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Well, yes, OK

As I asked elsewhere this morning, isn’t it reasonable to expect that we have competent politicians? Ones capable of making errors as basic as this really are not competent. And that is the problem that we face.

But given the ones we get we’d better have a minarchist state.

Unless the actual argument is that the Hour Cometh for the Solanum of Ely?

3 thoughts on “Well, yes, OK”

  1. Spud doesn’t know what he’s asking for.
    Actual competent politicians get Stuff Done, tell the Blob to shut up and do what they’re told, while being able to sell their ideas to We, the People in general.

    And that’s to the “Right” and the “Left” of the political spectrum.

    Over here we generally prefer the “Right” side of Things, which would see Spud most definitely without any employ, possibly sued if not institutionalised for his exhortations under any moderately competent political regime.

    If we consider the “Left” side of the equation, the result would be the same, except the certainty of gulag life, possibly defenestration, for our Sanctimonious Sage under the more strict Leftist options.
    Because you can be utterly sure his backseat-driver syndrome will compel him to tick off TPTB with his unwarranted demands.

    Of course, in his world “competent politicians” are only those who do what he says unquestioningly while showering him with praise and vermine..

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