Gregg Wallace’s MasterChef replacement is ‘part-time vegan’
I’ve been known to have a wholly vegan snack of beans on toast occassionally myself…..I also tend to be a part time vegan in those hours between meals….
Gregg Wallace’s MasterChef replacement is ‘part-time vegan’
I’ve been known to have a wholly vegan snack of beans on toast occassionally myself…..I also tend to be a part time vegan in those hours between meals….
Describing herself as a part-time vegan avoids the obvious observation that she is a middle aged woman of a certain age.
Did the toast have butter on it, eh ?
( And think off all those poor yeast thingies ).
Part time vegan?
So not vegan then.
In shock move bbc appoints guardian columnist.
“part-time vegan” and full time virtue signaller.
Ooooh, those cruel eyes.
“I merely adore vegetarian food and have always preferred to eat things that didn’t ever have a face.”
So if the gubmint wants to reduce meat eating put a photo of the cow on the packet of steak – like they do with cigarettes.
She’s also a part-time contortionist. Why the fuck is she standing like that when it just makes her look like a batty old girl with osteoporosis pretending to be a shrewd powerful sex-bomb?
Upper middle class virtue signaller.
Not multiracial and transgender though, so a bit of a surpise selection from Auntie.
Is she related to Arthur Dent?
but also suggested she preferred not to identify as a “flexitarian”.
“Suggested”? Why does anyone have to “identify” as anything? Is there some merit attached to being affiliated to something absurdly confected and who cares enough about “flexitarianism” to know what it means (other than intuitively obvs)?
Arthur’s sister, I take it – or wife?
Jeez They’ve used 4 fotos of her! One was quite sufficient to get the full horror.
In the first one she looks like Creighton’s sister. Is that her face separating from her head preparatory to it falling to the studio floor or just a cheap cardboard mask?
There’s only so much botox and filler can do… Can’t hide the snake eyes though…
Hell… There’s actors having to wear painful and impractical contacts portraying Demons and suchlike to get that same look….
“Flexitarian”? We used to have a word for that: omnivore.
“I merely adore vegetarian food and have always preferred to eat things that didn’t ever have a face.”
Pure anthropocentrism. Has she never listened to a broccoli scream as it is torn out by its roots?
Has she never listened to a broccoli scream as it is torn out by its roots?
Probably not. Broccoli is normally subject to the executioner’s axe and chopped off at the legs, as are most of the cabbage family.