Newham and Brent declaring themselves trans than that in places such as Brighton.

No, that doesn’t pass that simple test, does it?

17 thoughts on “Numbers still have to pass the taste test”

  1. Yet still nothing is being done to recognise let alone help Attack Helicopters (self-identified on the census form so it must be true innit?).

  2. Concrete numbers says there’s 0.5% of you. Those concrete numbers have been demonstrated to be an overcount. You are a vanishingly tiny minority of a vanishingly tiny minority. SO SHUT THE ***** UP!!!!!

  3. Bloke in North Dorset

    Isn’t safer in some religions to say you’re trans rather than gay?

    Also, what do the incentives look like to say your guy in the likes of Newham or Brent?

  4. It was very significantly higher than expected in the recent immigrant population. Where it is still not culturally acceptable so even if was true, would not be admitted on a govt form.
    Easy conclusion is either the question was confusing (it was) or people thought there could be some money in claiming it.

  5. Why do they even need to collect this information? Why do we or the government need to know about how people see themselves? What’s next – checking whether we self-identify as nice people, or being night owls?

  6. The shitheads are proposing this sort of question on the Aussie census form.

    Since I’m sure the Muzzies would find the suggestion insulting, I assume answering it’ll be optional.

    I’ll be interested to see if my assumption is correct!!

  7. Until about the last 10 years or so, the accepted # of trannies was 0.01% (1 in 10k). About 70% were male and about 70% “outgrew it” over time.

    There has been an explosion in recent years, especially among teenage & adolescent girls, widely believed to be a social contagion.

    Also, I think there is a deliberate blurring of the lines between those who are mentally ill – “never mind my chromosomes & genitalia, I am a woman (or man)” and those who express some version of “I was born in the wrong body” or “I feel that my soul or brain or psyche is female (or male)”.

    There’s definitely a push to make the # much higher than it used to be or (presumably) really is. I suppose those pushing this believe that a larger proportion of trannies in the population changes the political or social situation (I’m not sure why, but that appears to be the case).

  8. Funny how they can’t tell us how many immigrants are involved in violent crime, or get social housing, live on benefits or any other thing which might show them in a poor light.

  9. «News item today that 1 in 5,600 Germans want to register as trans.»

    This equates to 5,598 of them wanting to register as being more interesting than in fact they are.

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