The evangelical movement has spent a very long time practicing institutional capture, where it inserts its people into positions where they can enact its policies. And the same appears to be happening with the anti-trans movement here in the UK, with “gender-critical” people who reject the scientific and medical evidence increasingly inhaibiting positions where they can influence healthcare and health policy.
Possibly a slight case of projection here?
In the case of mutilating children for fun & profit they’ve taken the CLIMATECHANGE model and really ramped it up. Get a few studies of dubious scientific value & claim that anyone who isn’t fully on board is anti-science & killing children.
Hold on, can we have a look at that data & your methodology? Sorry, we deleted the data and THESCIENCEISSETTLED, so shut up you neanderthal!
Thank God, more doctors & scientists are willing to look under the covers on this one and the con is beginning to fail.
If you got a Bigmouth, try to be right once in a while.
A big Baptist did it, and ran away.
Two of those people were involved in the ideologically motivated and widely discredited Cass Review
The Cass Review is “widely discredited” amongst demented blokes in dresses who have destroyed their lives over porn.
which has been used to stop healthcare for trans teens
No, tranny hormones and genital-destroying surgeries are not “healthcare”. It’s like something Nazi doctors did in the camps.
“ …people who reject the scientific and medical evidence…”
Which particular scientific and medical evidence would that be, then?
It was Evangelical Anglicans (and Quakers) who got the slave trade abolished and then slavery itself. So I give them more credit than I do the tranny cultists.
Careful PiP, Quakers also produced the Sage of Ely!
Are you still there in Portugal Tim? Or are you posting items from your desk floating out into the Atlantic swells?
Now do communists.
100 km inland. On a Monte. 500 metres from the old river bed – and 30 metres or so above it. So, as long as we don’t actually get a dam failure we’re fine.
8 years or so back Albufeira had a horror of a one. The old town is built in hte river valley which was dammed 10 km upstream decades back. When there’s a flash flood – cars swept down main st of old town etc.
Fair enough, Joe, but wasn’t it also Quakers who mass-produced chocolate bars? Rowntree’s, Cadbury, and Fry’s : thumbs up for that, good anti-puritanical stuff.
Check his hard drive.
Now do communists.
This gave me a good laugh last night and yes I know, that makes me a bad person.
It does have a point, though. We all grew up believing that big ugly fuckers wearing a dress and lipstick were really women, it never would have occurred to us to believe otherwise.
Now, though, there’s all this debate around the issue. So where did these ideas come from, if not from the E-fanny-gelicals?
Frankly speaking, my dear Karl, I do not like this modern word, which all weaklings use to cloak their feelings when they quarrel with the world because they do not possess, without labour or trouble, well-furnished palaces with vast sums of money and elegant carriages. This embitterment disgusts me and you are the last person from whom I would expect it. What grounds can you have for it? Has not everything smiled on you ever since your cradle? Has not nature endowed you with magnificent talents? Have not your parents lavished affection on you? Have you ever up to now been unable to satisfy your reasonable wishes? And have you not carried away in the most incomprehensible fashion the heart of a girl whom thousands envy you? Yet the first untoward event, the first disappointed wish, evokes embitterment! Is that strength? Is that a manly character?
-Heinrich Marx writing to his son, Karl.
Six leading gender clinicians associated with a controversial NHS review of transgender healthcare spoke at the conference of a designated anti-trans hate group that shares funding with key pro-Trump outfits
The “anti-trans hate group”:
Young people with gender dysphoria deserve respect, compassion, and high-quality, evidence-based care. The first and most fundamental principle of evidence-based medicine (EBM) is that medical decision-making must be based on the best available evidence, which comes from systematic reviews of evidence. Once quality systematic reviews of evidence specify what is known about the benefits and harms of a given treatment, understanding how the patients themselves weigh the benefits against harms should inform treatment decisions.
SEGM was formed around in response to a proliferation of treatment guidelines that promote medicalized youth gender transition without the benefit of systematic reviews of evidence. Instead, the prevailing guidelines rely on a limited selection of studies that suffer from a high risk of bias, and have low applicability to the current population of gender-dysphoric youth. Such non-evidence-based guidelines risk promoting suboptimal and harmful care.
Anything except unquestioning obedience is “hate” to these people.
In June this year, the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC), a leading US civil rights organisation whose civil lawsuits famously bankrupted the Ku Klux Klan, designated SEGM an anti-trans hate group. According to the centre’s research, SEGM is one of the “key hubs of anti-LGBTQ+ pseudoscience”.
Oy veh it’s another Weimar innit.
It’s Lord Spud’s wife who is a Quaker. Chaps like him a humoursly refered to as “legover Quakers”.
With apologies to WH Auden.
‘Cut off their cocks, suppress their testosterone ‘
Cut off their cocks, suppress their testosterone ,
Prevent the parents from talking with threat of self-harm,
Silence the TERFS with the threat of Ofcom,
Bring out your children , so more harm can be done.
Don’t let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky a name that is now Dead,
Put a rainbow noose round the neck of parental love,
Let the compliant policemen swear self-ID is enough.
He was my Son, my Child, we thought we knew best,
But the transgender cabal will not let it rest,
If we demurred or disagreed with what was to be done;
Our parental involvement would soon become none.
The transed children are not wanted now: their agenda moves on;
Pack up all the Jews, it is they to be shun;
Push them to the ocean and sweep up their dead;
From cis-white bigots nothing now can ever come to any good.
W H Ardon
I have very little in common with ISIS but with people like this disgusting pervert they are definitely on the right track.
What do trannies have to do with ‘Southern poverty’? I deeply suspect that you’ll find very few trannies among that demographic, which tends towards rather robust heterosexuality.
Barry Goldwater’s Long March through the institutions is finally bearing fruit.
W H Ardon – applause.
Norman – maybe the rabbi who owns Pornhub can tell us.
That is a complete and utter misrepresentation of the Evangelicals (I am not one myself but I do know some).
They do *not* try to insert people into positions of influence – they do, however, try to convert people to *righteousness* and some of those converted may be in positions of influence e.g. King Aethelbert of Kent in 597AD
Carrie worldview implies that Pope Gregory’s modus operandi would have been to replace Aethelbert with a Christian from, presumably, Italy or another converted country in mainland Europe as King of Kent: fortunately Gregory was not as stupid as Carrie.
“No, tranny hormones and genital-destroying surgeries are not “healthcare”. It’s like something Nazi doctors did in the camps.”
The first transgender surgeries were carried out by Dr Magnus Hirschfield, a Jewish doctor in Weimar Germany.
You know those pictures of the “Nazis” burning books? That was Dr H.’s library being burned.
As Patton said at the end of WW2 – “We fought the wrong enemy”
Flubber – We fought the enemy we had to fight. The Notzees were disgusting monsters who recruited the medical profession to be their executioners:
The most notorious of these institutions in Austria was Am Spiegelgrund, where from 1940 to 1945, 789 children were killed by lethal injection, gas poisoning and physical abuse.[59] Children’s brains were preserved in jars of formaldehyde and stored in the basement of the clinic and in the private collection of Heinrich Gross, one of the institution’s directors, until 2001.
Same energy as the creepy medical experiments they now call “gender affirming care”. Not sure if they keep severed penises in jars of formaldehyde, but who knows?
Nota Benny, while Ritchie seems to take a perverse thrill in claiming that he’d have been oppressed by Nazis, people like myself were murdered on the regular in national socialist Germany, and nobody cared:
The idea of killing adult mental patients soon spread from occupied Poland to adjoining areas of Germany, probably because Nazi Party and SS officers in these areas were most familiar with what was happening in Poland. These were also the areas where Germans wounded from the Polish campaign were expected to be accommodated, which created a demand for hospital space. The Gauleiter of Pomerania, Franz Schwede-Coburg, sent 1,400 patients from five Pomeranian hospitals to undisclosed locations in occupied Poland, where they were shot
Say what you will about NHS psychiatrists, but in my experience they don’t try to murder you when you pop in for an appointment. Also, you meet the most interesting people in psychiatric wards.
The difference between Hirschfeld and Hitler was that they had competing sicknesses of the soul. Ideally we want doctors to help people, and not to mutilate or kill them. That seems to be a big ask these days, but Winston Churchill did absolutely nothing wrong.
“We” didn’t fight the Nazis because they were monsters but because Hitler, having taken rump Czechoslovakia, had proved that he was not a Bismarck but a Napoleon.
That’s my analysis and I think it’s the best I’ve ever come across, so there!
The Nazis weren’t the wrong enemy.
They were the right enemy at the time.
What we failed to do was having signed the peace treaty with Japan, we should have nuked Moscow and Leningrad, telling the Russian troops on the wrong side of the Russian border to get back there or they’re next.
That would have been the only way of actually fulfilling our commitment to the Poles and fair reckoning against the treachery of the Soviets.
Dm – “We” didn’t fight the Nazis because they were monsters
Yarp, Napoleonic reasons is a good way of putting it.
The fact they were also bloodthirsty lunatics just confirms our grandads got it right. And idk, maybe there’s a connection between having no respect for human life and feeling entitled to take bites out of Czechoslovakia and Poland.
PS – I also fought the Nazis (in Call of Duty)
JG – What we failed to do was having signed the peace treaty with Japan, we should have nuked Moscow and Leningrad, telling the Russian troops on the wrong side of the Russian border to get back there or they’re next.
Imagine trying to explain to Brits, Yanks, Canadians etc. in 1945 that, having defeated the Axis, we were now at war with our gallant Soviet allies.
Would’ve been a cold cup of sick.
Also, the Red Army had 11 million men under arms in 1945, most of them in central Europe. Another surprise attack on the motherland probably wouldn’t have achieved the result you think.
NB Little Boy and Fat Man were still science projects rather than mass produced weapons, and their total yield was relatively tiny in the 15-21 kiloton range (that’s why Hiroshima and Nagasaki still exist). Russia is a very big place, essentially unconquerable.
dearieme said:
“wasn’t it also Quakers who mass-produced chocolate bars? Rowntree’s, Cadbury, and Fry’s : thumbs up for that, good anti-puritanical stuff.”
Ooh, that’s a good idea. Murphy is calling for unhealthy foods to be banned (possibly because a doctor told him he had to lose weight), yet isn’t he also getting funding from the Rowntree Foundation?
Surely if sugar and chocolate are major killers he shouldn’t be taking their money – and should return everything he had from them.
You don’t have to conquer Russia. Just make them understand that if they aggress outside their borders or continue to develop aggressive weapons of war to wage against their neighbours then more bombs will be dropped.
The Russians only ever understood strength with escalation to violent action if they fuck about.