Tens of thousands of teens lying about their age on social media to beat safeguards
Users as young as eight say they claim to be over 18 when using apps
Kiddies lie to beat adults, do they? That is a surprise.
This is also why detailed planning of the economy always fails. Peope lie, d’ye see?
Kids have been lying about their age forever:
Grandad: D’you know, they used to have little lads of 14 pretending they was 18 just so they could fight for their King and country!
Del: What, and they accepted the little sprogs?
Grandad: More often than not…My brother George lied about his age!
Rodney: Pretended he was 18?
Grandad: No, he was 18, he pretended he was 14, they saw through it though. I think it was the moustache.
The answer to this is staring them in the face. Get the Free Stuff Army the fuck out of it. Make SM a pay to use service. It has value to people so make them pay for it. It doesn’t have to be much. But the transaction process would exclude the tots.
The FSA is & always was socialism on the hoof.
Result of something that was generated out of university grads & their mindset.
‘Kids have been lying about their age forever’
Well, yes Addolff!!
‘The answer to this is staring them in the face—- the transaction process would exclude the tots’
Well, yes BiS!!!
They’ve always lied about their age, and fairy nuff. It’s the lying about their gender that I can’t quite understand.
From the Telegraph:
However, most children said they had never been asked to confirm their age. Only 18pc of Instagram users, 19pc of TikTok users and 14pc of Snapchat users said they had ever been asked to verify their date of birth.
Ofcom will start to strictly enforce over-13 age limits for social media users next summer, requiring “highly effective” age checks and facing fines if they fail to comply.
I wonder what these highly effective age verification checks will be?
I assume some form of identification – passport, birth certificate etc – will need to be submitted and recorded against each Twitter and Facebook user ID.
Obviously while the (ostensible) aim is to identify people too young to use these sites, in order to work it will require everyone to submit such documentation.
But don’t worry: you’ll still be fine expressing your opinions online, and there is no possibility that the police will knock on your door for saying things they think you shouldn’t.
Yes, it’s definitely just about the ‘safety’ of ‘young people’.
You think like me, Interested. You have my sympathy!!
But don’t worry: you’ll still be fine expressing your opinions online, and there is no possibility that the police will knock on your door for saying things they think you shouldn’t.
I can’t see your comment there has any validity, Interested. The people get captured by plod for wrongthink online want to be associated with their posts. That’s the fucking point they do it.
You want to badmouth with immunity on SM do it with a handle through a VPN. Or somebody else’s wifi. But that wouldn’t let them virtue signal, would it?
The answer to this is staring them in the face. Get the Free Stuff Army the fuck out of it. Make SM a pay to use service. It has value to people so make them pay for it. It doesn’t have to be much. But the transaction process would exclude the tots.
Micropayments are the answer to many of the problems of t’Internet, particularly spam , which is my current bugbear (not because I receive tons of it, but over-vigorous spam traps too often get in the way of my genuine emails). But it would need to be enforced universally somehow or the ‘free’ services would overwhelm the paid for.
“An Ofcom spokesman said: “From next summer, social media sites that do not ban content that is harmful to children, and those at higher risk of it being shared on their platform, will be expected to implement highly effective age checks to prevent under-18s from seeing it. ”
I don’t know if there’s a term for it, but this is redundant policing. The sort of websites that Ofcom will be bothered about (well-known ones that get headlines) already do their best to ban this content, because it isn’t what either customers or advertisers want. This is purely a sort of exercise to make Ofcom look like they’re doing good.
I’ll bet if you talked to a bunch of teenage lads, they’d just laugh if you mentioned Instagram and TikTok having bad content. Everyone knows that Instagram is PG. You could show your granny the Instagram pages of pornstars, they’re about as racy as the Grattan catalogue. I’ll bet teenage lads all know where the porn is, where 4Chan and Sickipedia are.
“The answer to this is staring them in the face. Get the Free Stuff Army the fuck out of it. Make SM a pay to use service.”
There used to be services specially for kids like Club Penguin. So it was all clean content, no ads, and there was lots of moderation because there was the sort of income to have adults sat in chat rooms.
But a lot of people just want free. Then they moan about all the problems with it, even though it’s all because the likes of Facebook are running on some pretty thin margins per user, and have to moderate content based on the demands of advertisers.
Indeed WB. It’s the sense of entitlement of sodding parents. They want people to baby mind their kids at their own expense.
Th correct response to anyone complaining about harm to children under any circumstance is ‘Accept responsibility for your kids’. If you don’t want them to see something, don’t let them. ‘ But they regard the internet as an unpaid babyminder.
Stolen shamelessly
Age check question: What is a VCR used for?
a. Curing headaches
b. Keeping people safe
c. Playing video tapes
d. Heating up food.
A couple of these will quickly weed out the kiddies.
“Th correct response to anyone complaining about harm to children under any circumstance is ‘Accept responsibility for your kids’. If you don’t want them to see something, don’t let them. ‘ But they regard the internet as an unpaid babyminder.”
It takes about 10 minutes in Windows to set up a kids account and set the age for it. The one for under 10s is actually a bit too careful but you can unblock sites for them. It works great.
I always viewed my kids as my responsibility but a lot of parents will just let the state do its thing. Me, I don’t blindly trust the state. I actually thought my kids schools were pretty good but I also kept an eye out in case they weren’t.
I wonder what these highly effective age verification checks will be?
In the interestes of research, I visited a few NSFW websites. The age verification consists of a landing page with a button on: “ADULT CONTENT Click here if you are over 18”
I can’t see your comment there has any validity, Interested. The people get captured by plod for wrongthink online want to be associated with their posts. That’s the fucking point they do it.
Yes, that’s why you post as Mr Bloke In Spain, and I post as Interested. These are our real names. There is nothing to fear.
I wonder what these highly effective age verification checks will be?
In the interestes of research, I visited a few NSFW websites. The age verification consists of a landing page with a button on: “ADULT CONTENT Click here if you are over 18”
That’s today. The whole point is they’re going to change that.
@bloke in spain – “Th correct response to anyone complaining about harm to children …”
is to ask “What harm?” It’s not harm merely because your children have seen things which makes the disgree with you.
@Chris Miller – “Micropayments are the answer”
I doubt it. Or at least not yet. Any form of payment, however micro it may be, needs auditing. When the payments are small enough this is uneconomic. Maybe if we had very cheap AI to do the auditing it might work. Though how could we trust the AI?