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From Kemi

Of course Spud thinks this is horrific:

Politics is no longer about class in the old sense – increasingly, whether you are high income does not drive your voting patterns. Educated voters are moving left, and many private sector voters on average incomes are moving right. Brexit was a symptom of deeper currents across the West, not a cause of them, and we need to think more intelligently if we are to ride this wave of change and not be drowned by it. This voting shift is part of a series of wider changes.

In nearly every country, a new progressive ideology is on the rise. This ideology is based on the twin pillars of constant intervention on behalf of protecting marginalised, vulnerable groups, including protecting us from ourselves – and the idea that bureaucrats make better decisions than individuals, or even democratic nation states.

This ideology is behind the rise of identity politics, the attacks on the democratic, sovereign nation state, and ever-more government via spending and regulation. It is driving the economic slowdown seen across the West and social polarisation in country after country. A new left, not based primarily on nationalisation and private sector trade unions, but ever increasing social and economic control.

A new class of people, a new and growing bureaucratic class, is driving these changes. More and more jobs are related not to providing goods and services in the marketplace, but are instead focused around administering government rules.

Often these jobs are in private sector bureaucracies, confounding the old split between the public and private sectors.

Myself I think that’s identifying, rather well, one of our basic current problems. Whether Mrs. Badenoch will actually apply the necessary Carthaginian Solution to the administrative state is another thing. But she’s got one of the problems correctly identified at least….

32 thoughts on “From Kemi”

  1. I suspect that Kemi is preparing the ground for a confrontation with the Unions. However, Thatcher confronted the mining unions and had the backing of the civil service , the police and a large section of the middle class who were sick of the power cuts that the miners inflicted on them.

    Kemi will have to confront the civil service unions. Whilst I doubt there will be an equivalent to the Battle of Orgreave, but it will be a nasty fight nonetheless.

  2. @salamander: I dare say you’re right. But maybe she’ll find a way to grasp them by their pensions.
    I don’t know much about her but that’s a far more coherent political statement than I’ve ever seen by 2TK (or, indeed by Trump or Kamala).

  3. Myself I think that’s identifying, rather well, one of our basic current problems. Whether Mrs. Badenoch will actually apply the necessary Carthaginian Solution to the administratice state is another thing. But she’s got one of the problems correctly identified at least….

    Agreed. Regardless of her views on how to tackle the legal barriers to the rubber boat invaders, the fact that the administrative state refuses to carry out deportations anyway is yet another barrier.

    Best way is simply to delete whole government departments and hand the problem simply to stop them interfering.

    The big question is how far she will have to compromise her ideals for the Lib Dem’s in her own party (One Nation Tories, wets, etc.).

    For me, I’ve given up on the Tories.

    Roll on Reform UK victory in 2029 (or ideally earlier).

  4. Bloke in North Dorset

    We should take the left on at their own game: if you disagree with them it’s because you’re a fascist. So …..

    On that logic, if you disagree with Kemi it’s because you’re a racist.

  5. if you disagree with Kemi it’s because you’re a racist.

    It’s nearly 2025, so the correct response to being called a racist by anyone is “Thank you for noticing”.

  6. Apparently it’s now OK to say “2TK represents black supremacy in whiteface” without any risk of being ejected from the Labour Party. What progressive days we live in.

  7. Sal – Kemi will have to confront the civil service unions.

    Have you forgotten the 14 Year Long Con already? Kemi is going to do nothing that benefits you. The Tories exist to make sure right wing votes are harmlessly dissipated into a cloud of smug homosexuality.

  8. Economic slowdown, eh? You ain’t seen nothing yet, baby. When Mad Ed continues his destruction of the UK, aided and abetted by the very good friend of the gay Lord Alli, we’ll pretty rapidly slide down the helter skelter.
    I’d really like to know where his Lordship gets his money from. I suspect the source would be only too glad to get a chink in the armour of the West as the first step on the (I hope) long road to its destination, so making us a primitive caliphate has more attractions than some wrinkly orifice…

  9. As Steve alluded to: the Tories seem to successfully identify the issues, then proceed to do absolutely fuck all about them. 80 seat majority and…crickets.

    At least there exists no ambiguity with Labour – wanting to simultaneously bankrupt you and graft a cock onto your 5 year old daughter.

  10. I disagree with the idea that politics is not about class.
    The main factor is class and wealth.
    The right vote for tax cuts for the rich, cutting public services.
    The left vote for redistribution to the poor.
    The far right often see the working class as criminals and parasites.
    Look at what Boris said about the working class, describing them in negative ways.

  11. Is this the same Kemi who was a minister while 500 billion was wasted on lock downs and drugs that didn’t prevent a minor illness? Which failed to prevent or even limit mass immigration? That recruited 100,000 additional civil servants?
    If so, she can fuck off. Fool me once…

  12. From the Spud

    I have copied this material, using a public interest defence for doing so.

    There are many themes in here:

    The support for people I think to be far-right thinkers on race and society, like David Goodhart and Matthew Goodwin
    Contempt for the power of the state to help the individual whilst espousing the power of the state to control the individual (although she would claim the exact opposite, I know)
    A belief in a small state
    A focus on migration
    A disbelief in climate change
    The promotion of market fundamentalism
    A mistrust of those suffering from mental health issues (as elaborated later in the report) because she believes in self-reliance
    A promotion of the supposedly Christian concept of the family
    Uniformity (as the opposite of the diversity of which she is so contemptuous)
    And much more.

    My suggestion is simple. It is that we have to know this stuff because this is the direction in which she will be moving the Tories, and it is fundamentally dangerous to any reasonable concept of society.

    You know she’s over the correct target when you get a reaction from someone who embodies pure evil of this type. Like Steve I have my doubts that she will accomplish much but more power to her if she can.

  13. I read an opinion that Kemi was the choice of the usual suspects for a ‘business as usual’ leader for the Tories. Jenrick ( in his currently adopted persona) the candidate for change & a move to the right.
    Make sense with anyone? One presumes they’re all lying through their teeth, so whatever it says on the tin is the least likely thing you’re going to find in the contents.

  14. Having met Kemi a few times (OK, 15 years back) her being the The Front for business as usual stikes me as most unlikely.

    Sure, my opinion ain’t worth all that much but I was entirely and wholly correct about Cameron the one time I met him in the 1990s. And for the right reasons too. So, there is that.

  15. BiS – I read an opinion that Kemi was the choice of the usual suspects for a ‘business as usual’ leader for the Tories. Jenrick ( in his currently adopted persona) the candidate for change & a move to the right.

    They’re both grifters, but Kemi will probably be more entertaining. I don’t see how any ‘move to the right’ is possible for the Con Party tho, since the majority of their MPs are against doing conservative things, and coup’d the last Tory PM who tried to give us a small tax cut.

    If they start crying about how she’s deselecting the wets we’ll know something is happening, but my money’s on Kemi spending the next 4 years shit talking about “culture wars” the Tories have no intention of winning. That was a reasonable strategy until circa 2016, but the world has moved on and voters increasingly expect results.

  16. Bloke in North Dorset

    I have copied this material, using a public interest defence for doing so.

    Quite a pompous statement given the document doesn’t carry any copyright notice, presumably because they want it to be widely distributed.

    That said, it would be highly amusing if the copyright holder claimed he’d copied far too much for it to be classed as public interest and started to sue him.

  17. Having met Kemi a few times (OK, 15 years back) her being the The Front for business as usual stikes me as most unlikely.
    Yeah Tim, but individuals do what is best for individuals. We’re now 15 years later & she’s leader of HM’s Opposition. That come with a price?

  18. Unfortunately for Kemi she’s obtained the top role just at the time it no longer matters, rather like Karl Dönitz, “the Weekend Fuhrer.”

    Like alcholics and drug-addicts, the Conservative Party repeatedly promises to do better and pleads for just one more chance. Whilst Kemi is far sounder than anyone since Thatcher, it’s too late. They’ve pissed on their chips.

  19. Wat – the Flensburg Conservatives.

    They’re hoping to negotiate a partial surrender to the right, and the same old arrogance is in full display:

    In her first media appearance since winning the Tory leadership election, Ms Badenoch said the UK is getting poorer and older and being “outcompeted” by other countries.

    Umm, yes, moppet? Your party was in power for 14 years and deliberately made us poorer with all this green shite. We should currently be enjoying some of the cheapest energy in the world, along with all the new jobs and wealth the British fracking boom would have created. Instead, we have some of the highest electric bills in the entire world, and you’re complaining about being outcompeted. Thanks, Conservatives!

    And perhaps the birth rates might improve if it wasn’t virtually impossible for so many young couples to afford a house, thanks to all the immigrants the Conservatives blessed us with also competing for houses. Miriam Cates used to talk about important stuff like this, so the other Tories sniggered at her on Conservative Home.

  20. It’s nearly 2025, so the correct response to being called a racist by anyone is “Thank you for noticing”.

    Are you sure?
    I thought the correct response is “But am I racist enough?”

    The culture and mood of Europe is shifting.
    Riots in UK. Spain’s King and PM/President pelted with mud and rocks. German youth singing ‘Deutsche fur Deutsch, Auslander aus’
    It might not be long before we see another Australian Painter rising to the fore…

  21. BIS,

    I think Kemi is less the business as usual because this is the members choice, and the members are more right-wing Thatcherite types.

    The problem with the Conservatives is that Cameron made the right unwelcome, removed power from local offices and imposed more people like him, so a lot of activists left. Kemi doesn’t have a whole lot of the sort of allies that Thatcher had.

    I’m not going to trust the Conservatives until I hear some real, concrete policies I can scrutinise. I don’t want to hear this flannel complaining about identity politics. I want to hear what laws are going to be changed, what budgets for diversity officers. I’ll give my vote to Reform until that happens.

  22. That’s not a good start – she’s appointed Nob as shadow education minister, who was happy that schools were kept shut and said that Lockdown Sceptics “Have a Hell of a Lot to Answer For”. Mind you, most of them were pretty fucking useless through that period so what can she do.

  23. I never met Cameron but I disliked him the moment I laid eyes on him. “Twerp” my father’s generation would have said.

    Given what a lightweight Toni Blair was, to be Blair-lite was to be a featherweight.

  24. I don’t think too much should be read into the Shadow Cabinet appointments. The talent pool is so shallow it could be made of graphene.

    Never mind policies. Nothing at all of any consequence can happen while the PCP is majority Wet, because whatever legislation Kemi proposes they’ll rebel and tank it. This is useful, because it gives us a reliable indicator of whether she means business or is simply full of shit. The very first thing she must do is start to clean out CCHQ and remove the Wet stranglehold over candidate selection. This begins with shooting Dougie Smith in the back of the head. If she does this, she has a future and Nige has a problem. If she doesn’t, then the reverse pertains.

    There’s a further point: it’s obvious, as was pointed out here recently, that the Wet establishment is content to let the Right have some fun for a couple of years before deposing the current leader and replacing her with a globalist ready for the next election. If Kemi actually gets a grip on the candidate selection process this strategy becomes endangered, and the squealing from the usual suspects will confirm this.

  25. ‘we see another Australian Painter rising to the fore…’


    I thought for a moment that you didn’t realise I couldn’t paint!!

  26. Actually Steve, it was ‘G’day Mate. Have a beer.’

    Though I understand the German bloke didn’t like the stuff!!

  27. Bloke in North Dorset

    There’s a further point: it’s obvious, as was pointed out here recently, that the Wet establishment is content to let the Right have some fun for a couple of years before deposing the current leader and replacing her with a globalist ready for the next election

    I was thinking about this yesterday after so many wets made it clear they won’t serve in he shadow cabinet (see Speccie Coffee House Shots podcast). Unless Kemi does something really stupid if they try that stunt they may as well handover the keys for CCHQ to Nigel Farage and go off and join the LimpDems.

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