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Ever so slightly odd

An NHS nurse was suspended for more than two years after a patient claimed she was pregnant with his child, an employment tribunal has heard.

So, she worked on a ward for crims who were nutters. One of whom made the claim.

OK, well, we have had reports of warder and crims etc. So, investigate by all means:

Employment Judge Simon Loy said there were then a “series of extensions” to her suspension, which lasted for 29 months.

Among humans at lesat that’s long enough to sort out the pregnancy issue, no?

10 thoughts on “Ever so slightly odd”

  1. “…So, she worked on a ward for crims who were nutters. “

    *tuts* No, of course not! How right wing of you, Tim. She worked on ‘a secure facility for men with who have come into contact with the criminal justice system.’

    You’ve got to move with the times!

  2. “Among humans at lesat that’s long enough to sort out the pregnancy issue, no?”

    Pregnancy, yes. But not the paternity issue. I’m picturing a dad at home waiting nervously to find out whether his beautiful toddler is in fact the product of his wife diddling with a criminal nutter. It’s a rough old world at times.

  3. “But not the paternity issue.”

    DNA test done in 4 days…. Which issue exactly?
    Might be some delay getting the court order to comply, but if this was such a critical issue….

  4. What paternity issue? The article is silent on whether she had been pregnant and what the outcome of that pregnancy might have been.

    Also, Patient X died some time after the nurse had been suspended so the need to await the outcome of the police investigation into the death before she could be reinstated is bizarre.

    Poor reporting or dirty work somewhere along the line.

  5. Grikath:

    “DNA test done in 4 days…. Which issue exactly?”

    I was thinking the issue of her refusing to have a test done because she’s been diddling with a criminal nutter. It might take time for a court to order such a test if the “father” demands it.

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