We can rage about Donald Trump. Or we can be curious about why he appealed to so many
Peter Hyman
Progressives would do well to try to understand how millions of Americans turned to him because he offered real hope of prosperity, security and fewer wars
Quite, if he’s so terrible then why do so many like him?
Behind the question is an implied superiority; that we, the clever people, have identified the monster that is Donald Trump, but the deluded masses are too stupid to see it. But what I have found at the Trump rallies I’ve been to is not stupidity, but frustration, pain and a longing for respect.
“They’re all idiot rubes” isn’t a useful answer.
Still not the correct answer, though…
“They’re still rubes, so us clever people who know better will need to learn how to talk to rubes..”
Of course, his election is precisely why the US has a democracy. So the ‘idiot rubes’——-ooops ‘clever people’ can’t ram their nonsense down everyones’ throat.
The Left is all about splitting countries up into groups and preferentially rewarding them to lock in their votes. It used to be class based, now it’s racial and religious. Being sociopaths, they find it hard to understand that the disadvantaged get pissed off, while the advantaged feel humiliated.
Is the Marxist view of “false consciousness” any more useful? Since that is probably the viewpoint that Obama took when berating “the brothers” for being lacking in their support for Kamala Harris.
Then again, maybe “the brothers” didn’t particularly like being patronised by an Indian woman putting on a fake negro accent, which was as awful as it was obvious.
What Obama was really saying though was “why won’t these niggas vote for whoever we tell them to vote for?”.
I applaud this piece of Grauniad self-awareness although I notice they don’t have the courage to allow comments and to let the readership show just what they think of any attempt to understand the “oiks” who supported Trump….
It’s not in the interests of supporters of Western Civilisation that the left learn from their mistakes, I hope they just double down on the insanity instead.
If they learned from their mistakes they wouldn’t be the left and therefore wouldn’t be a threat.
Imagine being called Pete Hyman tho, I assume because Mike Hunt was already taken.
Like the other one, couldn’t let go of the lefty BS but at least asked “gee, if we F up their lives with inflation, crime & and invasion, maybe our mushy diversity stuff won’t keep them onboard”.
That’s the life story of those who have acquired a certain scepticism and learned to pay attention. I was a Marxist once.
“I assume because Mike Hunt was already taken”
It is. A friend of mine was married to a Mike Hunt for many years, both in name and nature. Its a measure of the man that he actively styled himself as Mike, not Michael.