So John Prescott has left us and as I’ve said a number of times there was much to admire – and Fatty Soames c’n fuck off ‘n’ all.
I did have one online interaction. Which was to create the “fuckwit” GoggleBomb which led to the page of the Deputy Prime Minister of the UK. That Pathfinder idea was just so insane that I did.
And here’s the thing. I know it ended up in a column in the Telegraph. I know there are references to it out there even as the bomb itself (20 years or whatever later) doesn’t work.
But Google seems to have memory holed it. The only even references I can find to it are in US publications. Nothing at all from the UK, not even my own blog….weird, eh?
Not much to admire about Prescott at all. Thick, thuggish, chippy and incompetent. I once heard him speak about housing at some conference. His delivery was an incoherent rant – just embarrassing babble with some socialist slogans. My favourite Prescottism is: ‘The Green Belt is a Labour achievement and we intend to build on it’.
Search for ‘fuckwit prescott’ and a few references and some residue of your googlebomb will appear, Tim.
Tim – Google search has shockingly declined in quality, to the point it’s rarely useful anymore for anything except the phone number of the local chip shop unless you add “Reddit” to the search bar. Shocking as in, this was Google’s core product, in which they were world leaders, now gone to shit. The algorithm has decayed, Sergey and Larry don’t seem to care. The web is deprecated, they want you using their apps. I think this bodes poorly for the great white AI hope, which is scraping the web in order to learn and increasingly finding plastic garbage in its nets (previously generated low quality AI spam content). Remember how good third generation copies of VHS tapes were?
Thankfully there is good news:
How Google is sticking to – and soaring past – its DEI goals
15 February 2024
Well, knocking down a few hundred thousand decent and cheap houses isn’t necessarily such a bad idea, if it means you’re replacing metropolitan low-density housing with towering diversity hutches.
If the cunts have to live here they might as well live in the metropolitan areas they’ve already over-run, and thereby leave the racist provinces and the countryside to us. Call it apartheid if you wish. Suits me.
It may please some of the people here, that, having looked up who he actually was, the dutch version of his Wiki page doesn’t even fill one single screen.
As opposed to the english version…. ( three screens…)
Ignoring that anything less than 5 Screens ( and a controversy…this *is* Wikipedia….) is a footnote…. Who again?
All the other things I can find about him is a clear case of fat dudes not trying on a collar that’s half their size, unless they’re into asphyxiation.
Which might explain his fetish with Labour.
Grikath said:
“All the other things I can find about him is a clear case of fat dudes not trying on a collar that’s half their size, unless they’re into asphyxiation. Which might explain his fetish with Labour.”
Wasn’t asphyxiation a Conservative fetish back then?
Dead Ringers had a skit where Prescott was going to be widened like the M25, for greater pie capacity
Not just search, anything engineered by google these days. I have a theory that all the competent engineers started leaving google around 2017 or so, just when the pink haired woke mind virus was taking hold (and they fired James Damore for innocently asking why it was happening.)
The replacements seem to all have been headhunted from microsoft, resulting in the clear nosedive in quality.
I think Prescott would have gained much more admiration for his achievement if he wasn’t such a cunt.
Pathfinder was just a repeat of the slum clearances that we’ve seen elsewhere. Much of the housing was poor-quality, and expensive to heat. It probably cost far too much, but improving housing quality isn’t a bad idea in itself.
Not much to admire about Prescott at all. Thick, thuggish, chippy and incompetent. I once heard him speak about housing at some conference. His delivery was an incoherent rant – just embarrassing babble with some socialist slogans. My favourite Prescottism is: ‘The Green Belt is a Labour achievement and we intend to build on it’.
@Andrew M
Pathfinder was just a repeat of the slum clearances that we’ve seen elsewhere. Much of the housing was poor-quality, and expensive to heat. It probably cost far too much, but improving housing quality isn’t a bad idea in itself.
A lot of those houses were Victorian and Georgian two-up-two-down terraces – perfectly well built. The sort of thing that currently goes for £1.2 million in Fulham
and £60k in Burnley
You could build a perfect ten bedroomed replica Jacobean manor house in the middle of Burnley and it wouldn’t fetch £1.2 million.
Labour (and all governments) should focus on keeping the streets safe, and clean, and otherwise get out of the way. You could turn Burnley into a nice place to live almost overnight with a gang of Black and Tans, 3 Para and some Polish tradesmen.
@Interested – Nah. First you need a 1 MT nuke about 2 kilometers above Wigan for immediate ground clearance and remove the imported diversity without the need for deportations.
By the time the planning approvals have cleared the radioactivity should be back down to background levels.
I mean, look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki nowadays.
If that isn’t enough slum clearance just up the variable yield on the nuke.
It was Prescott’s department that was responsible for the crap that is part P of the building regs. On the basis of virtually no domestic electrical fires/deaths, they instituted the certification requirements – a good wheeze for electricians and the certification org. I suppose it’s true that the IEE regs are increasingly complex but the basics of domestic wiring are still not hard if you understand stuff.
I remember Prescott’s plan for housebuilding – he said he was going to weaken the planning restrictions selectively i.e. selecting Conservative-voting areas. A backwards-looking tnuc.
and Fatty Soames c’n fuck off ‘n’ all.
Sex with whom was once described as “Like having a wardrobe fall on you with the key still in the lock”‘.
….and not a very big key….
Interested/ Theo
About the only thing about him I did find amusing was his punching of a protestor – although thinking now when you are confronted by protestors like BLM, XR/JSO/IB and the various Hamas mobs (who represent absolute evil incarnate) one can only imagine the orgy of pearl clutching that would follow if a Reform UK MP did something similar to one of them.
I hold Blair and Brown responsible for the current government, which is the worst in human history, so my dislike for Prescott never reaches the pathological loathing I have for them, but he was certainly not someone who warrants the eulogies doing the rounds,,,
I think there have been worse governments, V_P. Charles 1 would take some beating.
Maybe we’ll see Charles 111 with his head on the block. Especially with those ears.
The headsman could hardly hold it by the hair. There isn’t enough of it.
That’s an interesting one – I do think Charles I wasn’t great but is he as bad as TTK and Reeves. Hmmm … more to follow!! 🙂
Regarding Charles III Certainly given his role in promotion of the entire net Zero scandal he could be looking at the same fate as his predecessor. Hopefully alongside the likes of Murphy!
His head is the constitutional head of the UK. So, presumably his ears are the UK’s constitutional ears.
Just realised the timing; et tu jaguar?