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‘Ang on…..

A Caribbean leader has called for David Lammy to be given the power to secure reparations from Britain over its role in the slave trade.

Sir Hilary Beckles, the chairman of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) reparations commission, said the Foreign Secretary should have a free hand on the issue of compensation.

Academics and lawyers have claimed the reparations bill owed by Britain for its part in the slave trade could be worth anything from £206 billion to £19 trillion.

The Foreign Sec is supposed to be our rep to J Foreigner, not their to us.

Sir Hilary told Reuters: “It is our intention to persist with this strategy of calling for a summit to work through what a reparatory justice model ought to look like in the case of the Caribbean.

The correct answer is, of course, “Bugger Off”. People of West African ethnicity living in the Caribbean are better off than people of West African ethnicity living in West Africa. And you cannot compensate someone for having made them better off.

23 thoughts on “‘Ang on…..”

  1. We compensated them by spending 100 years stealing them from their owners, and giving them freedom, citizenship, and land.

  2. The cost of manumission of slaves under British jurisdiction from 1833 onwards and the destruction of Western African slave ports were humongous and only settled within recent memory.

    That is more than enough gold, ships and lives.

    Current claims are just a racist grift by ungrateful Marxists.

  3. Another argument against immigration: don’t import foreign tribespeople into your country as their loyalty is to each other, not us.

    When you say “tribes” does this include Red Sea Pedestrians?

  4. If they really think they have a claim, then they should take the UK to court and argue their case. However, they would need to show damage. They could try and prove economic damage but after all this time, that would be difficult. Health and psychological damage? Hard to prove that as well given how long ago their ancestors were slaves.

    In essence, their case is emotional damage. The argument being that the people of the Caribbean are suffering hurt feelings due to the UK not having paid them their dues to being the decedents of slaves. However, proving emotional damage in court is a very hard thing to do.

  5. Joe Smith, you are assuming that Lammy (or anyone else in the governing class for that matter) are on our side in the first place.

  6. How about shipping them all back to Africa again? Surely that would right all the wrongs? We could do it in nice, comfortable cruise ships and aeroplanes rather than those nasty old sailing ships, and actually feed them properly, so the journey back would be a lot more pleasant than their ancestors’ experiences.

    This would cause an immediate and fundamental improvement in the quality of life and environment in the Caribbean, whereas West Africa would barely notice the difference.

    Win-win, I’d say.

  7. Bloke in North Dorset

    “ The Foreign Sec is supposed to be our rep to J Foreigner, not their to us”

    Reminds me of the old joke about a visitor to London walking down Whitehall and asking someone which side the War Office is on? “Ours, I hope” was the reply.

  8. I of course believe that the Caribbeaners should be paying reparations to you Brits. For putting you to all this bother.

    As should the Africans for dumping all their unwanted pests on you. (You just know that when you get these reparations from the Africans, we Aussies’ll be clamouring for compensation for all those damn convicts you dumped on us!!)

  9. Hey Nigel,
    £206 billion.

    20 million taxpayers.

    £10,300 each.

    Local elections coming up in just under 200 days.

    Julia, are you still selling popcorn?

  10. Aight…. So he wants to get paid for something and have someone else do the legwork….

    How typically….. African….

  11. Calculate the total state benefits received by Caribbean natives and their descendants, all of whom chose of their own fee will and accord to live over here. Deduct the total of tax they paid and you have the net reparations figure due to the UK.

    Let’s not be unreasonable though, they can spread payments over the next five years.

  12. Who actually enslaved people and sold them to the slave-traders [who didn’t create slaves, just traded in them (yes, wicked but not quite as wicked as enslaving)]?
    So shouldn’t they be demanding compensation from the descendants of the West African kings and warlords?

  13. Well there’s a calculation to be done. Are West Africans who settled in UK via West Indies worse off than West Africans who settled in UK directly. And why should that be

  14. A Caribbean “leader”?

    Clearly has no responsibility for the current state of the shitehole he “leads” (or associated shiteholes).

  15. – “you cannot compensate someone for having made them better off.”

    Not exactly. If you steal someone’s plane ticket, preventing them taking that flight, you’re just as liable to compensate them for the air fare even if that plane crashes killing all on board. The entitlement to compensation arises as a result of the wrong being done, not the final result. Of course this works both ways: if the stolen ticket meant the ownergot on a flightthey otherwise wouldn’t have and consequently got killed, you’re still only liable for the air fare. And it obviously has to be this way as otherwise nobody would even get any compensation since as more and more time passes, the effects of one simple change acquire even more complex consequences.

    But , of course, none of this means that there should be a racist form of compensation paid by people who are members of one group to people who are members of another rather than carefully tracing liability down the generations, which would almost inevitably find that it was blocked by someone dying. Or by the mere passage of time.

  16. @Charles

    Not exactly. If you steal someone’s plane ticket, preventing them taking that flight, you’re just as liable to compensate them for the air fare even if that plane crashes killing all on board.

    If your great great great great grandfather stole the ticket I think you can realistically shrug your shoulder and tell the cunts to fuck off.

    Obviously this has nothing to go with ‘reparations’ and everything to do with the destruction of the west.

  17. @Interested – “great great great great grandfather stole the ticket I think you can realistically shrug your shoulder and tell the cunts to fuck off”

    Since the youngest recorded father was actually under 10 years old, it is possible in principle that your great great great great grandfather is only 60 years older than you, so might still be alive. More realistically, he will have died so long ago that any claim is statute barred and so far out of time that no court would consider permitting a case to be brought.

  18. The point is that during the Atlantic trade (and before then, and even now in some parts) humans were pretty well universally regarded as tradable goods. The humans the white traders bought had already been captured and turned into goods by their, er, own countrymen.

    So if their descendants are looking for reparations for their antecedents having been enslaved they’re looking in the wrong place. Whitey was only buying unremarkable commodities from their owners, as the Mozzers still do.

    It was only when Whitey Wilberforce led the moral charge against the then-ubiquitous concept of humans being tradable goods and the Africa Squadron went and sorted things out, at great white financial and human cost, that the black slaves’ countrymen were finally “persuaded” to stop enslaving and trading human beings. But we all know that.

    Oh, and black people? You’re welcome. Not at all. It was a pleasure. Keep the change.

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