A coterie of Hampstead dimtellectuals is insistent that other people are just earning far too much money. To give an example of their political leanings – if Hampstead and dim isn’t enough – they seem to be mostly retired Guardianistas looking for something to do in their cardigan years.
Imagine the character defects that would lead you to spending your golden years shouting at those getting above themselves, eh? For that is what they’re doing.
The groupuscule of the Cardiganistas is the “High Pay Centre”. Which occupies itself by insisting that people who get paid a lot should not get paid a lot. Because, well, they shouldn’t.
With the UK one of the most unequal economies in the developed world
You’ll be unsurprised to note that their solution to low pay is MORE IMMIGRANTS.
“With the UK one of the most unequal economies in the developed world”
Personally, I don’t care about this but does anybody even believe it? I assume they fiddled the figures or made up some way of calculating it.
And what does the Sage of Ely wear?
Shame for him. He has the apparel, he has the politics but he can’t afford Hampstead.
I’d be perfectly happy if company law gave shareholders a direct say on what the CEO and Board were paid. But if the power of the shareholders is already adequate then there’s no need to change.
Power for non-shareholders – oh do piss off.
As a matter of idle curiosity, does anyone know how large salaries at the High Pay Centre are?
From the ’23 R&A, about 40 large.
Nowt to shout about, but if that’s not your only source of income, reckon that’d come in handy. If you were a retired academic, and member of the HoL, fr’instance.
Who would win in a fight? The High Pay Centre or the Low Pay Commission?
With all the wealthy taxpayers being driven offshore, the ‘problem’ of inequality is in the process of being solved.