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Vyshynsky would be jealous

Mr de Moraes has plenty more miles to run before he hits the mandatory retirement age of 75 for judges, and has high political ambitions, including becoming president, a source close to him told AFP.

He is in part emboldened by the sweeping powers granted to Brazil’s supreme court, which it granted itself in 2019, allowing it to open its own investigations.

That effectively gave the country’s top court the authority to be involved throughout the entire law enforcement and judicial process: to investigate, prosecute, and adjudicate.

The one court to rule them all…..

11 thoughts on “Vyshynsky would be jealous”

  1. There are some historical figures for whom counting the number of index references in a work of history is an almost perfect proxy for its overall political orientation. Robert Thompson in histories of the Vietnam War is one; Fouquier-Tinvalle in histories of the French Revolution is another.

  2. Brenda Hale, Baroness Hale of Richmond node approvingly while still resentful of the fact that she and Bercow narrowly failed to carry out the greatest act of national criminality (Law? I am the law – to paraphrase Fauci) in living memory.

  3. When a court can set it’s own roles you need a Pinochet to take the judges on helicopter rides and to write a new constitution.

  4. WB is correct. The proper response to a lawyer coup is to do what William Shakespeare said.

    Try enforcing “laws” when you’re a Halloween decoration, lawyers.

  5. Once you’ve elected Lula, everything else has to follow.
    We had a discussion here in the early hours about Brasilian politics. The Brasilians I know tend to be in favour of Lula because he “feeds the poor”. The question I asked was where does that food come from? Then they got introduced to the concept of productivity. And they ended up with the poor needing to be productive to be able to buy food. Fascinating watching the process of people discovering socialism is bollox. They did it all on their own. You just have to pose the right questions.

  6. – Once you’ve elected Lula, everything else has to follow.

    The supreme court power grab occured in 2019 under Bolsonaro. The judiciary in Brazil is out of control and a threat to the other branches of government (as well as individual freedom). At the moment de Moreas enjoys the support of Lula, but self restraint doesn’t seem to be in his nature so I suspect he’ll be deposed or offed in the near to mid future.

  7. PJF. The power grab was to fuck over Bolsonaro. Who was quite capable of fucking back. Lula is very much a figurehead. I wouldn’t count on your scenario, if you’re suggesting what I take you are.

  8. Brenda Hale, Baroness Hale of Richmond nodded approvingly while still resentful of the fact that she and Bercow narrowly failed to carry out the greatest act of national criminality in living memory.

    My wife was taught law (at Mcr) by Brenda Hale. The only thing she remembers about her is that she gained promotion by sleeping with her older, married boss (notice any resemblance to any other prominent leftie women?) Hale came up though the Family Division, where rulings are around 10% jurisprudence and 90% muh feelz. “Finest legal mind of her generation” said nobody about Spiderwoman, ever.

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