The analysis, for the European Trade Union Institute, shows that, contrary to what the far right has us believe – and what is increasingly received wisdom – its voting patterns on proposed EU directives do not indicate a pro-worker stance on socioeconomic issues, let alone a leftwing one. Quite the contrary: on virtually all eight issues we examined, the far – right’s voting behaviour suggests a stance that is indifferent, if not outright hostile, to workers’ rights. One striking example is the clear rejection of pay transparency and an opposition to an EU directive on adequate minimum wages, mainly among members of the ID group.
We are lefties. We define what is a pro-working laddie policy. People not on our lefty side do not vote as we think they should on economic policy. Therefore those not on our lefty side are not on the side of the working class.
That, you know, lefty economic policy might be shit for the working class doesn’t get a look in here.
You reckon those did the analysis for the European Trade Union Institute are workers? Seems highly unlikely. You’re looking at an interest group seeking to maximise their personal advantages. Shouldn’t think they let an actual worker near the doors of the ETUI.
Hmm, “far right” and “leftwing” – perhaps our humble narrator isn’t quite evenhanded?
Also note that we’re discussing “adequate” minimum wages. Not “artificially imposed” mind you, or “top-down”, “Soviet style”, etc., they’re clearly “adequate”.
“Science has PROVED the far right is bad!” – a fat nonce.
I presume people have seen this but if not – the FT has dug into Gary Stevenson’s claims about his success at Citi (including talking on the record with former colleagues) and calls bullshit
As Steve says – anyone googling the main author would share his assessment of the guy’s proclivities:
here’s his ‘Research interests’
– Comparative European Politics
– Extremism & Democracy
– Political Parties & Social Movements
– Euroscepticism
– Islamophobia
– Football & Politics (‘Soccer’)
I just wish he’d actually come out and say he wants children molested, whether by Muslim immigrants or Trans activists. I’d actually have a scintilla of respect for the honesty.
The thing is, they don’t see anything wrong with this. They are “pro-worker” because they lay claim to the heritage of the labour movement of over a century ago. Even when they support laws that put millions out of work.
This is “identity politics” just as much as claiming privileges based on your dangly bits.
Nothing says “pro-worker” like supporting unlimited immigration…Thus ensuring the surplus labor required to depress wages for the proletariat.
Milton Friedman: trades unions serve the interests of two groups, their leaders and their members.
@Flatcap Army – based on zero knowledge of the man himself, but a few acquaintances in the City and plenty of experience of bullshitting wankers, I’d already assumed he was full of crap but nice (if unsurprising) to have it confirmed. Even for anyone who reads the financial press, the numbers were too small.
Ah…. “adequate” minimum wages… sometimes you just need one word to peg how Lefty a certain group of Busybodies is.
Well… other than wanting to kick their faces in, because as a member of the “population” who is well into the territory they pretend to represent, their Rocking the Boat does not help in making ends meet.
In fact, every time they have their way, one of the little bits of Cheating we’re allowed and which *does* give us some leeway if we make the effort is taken away.
Because other Busybodies are going to look to compensate the budgetary hole caused, and it always amounts to “stricter enforcement of the existing rules”.
Honestly. Live burning at the stake, using barbed wire to moun tthem to the pole….
ECR is “far-right” – in which alternate universe? That’s the group in the European Parliament that David Cameron joined …
American so-called “Academics” in a state university, not a serious one, who claim expertise in European politics … think a grouping slightly to the left of Jack Kennedy or Bill Clinton is “far right” ,,,