What Brighton tells us about Britain’s tumbling birth rate
Stick all hte gays, trannies and Greens in hte same place and no one has kids?
Having Caroline Lucas as your MP stops you fucking?
What? What could be the reason?
What Brighton tells us about Britain’s tumbling birth rate
Stick all hte gays, trannies and Greens in hte same place and no one has kids?
Having Caroline Lucas as your MP stops you fucking?
What? What could be the reason?
Living in a dense cloud of smug…?
“Having Caroline Lucas as your MP stops you fucking?”
Everyone except the taxpayer.
Very good Theo & Julia
On lively Gardner Street, one of the main independent shopping areas in Brighton, there are five shops selling children’s toys and clothes.
You would be forgiven for thinking this was an indicator of fertility in the southeast coastal city. But according to Elsie Crozier, manager of the independent toy store Daisy Daisy, her business has survived only by the rise of the “kidult” retail market: adults buying colouring books, Lego and Scalextrics.
I’ve changed my mind, conscript every single one of them and send them to Ukraine’s eastern front right now.
Nothing new. The South Coast has long been known as the Costa Geriatrica with Brighton, Hove et environs its epicentre.
“adults buying … Lego”: I heard about this phenomenon just recently. An old gay friend said that a gay couple he knows bought a five-bedroomed house so that one room could be their Lego room.
Someone else joined in and said that a straight male friend of hers was Lego-mad.
John – manchildren are new.
When was the last time you bought yourself a colouring in book, legos or Scalextrics?
Never, right? You put those things away long before you started shagging women. We need a Manchildren’s Crusade to thin out their ranks.
On lively Gardner Street, one of the main independent shopping areas in Brighton, there are five shops selling children’s toys and clothes.
Brighton used to be a city serving a considerable hinterland of Sussex. Until Brighton Council made it so difficult & expensive to visit & park very few people from that hinterland go shopping there now.
I spent 6 months living in Haywards Heath. It’s only a short drive from Brighton & it would have been pleasant & convenient to go there. However the only times I did were to visit my father in hospital. And that was a nightmare. A mass of speed limits, cameras, no this that or the other. You spend the next week waiting for a fine to arrive in the post. By a miracle none actually did. That was 8 years ago. I’m told it’s far worse now. Car driving’s been raised to a “crime against humanity” with appropriate punishments.
“You put those things away” – not always by choice. I got home for my first university Christmas vacation and popped my head into the attic.
“Mum, where’s the train set?” “Your Dad gave it to the Girl Guides.”
“The Meccano?” “The Girl Guides.”
“Mum, where’s all our camping gear?” “Girl Guides.”
Thank God we sold our dinghy before we went to university.
– When was the last time you bought yourself a colouring in book, legos or Scalextrics?
The specifics seem odd, but it’s not that much different to messing about with motorbikes and cars, playing Call of Duty, following a footie team, playing cricket, yada yada. I like photographing butterflies and dragonflies so won’t cast the first stone at Elon Musk for enjoying digital dungeons and dragons.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Sport, cars, motorbikes, or photographing butterflies and dragonflies are not childish things, because only an adult intelligence can fully understand them. Understanding Lego, colouring books and Scalextrics is, er, childs’ play.
there are five shops selling children’s toys and clothes
Those will be catering to tourists – aunts buying gifts for nephews & nieces – not to locals. Most parents buy toys online and clothes at Tesco, because it’s cheaper & more convenient. Toys ‘R’ Us went bust in 2018, Mothercare closed in 2020 (before Covid struck). Internet shopping killed them both, not the falling birth rate.
PJF – nah, it’s worse than that, it’s arrested development. These are not men, they’re 30something boys with ironic beards and “fur babies” with their harridan girlfriends in rented flats. No wonder they all seem to be prematurely balding and need glasses.
Fixing cars or catching fish are good grown man pastimes. Playing with children’s toys instead of having children is sad.
It’s worse.
Letting the gayists “have” children” was a precursor to letting the trannies into women’s safe spaces. Once you normalise the abnormal you are getting the thin end of the wedge rammed up your arse.