Now, however, the polar bears are back. In the last year, Jimmy’s Farm, the farm and wildlife park run by farmer, conservationist and TV presenter Jimmy Doherty, has taken in four. A further 12 bears live in three other British parks. Are these captive animals the best hope for a climate-challenged species whose wild population has dwindled to 26,000? Or should they not be here at all?
London, 27 February: 2023 marked 50 years of international cooperation to protect polar bears across the Arctic. Those efforts have been a conservation success story: from a population estimated at about 12,000 bears in the late 1960s, numbers have almost tripled, to just over 32,000 in 2023.
Ho hum.
“There they are: four polar bears lumbering across a big green meadow beside a pond, a few miles outside Ipswich.”
It depends on the time of year the photo was taken but I must say that looks more like pasture than meadow to me. I suppose it’s a racing certainty that the G’s writers on all things Green can’t distinguish one from the other.
Clearly the rampant global heating we have had since the 60s has been good for polar bears. Chuck another log on!
Blooming foreign bears coming over here taking the zoo jobs proper British gears should be doing.
Except for the Canadian bears.
They’ve all been euthanised.
Perhaps it’s the bi-polar bears whose numbers have dwindled?
Nothing tugs at the eco heart strings more than a picture of a polar bear standing on a piece of ice drifting out to sea knowing that when the ice melts the bear will be dumped into the icy sea and have to try to swim to the distant shore.
The truth however is that polar bears are very good swimmers. One that was fitted with a radio collar was tracked swimming 426 miles.
There are actually 2 or 3 ponds and when we went some months ago the bears seemed happy enough. Of course 4 polar bears in Ipswich won’t save the species, not that it needs saving despite frothing from the eco-loons.
Don’t let the facts get in the way of the agenda Tim.
One thing has struck me re: climate; If you say that one particular location has been cooler than average you get something like ‘the UK isn’t the whole fucking planet is it, you simpleton’ launched at you. OK then, temperature varies across the planet and picking out one place is wrong.
Why then do we only refer to the level of CO2 measured at Mauna Loa?
Where better to measure it, Addolff, than on a volcano?
Yeah PiP. I’ve always wondered why CO2 must be measured next to a natural emitter.
Can someone not arrange for Moonbat & Grifter Vince to go bro-swimming in said ponds.
Yes, man made climate change polar bear genocide… effective as the Gazan variety where population stubbornly continues to increase despite the jooos levelling hospitals jam packed with women and children, but no fighting age males obvs
If you say that one particular location has been cooler than average you get something like ‘the UK isn’t the whole fucking planet is it, you simpleton’ launched at you.
Likewise, if an unseasonable chill leads people to wonder where ‘global boiling’ has gone, there’s a lot of: “Weather isn’t climate, dummy, why don’t you listen to The Science?” Meanwhile, a couple of 30C days in summer and you can barely hear yourself over the “Gaia is doomed!” shrieking.
Marius, talking to an acquaintance (actually a ‘relative’ by a marriage but I’d rather not mention I am related to her in any, shape or form) a few weeks ago, I mentioned how bad this summer had been (wet, and the coldest in 10 years) “Oh but it was so hot” she replied. Only a few days, I said, “Oh but it was so hot though wasn’t it”.
There is no hope……
There’s a letter in our local newspaper from a Green Forum thingy giving advice on how to cope with power cuts over the winter…..
“ Except for the Canadian bears.
They’ve all been euthanised.”
There’s a place in the north of Canada that has a polar bear jail as numbers increase encouters increase and without weapons the interactions between bears and people are very one sided.
British Columbia cracked down on hunting and shooting nuisance bears, recently there was a local article complaining that the number of bears shot by the government due to them being a danger to the public had significantly increased. Joined up thinking isn’t something that applies to politicians.
@BniC a key reason for the bear population increase is that the indigenous human population (is “Eskimos” on the banned list?) has been stopped from hunting them at will. If you read Susan Crockford you will know that several areas on the North Sea shoreline have had bear scares in the last few years and shooting of problem animals has become necessary. Like crocs and anacondas they are essential parts of the ecology until one tries to eat you.
I always like to ask climate whingers what the actual range of temperature is on earth and, of course, they have no clue. At 0400 UTC today it is 101.8C – +42.4C (Oz) to -59.4C (Antarctica). Depending on season it can be anywhere between c90+C (equinox) and 120C (solstice).
You’re making me think of a bloke who has to pay A$6500 plus carry out 240 hours of community service for killing a dingo on Fraser Island.
Of course, nearly 30 dingo attacks were recorded there in 2023.
I was entertained by the picture of the bird being bitten on the butt.(
@asiaseen – October 30, 2024 at 4:11 am
Interesting. Much the same can be said about the sanctified CO2 “global figure”. It’s not just that it varies quite considerably around the world but the “raw” figures from Mauna Loa have to be averaged and smoothed for the daily “gospel” number. To quote the NOAA site on the subject:-
Daily average CO2 values are computed from selected hourly values that satisfy ‘background’ conditions, i.e. stability and persistence of CO2 concentrations (read below for more information). That means the daily averages shown on the plot are likely computed from a subset of the hourly averages.
Or to put it another way, they “cherry-pick” the data to give a “good” result. In the 31-day period in the graph that accompanies this bit of text, hourly averages (which are themselves smoothed and averaged from 10-minute samples) varied from 417ppm to 432ppm.
I sometimes wonder whether the focus upon CO2 (which isn’t a particularly “good” greenhouse gas anyway) is rather like US Secretary of State, Caspar Weinberger’s statement during the Vietnam war about the dangers of “making important that which can be measured rather than measuring that which is important”…