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A useful little test

A High Court judge has ruled for the first time that London Capital & Finance, the collapsed mini-bond investment firm that raised £237 million from 11,600 members of the public, was a fraud and a Ponzi scheme.


And thanks to a commission rate Careless himself declared “huge” and his accountant “insane”, Surge was getting 25 per cent of all the money the public invested.

A 25% commission rate on a financial product cannot, not really, be anything other than a Ponzi.

Not that this is what the efficient markets hypothesis means but financial markets aren’t inefficient enough for there to be that sort of legitimate profit margin in just raising money.

2 thoughts on “A useful little test”

  1. If someone is offering an 11% return on a debt investment, when interest rates are near zero, that should suggest something dodgy.

  2. Bloke in North Dorset

    If someone is offering an 11% return on a debt investment, when interest rates are near zero, that should suggest something dodgy.

    Its still a truisim and one which featured a lot in my youth and early adulthood but doesn’t seem to be around much nowadays: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

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