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Economic reporters have been waiting decades to be able to say this:

Russian butter prices are surging as Vladimir Putin prioritises defence spending over protecting his country from the impact of sanctions.

The price of a block of butter has climbed by a quarter since last year, significantly higher than the inflation rate of 8.6pc, official statistics show.

The classical exporation of opportunity costs starting with an example of an economy can produce guns or butter – military or consumer goods.

Of course, given today’s Telegraph and today’s journalists this could just be happenstance. There’s no guarantee any of them grasp the reference they’re making.

18 thoughts on “Ahahahahaha”

  1. Considering how difficult it is becoming here to find 1/2lb butter under two quid, I don’t think that we have much to crow about.

  2. Bloke in North Dorset

    One of the things we bring back from Germany is lots butter, my wife says one of the brands its about 50% cheaper which interestingly she gets from either Rewe or Edeka (think Sainsburys) and not one of the discounters. (We also bring back cook in the oven rolls and, naturally, lots of beer.)

  3. KevinS

    Exactly. Own brand butter is about the only one that comes in at a sensible price. Sainsburys and Aldi similar, but CountryLife is about £2.30.

    Weihenstephan dairy products were always the best. Their milk and butter are delicious.

  4. Milk has to be obtained from a cow, kept cool, churned, kept cool some more, etc etc.

    All processes requiring electricity (there and then, not when the weather happens to suit).

    Then you have to buy it using paper money whose quantity has just be vastly increased by government.

    Anyone still wondering why the price has increased?

  5. Bought some Table Spread for about half the price of the margarine I usually buy. (I’ve bought margarine ever since my quad bypass op.)

    Seems to be mainly palm and canola oils. Tastes somewhat different, but bearable so far.

  6. I live in Canada. I’ve been reading about butter thefts over here lately – one reported as roughly $1200 worth.

    Now that could be anywhere from 150-200 pounds of the stuff at retail, depending on brand (less if it’s “organic” or something).

    It’s a little surprising – cheese would be much more valuable per pound. Maybe there’s less of a market for any given cheese though.

  7. German guns? Their army is equipped with broomsticks (which the von Squaddies had to buy for themselves).
    Another piece of efficient management from Ursula von der Karen.

  8. When a cousin and his family left Zambia it was because his wife said that she could bring up the children without butter and cheese but not without soap.

    I missed the chance to joke about Gnus and Butter.

  9. Just came back from Tescos.

    CountryLife is £2.70 for 1/2lb
    Anchor is down to £2.10
    Lurpak is £2.25 ( horrible stuff )
    Own brand £1.89

    Sorry I’m beginning to be a bit obsessed.

    I blame Trump.

  10. Otto, you have to watch them like a hawk. Anchor, that is. Check the weight and you’ll find it is 200 grams, not 250 like all the rest.

  11. I guess 1/2 pound of butter at 1200 fps is definitely going to hurt, but why not go with potatoes?

  12. Ducky

    Put it in the freezer first. That’ll really hurt.


    I stopped buying Anchor when I realised that it wasn’t from NZ and made by happy cows.

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