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Oh aye?

Britain is home to more illegal migrants than any other European nation, a new study has found.

There are up to 745,000 illegal migrants in the UK, accounting for one in 100 of the population, according to the research led by Oxford University experts.

This is more than double the 300,000 in France and ahead even of the upper estimate of 700,000 in Germany, which has the second-largest population of illegal migrants in Europe.

When is too many?

10 thoughts on “Oh aye?”

  1. Finally someone is willing to put their name to the actual population as opposed to the unfeasible (based on food consumption, sewage production etc) census figures. Even that 75m might still be on the low side.

    Also this pedantic legal/illegal categorisation is hardly the point. The literally overwhelming millions unlikely ever to be assimilated are the real issue.

  2. “research led by Oxford University experts”. Best multiply the 745,000 by at least 4 and , as John says, they are not the real problem. The real problem is those being bought protection by the strangely unique gay Moslem…

    Interesting that his fellow believers haven’t noticed Lord Alli’s proclivities yet. I can’t think why…

  3. Person in Pictland

    “up to 745,000”: more likely a lower bound rather than an upper bound.

    The Oxford researchers: do they have any connection to Professor Danny Doorknob?

  4. ‘The literally overwhelming millions unlikely ever to be assimilated are the real issue.’

    I’d agree with you, John.

  5. Bloke in North Dorset

    “ Do you believe the figures for France and Germany are that low?”

    It might be true for Germany if you consider the 1m+ that Mutti invited in as legal.

    It looks like “wir schaffen das” is starting to translate as “we’re shafting you”.

  6. I suspect that 746,000 figure does not include the overstayers, graduates (or drop outs) who have been issued NI and NHS numbers, have bank accounts and are virtually indistinguishable from the legal population.

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