A business partner of the suspected Chinese spy won the Duke of York’s startup competition, raising questions about the legitimacy of the project.
A business partner of the suspected Chinese spy won the Duke of York’s startup competition, raising questions about the legitimacy of the project.
The Establishment think that because they’ve been to the right schools and the right universities they are so much more intelligent than everyone who hasn’t. This leads them to grossly underestimate them. So, of course the spy would concentrate on the second in line to the throne and no, he wouldn’t have anything to do with the PM or his Chancellor…
Prof Anthony Glees, the head of the Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies at the University of Buckingham, suggested there was “clear prima facie evidence of possible wrongdoing”.
Lol, who spooky service bitch this is?
He told The Telegraph: “Tengbo had the best cover possible. Prince Andrew gave him the best cover it was possible [to have], namely to be able to say he was a close friend of the eighth in line to the throne.
Eighth! It comes right after seventh.
“What is of critical importance now, if the respect of the crown is to be upheld
Holy shit. That ship sailed, caught fire, and got dragged down to the stygian deeps by a narked-off kraken after Elizabeth died.
No, “respect” isn’t what the British people are feeling for the ruling class . Maybe they should copy those greedy Boomer bands on their seventeen cash-in tour, and bring Liz back as a hologram.
Grist: « The Establishment think that because they’ve been to the right schools and the right universities they are so much more intelligent than everyone who hasn’t. »
Similarly, there are too many people “of rank” who believe that they are being courted on account of their personal qualities and attributes rather than because of the office they hold. If there is one thing one should learn from having people fawn upon one it’s humility.
TMB – If there is one thing one should learn from having people fawn upon one it’s humility.
But they are men without chests. Social rank is a medieval concept that made a lot more sense in the days when knights* were real knights, who went on Crusade and did other cool knight stuff. When being an Important Person with a coat of arms and everything meant you had real obligations to the society you belonged to, and carried a real risk of personal injury or death in the course of carrying out your duty.
Now, a knight is a pudgy old man with a wattle shrilling about Putin or Brexit or whatever in the Daily Telegraph. A prince is a thick rich kid hectoring you on Instagram about “racism”. The medieval social order worked because God was at the top. Christian kings were not merely crowned, they were anointed. Knights spent the night before their knighting prostrate on the stone floor of a church in humble submission to the LORD.
This at least had the benefit of restraining the ruling class somewhat, while promoting the cohesion and harmony of wider society. Absent the supernatural, they’re just silly men in silly costumes, the degenerate offspring of people who had real authority. King Charles is to King Edward I as one of those annoying little yappy gremlin dogs footballers’ wives own are to the noble wolf.
Respect? Go and ask Arethra.
“Maybe they should copy those greedy Boomer bands on their seventeen cash-in tour, and bring Liz back as a hologram.”
Well, I’ve seen the Abba Voyage show and it’s pretty amazing so you might be onto something.
Stony – if you change your mind, Andy’s eighth in line.
No, “respect” isn’t what the British people are feeling for the ruling class .
Perhaps; but are you unaware of the parallels to Marxism in your rhetoric? All societies, ever, have had a ruling class. So do you want a new ruling class (how constituted?) or no ruling class (utopian fantasy)?
Everyone likes flattery; and when you come to Royalty you should lay it on with a trowel.
Benjamin “We authors, ma’am” Disraeli
Theo – I would like it if we were a normal country again with national sovereignty, meaningfully democratic elections and a governing class that isn’t out to hurt us or our children.
I agree with that, Steve. But we don’t have a ruling or governing class. Rather, we have a constellation or cluster-fuck of various left-liberal elites – not only in government and the civil service but also in education, the media, the quangocracy, the voluntary sector, the arts…etc etc.
Theo, that’s still a ruling class. It’s simply that they’re no longer explicitly related to each other like an aristocracy. Well, except or the nepo babies, that is.
I reckon all ruling elites tend towards becoming dynastic, and then aristocracies. It’s only natural.