Farmers have been told by the Chancellor that they must pay inheritance tax to fund the NHS, despite mass protests planned for Tuesday.
Converting capital into current spending seems a strange way of getting to a high investment, high wage, economy.
Farmers have been told by the Chancellor that they must pay inheritance tax to fund the NHS, despite mass protests planned for Tuesday.
Converting capital into current spending seems a strange way of getting to a high investment, high wage, economy.
NHS worship
Last bastion of a scoundrel.
( She could say to them ‘And who’s going to sew your arms back on, when you fall into the manglewurzel thresher ?’ )
Perhaps Milei or Musk could recommend a cost cutter??
Or maybe you could volunteer, Tim!!
I’ll let you in on a little secret about British politics. No one – absolutely no one – would allow someone as bloodthirsty as me anywhere near the chequebooks.
How often do farms actually get inherited and become liable for this tax? Has anyone actually done the sums and worked out the amount it would raise?
I’d be interested in comparing it against the £8 million per day to warehouse “refugees”, plus whatever it costs to provide welfare to low-skilled immigrants.
The point of VAT on private school fees is not to raise money but to run as many as possible out of business so that they can be nationalised.
The point of removing agricultural relief is not to raise money but to run as many farms out of business as possible so that they can be nationalised.
Tutto nello stato as the “anti-fascists” would say.
They want a high-investment, high-wage economy?
I think the Bloke in Germany has it – as so often.
The notion that they want a high wage, high skill economy is utter bollocks. They are deliberately importing (and almost certainly providing postal votes) for a city the size of Birmingham annually, while high skill young people leave in droves.
As for the claim that this is necessary to pay for the NHS I am surprised she was able to keep a straight face. NHS spending is higher than the national budget of New Zealand and yet already they are talking about the need for possible lockdown if there’s a surge in COVID cases. This is a criminal government that is far and away the worst in human history. to surpass Blair / Brown in such a short time is quite an achievement.
Tsk BiG such cynicism
People invest their tax money
Civil servants get the high wages
Do keep up
No, they want a high-wage, high-tax, high-investment economy where the public sector blob gets a pass on the additional taxation affecting salaries and pensions because…something.
Hanging’s too good for these bastards.
Need to return to the punishments of old like poena cullei (tied up in a sack with a dog, snake, monkey, and a chicken or rooster, and then being thrown into water)
I’ve not heard it yet put to anyone in Labour but current policies are that the public sector are to get pay rises, the public sector have pensions which those in the private sector can only dream of and the public sector are to be ‘protected’ from the employers’ NIC rises with increased budgets.
And someone has to pay for all this. And it’s going to be the private sector.
The Diversity doesn’t like the countryside because it’s “racist”. OK, let’s fuck the countryside then, with solar panels and wind farms.
Ah yes, farmers. Nasty little regressive Tory runts, with their hunting and self-reliance. They’re the most racist of the lot. Let’s put them out of business so that our Big Corporate mates can buy their land for solar panels and wind farms.
They don’t think of these things themselves. Someone will have told the silly cow it’s to pay for the NHS. In Yes Minister it’s known as the “Kidney Machine Gambit”.
They’ve watched farmers protests cause mayhem in pretty much every European country and thought to themselves “We should do that here.” Hopefully, they won’t get the full 5 years to inflict misery.
UK tv commercials, particularly when featuring married couples, show a high level of diversity nowadays.
One exception are those promoting
home-grown food and drinks. To paraphrase the star of the Boots Xmas ad, British farmers are terribly white.
Tim said:
– absolutely no one –
Nige is far too nice for what needs to be done.
@ Martin Near The M25
– Hopefully, they won’t get the full 5 years to inflict misery.
Their majority is leftie-splitter proof. We’re getting a full course of full dose.
You could be right. But I don’t think the angry robot will be leader at the next election.
Labour are in power, but have no real public support. It’s a very different situation to 1997, and far more electorally volatile.
It’s disheartening, but look at what just happened in America, and take some hope.
We will win.
PS – one of the things I loved about the successful Brexit campaign was how many allies we found.
There were white Brexiters, black Brexiters, Muslim Brexiters, Jewish Brexiters, Hindu Brexiters, old, young and middle aged.
We have far more allies than enemies. Most people don’t want this disgusting far-left nonsense.
“ I’ll let you in on a little secret about British politics. No one – absolutely no one – would allow someone as bloodthirsty as me anywhere near the chequebooks.”
We don’t want you near any chequebooks either, we want you sat in HR with a staff list and P45 generator. After that you can work with a good commercial lawyer to undo all the government property contracts that aren’t needed.
That should keep you busy for a few weeks.
As for the chequebooks, on day one they go in to the Papierwolf. (I love that German word for shredder)
Thus the German word for tungsten – wolfram. The typical ore is some admixture of wolframite and cassiterite. The more W in it the less tin you get out of the C. Some of it – some Cornish, some Indonesian – is very light in W. The Saxon stuff, well bit more. More W leads to more amalgam in the slag and less tin in the ingot. Thus wolfram – the wolf that ate the tine.
Thanks for that little explainer, Tim. I always wondered why W when tungsten sounds so Germanic already!
There’s quite a lot of linguistic fun in the names of the elements. Those that were discovered independently by different linguistic groups have their own name in that linguistic group. Iron’s a pretty early element to discover so ferrum, iron, zhelezhny (no doubt buggered that spelling) and so on. Tantalum’s very late, so it’s always some version of tantal, tantalum etc. Tungsten’s an intermediate. Tin miners (stannum, tin, olovo in Russian) knew *about* tungsten from the effect on tin recovery from ores. But not of actual tungsten. So, we get the “we’ve discovered a metal” name and also, in Germanic and then off into Slavic languages, the wolfram, from miners already knowing of it, but not knowing it. My assumption is that this came from the Ore Mountains which were Germanic/Slavic speaking and also a major European tin source from Middle Ages on.
A quiz (starter) question: Which element with a chemical symbol not matching its English name appears earliest in the periodic table? The supplementaries are the same except for the language being French and German.
Naaa, not playing that game. ‘S’ obvious, innit? ‘K, could make it more fun, which is second?
Converting capital into current spending used to be referred to disparagingly as “selling the family silver”.
Answers: English: Na=23 (Sodium), French: N=7 (Azote), German: H=1 (Wasserstoff)
Second (German is debatable but gets matches for Na and K): English K=39(Potassium), French: Na=23(Sodium), German: C=6(Kohlenstoff)/N=7(Stickstoff)
Doh, Put masses instead of atomic numbers; Na=11, K=19 of course.