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How truly, wondrously, joyous

Yet now this period of depression and relative inactivity on the left may be ending. At public and private meetings, in online discussions, independent parliamentary campaigns and other mobilisations, a growing range of leftists, from young ex-Corbynistas to union veterans, are becoming convinced that a new leftwing party is both necessary and timely.

The left wing groupuscules think that now – no, now, not all the past times – is their time!

The proles will rip off their veil of false consciousness, rise up to disposses the bourgeoisie and the capitalists will be up gainst the wall.

As usual, forgetting that near all members of the groupuscules are bourgeois and will, in fact, be up against the wall three seconds after the revolution.

Still, as they pamphlet each other it’ll keep them out of our hair and economy, no?

9 thoughts on “How truly, wondrously, joyous”

  1. Have they thought about engaging in a leftwing purity spiral?

    Maybe that will benefit humanity, if not the groupuscules themselves.

    “Down with the Tooting Popular Front! Up with the Popular Front of Tooting!”

    Not forgetting, since it’s topical.

    “Seizure of the property of the Kulaks and expulsion of the Mensheviks!”

  2. Ever since Keir Starmer began shoving Labour rightwards in 2020, a space has been opening up in British politics.

    Labour is beginning to encroach on Reform UK territory!

  3. In the article it’s implying the initial basis of the group would be the Islamic Vote ‘Independents’??

    So a party based on anti -semitism as a defining ideology – where have I seen that before??

  4. I find it funny that the column’s author defines himself as a “Centrist”….

    Being a Guardianista, and the more radical elements of Labour being an indeterminate amount Left of North Korea… That would put him in classic CCCP territory.
    The fact that he has a column in Neo-Pravda definitely fits then.

  5. A new party to the left of Labour would presumably garner less than half the Labour vote (the voters who chose and/or coalesced around Starmer are likely to comprise roughly equal numbers to his left and right) so this new party would, even if it picked up all the votes of the “Workers” party get less than two-thirds of the number of Conservative votes, maybe less votes than “Reform”
    Toss in all the “Green” party votes (despite many just being “protest” votes with no political convictions) and you’re still behind the Conservatives.
    The only way they could get power is by Soviet-quality voting fraud.
    I suppose that fits in with their ideological background.

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