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Well now, this is a surprise

Geology is racist, claims university professor
Queen Mary lecturer links science to ‘white supremacy’ and and colonialism

Geology being what is taught by those too dim to do geography and sportsmastering…..

11 thoughts on “Well now, this is a surprise”

  1. The good thing about about geology is that it proves that the theory of ‘increasing levels of CO2 will cause runaway global warming’ is bollox and that the gravy train it is supporting needs to be shunted into the sidings.

    Perhaps that’s why this person is trying to discredit it*.

    * As I expect to see from bigpharma / msm regarding RFK Jr…….

  2. A glance at her photo reveals that this is simply a grifting bid to maintain and enhance her place in the White Feminist Progressive hierarchy. It has nothing to do with geology at all.

  3. Geology being what is taught by those too dim to do geography and sportsmastering…..

    Did one steal your girlfriend at uni or summat?

  4. Welp, if mme. Stupidface limits herself to “the 17th through 19th Century” and conflates actual geology ( the science) and mining ( the practical engineering aspect of.) ….

    Nope.. still don’t see it, even though she cherrypicked the timeframe and conflated separate issues with an ovbvious specific goal in mind. ( which isn’t science, but scoring Progressive Pixie Points..)

    As for “the indiginous people lived with a deeper connection to the land” guff…
    Just as an example, the timeframe in which we know people got to Tasmania has been re-comfirmed to be about 41.000 years ago.
    How we know? They burnt the place down..
    Real deep connection with Nature there…

  5. @ Tim
    At my school, geology was taught by a guy who got a rugby blue and was principally coaching the 1st XV so he was definitely *not* too dim to do sportsmastering

  6. She does *not* teach geology – the culprit teaches inhuman geography.
    I am disappointed that you didn’t come up with a Pterry reference to the geography of Uberwald inhabited by Dwarfs, Werewolves and Vampires.
    “Leading University” my foot – QMC is the college of London University that I realised, when filling in my UCCA form, that I could have gone to when I was sixteen. It is, IMHO, a lagging “university” – note the quotation marks.

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