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Obviously space rays

The Maccabi fans have all gone home. And yet there’s more anti-Jewish rioting. No doubt special space rays were used to start this round of it then:

A tram was set on fire in Amsterdam overnight by dozens of rioters in the second wave of violence to rock the Dutch capital in recent days.

Footage showed a mob, dressed in black and armed with sticks and fireworks. setting the tram ablaze, smashing its windows and damaging properties as police struggled to control the chaos.

The rioters were heard shooting “Kanker Joden”, which means “cancer Jews” and is used interchangeably with “f— Jews”, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Yes, yes, obviously. Because as the likes of Owen have told us so heatedly, was the Maccabi fans that started the last lot. So, obviously….

10 thoughts on “Obviously space rays”

  1. The next Maccabi game against Besiktas will be played in Hungary behind closed doors.

    Apparently Maccabi Berlin’s youth side has been targetted too. Not a good idea. The adult Maccabi side’s fans are a right bunch of nutters.

  2. This is really playing into Gert Wilders support: he couldn’t ask for a better example of why they must be expelled.

  3. Ah yes, that one.. The working bit there is “the west of Amsterdam”.
    Specifically “New-West”, most of which, along with a fair part of “Oud-West” is commonly referred to as “Little Morocco”. For obvious reasons.
    And no.. not the Big City Moroccans you can find anywhere else in Clogland. The other kind.

    Exactly the same thing the UK has with Pakistani and …. cousin-loving goatfuckers of certain undescribed descent. Exactly the same problem in the latter clumping together, making life Vibrant for everyone else.

    The fun bit here is … It’s Amsterdam.. self-proclaimed Progressive capital of the Wooorld.. with, as one can expect, an excessive amount of Progressive Activists whose current “Kumbaya/We Shall Overcome” is “Free Palestine”.
    Quite a lot of them, especially the ones of a more bent cottoned on to the planned “Protest” and tried to join it. And got a bigger drubbing than the police could ever do…

    Because it’s Little Morocco… Where they really don’t like “Progressives” ….

  4. Obviously Holland has a big problem with antisemitic white skinhead types. I recognise their M.O., because we’ve got loads of them here. It’s official.

  5. This is really playing into Gert Wilders support: he couldn’t ask for a better example of why they must be expelled.

    Gert is doing a good impression of stoney faced patrician, scolding the usual suspects for their antisemitism, but I suspect he’s laughing his ass off behind closed doors.

    These idiots are doing exactly what he needs them to do in order for the Cloggies to come around to some mechanism for “wholesale resettlement” (a euphemism for mass deportations).

    I wish Gert the best of Anglo-Dutch luck.

  6. John Galt,
    It will be interesting to see once the Orange Blossom Express (named after the Orange Man) gets going here. Hopefully it will offer a template on how mass deportation gets done. He appears to be getting the right people in place to implement the plan.

  7. @Simon Neale, We actually do have them over here…

    Famously, and quickly dustbinned, the Socialist Party had to dismantle their youth chapter a year or so ago because it was full of them, and the embarassment they caused during an election year…weeelll……

    Juicy bit there is that that chapter was headed for well over a decade by the daughter of the former front man, Marijnissen.
    That same daughter is ( in true Socialist style..) now Party Leader and head of the House of Commons SP fraction…

    The actual “neo-nazi” style Skinhead is actually quite rare here.
    Nazism is intrinsically tied to “being german” over here, which… well.. doesn’t really work if you’re a hypernationalistic Cloggie.
    You have to be a Socialist to pull that one off.

  8. And this may sound harsh…

    The Macabi “fans” got what they deserved..

    If you choose to do a Israeli footy fan rally at a site that is not just Ground Zero for dutch pride ( the monument there is a focal point for what we dutch call Freedom, and the price we paid for it over the centuries…) , but also the area where you damn well know all the pro-Palestine protesters are ( because that’s the way Amsterdam works..) , you can expect…. results…

    If it wasn’t the pro-Palestinian that kicked their arses, it would have been the AJAX fans, and failing that the actual Amsterdam population.
    You just don’t.

    Footy-wise, the Dam is reserved for an AJAX win ( or loss) in a competition. Period. Not even the hardcore dutch Rival Fans touch that one. They’re fanatic, but not suicidal.

    Protest wise, as mentioned before, it’s Ground Zero for all the pro-Palestinian protesters.
    They usually do only shouty things, but they *do* have…. less polite associates. Just a couple of streets away…

    Amsterdam-wise… Another bunch of idiots disrupting Fleecing the Tourists.
    This is *not* appreciated, and once again, peeps who can and will enforce Peace, Quiet, and Behaviour are but a couple of streets away.
    ( fun thing there that this bit is *quite* multicultural, and one of the best examples of dutch Integration.. Disturb Business, get rekt…. The cops are there for Daytime…)

    They weren’t supposed to be in the city centre to begin with, chose one of the places you very much don’t to do their thing, right in the middle of the focal point of anti-Israeli sentiments….

    The equivalent would be to collectively unzip their pants, and piss on the gates of Buckingham Palace, in broad daylight. While having a get-together around Nelson’s statue being a Bloody Nuisance. While shutting down the usual hubbub at Hyde Park.

    All the while expecting no retaliation at all…. Because AntiSemitism Bad over here.
    Behave like a bunch of violent morons, get treated like a bunch of violent morons.

    And the worst part is… The peeps who just came to see a footy match, and possibly do a bit of a sniff in the Sodom and Gomorrah of the World ( purely out of scientific interest, of course..) got caught up in the flak and bore the brunt of it.
    Which , very much, isn’t fair. And bad for Business, which is worse.

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