This is how we do it: ‘Having sex as two trans guys is so expansive … there are endless possibilities’
Really, whatever floats the boat, obviously.
This is how we do it: ‘Having sex as two trans guys is so expansive … there are endless possibilities’
Really, whatever floats the boat, obviously.
Oh, c’mon. That’s GOT to be a piss-take
Are “trans guys” blokes pretending to be women, or women pretending to be blokes?
when I was actually in the middle of a sex act, I wouldn’t feel entirely present. I was out as a trans man but I often struggled to fully inhabit my body. Having top surgery made me feel more at home in myself
Disassociation during sex? Self-harm makes her feel better? Textbook sexual abuse victim behaviour.
It is sometimes hard to parse the orientation these days but ‘trans men’ who are attracted to men sound an awful lot like heterosexual women. Trans men attracted to other trans men sound a lot like heterosexual women who are scared of actual men.
I suspect the percentage of ‘trans men’ who have been sexually abused is very high indeed.
Reminds me of that old limerick:
A little gay guy from Khartoum,
Took a lesbian up to his room.
They argued all night,
Over who had the right,
To do what, when, how and to whom.
“Trans Guy”
Is that when you put on a mask and get pushed around the streets in a pram and kids ask passers-by for a penny ?
I’d have thought that having had “top surgery” would have reduced the possibilities somewhat.
That’s the thing about trannies. Does their tackle actually work after surgery, or is it all in the head, where it always was anyway?
“There’s a lot of jack hammering, and about five minutes of foreplay if you’re lucky.”
If I were Jack, I’d have to get really fucking hammered to even consider it.
“ I do not have any desire to have surgery to alter my genitalia, but I want Ben to see my genitals as male. “
My fanny is a cock and I’ve met someone equally mentally ill to indulge this make believe.
Have you seen the film Society (1989)?
Those who are (1) as I am, confused about the terminology and how the exchange of bodily fluids all works or (2) of a nervous disposition may want to avoid reading any further.
The SNP government (Lord save those of us who live under them) claim there are 24 genders. In official guidance, the devolved administration clarified a list of two dozen terms it said the gender identity of members of the public could be recorded by public bodies.
Trans man
Trans woman
Trans – not otherwise specified
Trans masculine
Trans feminine
Assigned female at birth – not specified
Assigned male at birth – not specified
Gender non-conforming
Demigender – female
Demigender – male
Demigender – not otherwise specified
I’ve always felt like a man and I’ve always been attracted to other men
If reading an article were like a pinball machine… TILT
I miss the old days when there was just one term used to describe people who lived on the fringe.
Not very polite, but at least it was simple and easy to remember.
I must check if David Thompson has spouted this one. He generally has a lot of fun with such articles.
Freudian slip re the subject matter? Probably not as neither of these birds will have a functioning spout.
So these two trans “men” – who I assume are therefore biological women – are “getting it on” but appear to express the idea that things will get better still once one of them has had a strapadicktomy?
I’m glad I’m old and won’t have to tolerate this nonsense for much longer!
To rephrase a common saying: “It sounds a lot like lesbianism, with extra steps.”
Bravefart – which one is Nicola Sturgeon?
I’m guessing she’s gremlinqueer.
I had one boyfriend who did refer to me as “him”, but only in the bedroom.
What a poof.
But having sex as two trans guys is so much more open and expansive. I feel as if I can tell Jack any of my fantasies and there would never be any judgment. There are so many imaginative configurations … the possibilities feel endless
Writhing and squicking like two sterilised slugs.
During the time we spent watching movies on his sofa, I was building inner confidence.
Very manly of you.
What utter bollocks, or lack there of.
There’s bigender? Is there little ender too. How Swiftian. Unless it’s some obscure IT thing about most significant bit in a byte. Whatever happened to straight and bent?
Pass the sick bag…
“I wouldn’t feel entirely present”
I experienced that after a spinal anaesthetic had paralysed my lower body, but before the sedative knocked me out. Rather unpleasant, but (thankfully) short lived…
Was genuinely surprised Two Spirit didn’t make the list – that’s sheer discrimination against Scotland’s Native American population.
Native American alcoholic population.
BF: Oh dear. Which bit of Scotland produces people who really think this way? Rob Roy MacGregor would be proud…
Insert Tab A in Slot C. Same old, same old. ‘T’ is a parasite that is killing its ‘LGBQ’ host.
it looks like they forgot to include male and female.
Oh, that’s the point, isn’t it.