Vaping could be banned outside schools and hospitals
If women were in fact having four children, two daughters in law and 16 grandchildren then they’d have no damn time to institute stupid ideas like this.
Ban both abortions and the pill in order to preserve some modicum of freedom in our society.
It’s not about health, it’s pure Puritanism.
I saw someone write something about “is it OK to say ‘guys’ to women”. And I decided not to join the discussion, but this level of discourse is just a bored women problem. They’ve gone to uni, got their useless degree, they go get a job that they don’t really care about, aren’t chasing the CEO job, and so work is like 50% about the etiquette of the office to them. They mostly just want a hangout with the girls. Hence also why women are obsessed with having shiny cars for work, and expensive wardrobes, and charity bake sales in the office, and bringing babies in. It’s like the WI.
The problem we’ve created is one around network effects. Women used to want to be at home because in truth, women love baking and gardening. Look at the popularity of TV shows about them. Plus, that’s where the other women were. So you got some social life being a housewife. Going to work was a bit of a negative on that. Then going to work becomes aspirational (and mostly about upper middle-class women doing fun jobs women would like). They start working as mothers, they aren’t around. You don’t get to have a tea and a gossip. You want that, you have to go to work.
The net gains of work are tiny for most mothers. They would be better off working as a waitress for 2 evenings while husband watches the kids. But the mistake there is to see work as a way to make money, and that isn’t how a lot of women think. It’s also why women don’t leave crappily paid jobs for more pay. Because that’s where a lot of their social life is. Men like to have mates at work, but the work and the pay are their focus. They’ll leave and put up with re-establishing this.
When I was a boy I often visited a shrimp “picking” shed where women took shrimps out of their shells. Two things fascinated me. One was the extraordinary pace at which they worked without even looking at what they were doing. The second was the hubbub of conversation: as WB says it was obvious that socialising was a large part of the attraction of the job.
Bloke I know has two daughters, both went to Oxford, one graduated last year and one this year.
Both have offers from ‘magic circle’ law firms.
Yippee. They’ve made it.
One has a training contract starting in 2026, when she will turn 27…
She’ll be expected to work like a loon for the first five years.
The other is in the same boat, broadly. They are both highly maternal, and love children, and want them.
(One has a boyfriend, the other has had a few no hopers.)
It’s a fucking mess.
I’m gently suggesting they should go for provincial firms where the pressure will be less, and they won’t have to battle quite so many zombie knifemen, but the truth is I think they should both find blokes with trades and marry them asap.
A bright young sparky with the ability to employ others – you can make fortunes (not that money is everything, by a long chalk).
Trouble is a lot of men find them intimidating (they’re also very tall and pretty), so actually a law firm might be the best place to find a bloke (though HR will obviously prohibit any approaches…).
A lot of people might think their lives were great, but the underlying issues are immense.
Currently they’re happy go lucky young women with the world apparently at their feet, but I can see them being very highly paid but basically unhappy in their thirties.
The son is in the Army, earns a pittance, but is happy as larry cutting a swathe through the ladies of the West Country – the other side of this infernal coin.
He’s got ambitions to try for SF but if that doesn’t work out no biggie, he’ll settle down at 40ish.
On the face of it a perfect family, but the pickle they’re in is microcosmic of the entire west I reckon.
WB: Nail on head.
Years ago – probably the best part of 20 yers ago – I remember reading in the DT or Speccie a woman wailing that if she went back to work after becoming a mother she’d have to be clearing at least £50K just to be able to afford to have someone else bring up her kid for her; a kid she’d barely see because she was out at work all day.
“Sir Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England, is said to favour outdoor restrictions …”
A quick google, and:
“Who is Professor Chris Whitty and is he married?
The Sun › news › who-professor-chris…
8 Dec 2021 — He is unmarried and doesn’t have any children”
I have no proof but I strongly suspect Whitty spends his weekends dressed as the Pulp Fiction Gimp
I strongly suspect he spends his weekends not doing much at all.
I strongly suspect he spends his weekends thinking up ways to stop other people enjoying their lives.
We’ve got to keep vaping out of schools, say people who want to keep LGBTQ groomers in schools.
See also: all the hassle, expense, economic disruption and bullshit science behind LEZes, which they’re doing so the Somalis and Afghans they’re repopulating our cities with don’t have to smell the diesel exhaust of a passing bus when spending their benefits.
So you would only be able to vape inside a school or hospital?
In my day, being caught smoking at school (boarding school) would result in a £3 fine (fags were £1.00 at the time).
Wasn’t really a big deal. We used to steal cigs from the staff common room and smoke them in there too after hours.
My daughter graduated from St Andrews (tried Oxford, but she was privately educated, so cards stacked against her) with a very good 2:1 in Spanish & Philosophy, did a law conversion course, worked her apprenticeship in a City firm, married a corporate lawyer, joined an American boutique law firm, became an expert commercial lawyer and an expert on the ghastly GDPR, popped out my two grandsons, and earns c.£150,000 a year for a 4-day week. And she’s very happy!
The vast majority of women have IQs in the 90-110 range – ie average. Once you get to an IQ of 125, men outnumber women by 3 :1 (at 170, it’s 35 :1; but note that at IQ 65, men also outnumber women by 3:1). Economically, those women with above-average IQs should probably work; but those of average IQ would probably be happier and better deployed working only part-time while they have children, rather than feminising workplaces and wider society.
@Theophrastus: that’s a pretty dysgenic plan you have there.
Clearly times have changed. My woodwork teacher would light up a fag at the end of the last lesson of the day. Then give one to the boy who had done the best work. Probably woodwork is no longer taught.
I never got caught smoking fags at school, because I’m not stupid like the div kids who thought they could repeatedly spark them up in the toilet without arousing suspicion.
It was discouraged, obvs, but people smoked everywhere in them days. If you took a bus, the windows were a halcyon yellow glaze of Lambert and Butler, and a child could passively ingest 40 Marlboro Lights on the way to school.
That’s why there were no poofs in the 80’s.
My secondary modern comprehensive had uncharactwristically huge playing fields with a copse in the middle. The local suburban massiv would smoke on the edge of said copse, just put of sight of the main schoool buildings, during lunch break.
The headmaster took to racing across said playing fields on his motorbike to catch the smokers.
I suspect many modern crimes were committed by the headmaster in so doing.
Steve, I know you is avin a larf but there were poofs in the 80s, not just Freddie either.
Men will happily marry a pretty lass with poor prospects, provided she’s kind, cheerful, feminine and supportive.
Professional women, on the other hand, virtually never marry beneath their perceived status. They won’t even look at someone without a degree, even though, these days, anyone who wants a degree can get one. Which is why so many of them become desperately unhappy as they enter their thirties, with the realisation that they’ll never have a husband and children.
Also a lot of them are fat.
that’s a pretty dysgenic plan you have there.
Why? Intelligent females will still reproduce and be able to afford childcare. Females of average intelligence will spend more time with their children rather than working full-time.
to remove our risk of being caught by a teacher racing across fields on a bike/car we would often bring a junior boy who would be the sacrificial smoker to be caught in those instances with us as helpful witnesses who had found him – ‘it was him sir!’
@dearieme (yesterday)
Many years ago my wife worked at the Rank Bush Murphy TV factory near Redruth. She was on an assembly line, soldering joints on a pcb, 25 joints per board. In order to get their bonus they had to finish 180 boards per hour. They rarely failed to succeed.
BiG – Damn.
I hope Kenny Everett is still shagging birds tho.
– “Ban both abortions and the pill in order to preserve some modicum of freedom in our society.”
I never had you down as a supporter of Sharia law!
Fascinating, Theo. Since it’s high IQ supposedly intelligent people who created the goddamn awful mess the country’s in, you want these bastards to breed?
You can’t ban smoking/vaping outside anywhere because no-one polices it. The smoking ban in pubs and restaurants worked because the owner policed it. Smokers aren’t supposed to smoke within 10m of the entrance, but they do it right outside, because of the lack of policing. Besides which, a publican wants smokers as clients, and doesn’t want to chase them too far away.