Give next-generation royals an opt-out clause
We should offer heirs and spares an early choice: sign up as a working royal or live a normal life without titles or palaces
Marry a Catholic and the job’s done.
Give next-generation royals an opt-out clause
We should offer heirs and spares an early choice: sign up as a working royal or live a normal life without titles or palaces
Marry a Catholic and the job’s done.
Or even marry a Yank. 100% failure record.
OT: apparently there’s a “race row” because one Indian called another Indian a primate.
Outstanding Bumrah, I’d say.
I always thought Bumrah was Asian slang for, ahem, breaking wind…
What’s the objection? Being accused of being a senior religious leader, or being accused of being a type of mammal that includes humans?
There’s a lot of this sort of thing about, though, and this one an egregious display of the worst type of racism:
jgh in Japan:
“What’s the objection? Being accused of being a senior religious leader, or being accused of being a type of mammal that includes humans?”
Every C of E Primate has been accused of safeguarding failings around clerical noncery, which makes Orang Utans distinctly preferable in today’s cultural climate.
It’s different in football: “Gana with his understanding,” said Sean Dyche, “he’s a wily old fox.”
Could it be a caste thing (innocent face)?
Unlikely because only whitey can be racist.
Casteing the khuns.
Wasn’t that a ghost story by M R James?
As it currently stands if they don’t do Royal Work they don’t get any of the Sovereign Grant (Money from the Crown Estate).
At which point it stops being even vaguely anything to do with joe public what they get.
They might get some personal money from parents and grandparents – but that is a different thing.
Is Bumrah still an enemy of the Thundercats?
Yes, Prince Andrew has done it again. After the announcement that he could, after all, mysteriously afford millions to keep his palatial lodgings came the revelation of his closeness to a Chinese agent doing black-tie spying at “prestige” events. Groans of republican outrage, sympathy for the ever-anxious King and, more frivolously, a general shrug of “Andrew, the gift that goes on giving!”
Is King Charles being best Bumrah chums with Klaus Schwab better or worse than Andy being paid by the Red Chinese?
At least the Chinks don’t plan for us to own nothing.
Indeed, one expert’s barbed comment said there was “unlikely to be any intelligence” in the prince’s conversation. But it remains frustrating not to know where his new money came from, unnerving to have MI5 investigating donations to his activities, and to have royalty left open to blackmail.
Do we think MI5 are busily defending British sovereignty (lol), or are they a collection of legalised crooks and liars who should be jailed for their involvement in the Brit deep state?
We need to adjust the management of royalty if its more hardworking members are not to be tormented and our perfectly useful constitutional monarchy undermined.
In what way are they “useful”? Do they identify as being useful? Even the gay one?
I always thought Bumrah was Asian slang for, ahem, breaking wind…
I think breaking wind is actually Bumrap…
I’ll get my coat.
Its odd what bits of knowledge you pick up on this blog ….
I was asked today to take part in Imperial College’s REACT (health ) survey because I did it 3 years ago. I didn’t because it was just a quick health questionnaire but this time they added on some online memory, reaction and word tests.
One of the word tests was to be given a relatively obscure word and to select the correct meaning from one of four options. One of the words was Scandium. I got that one right at least but I didn’t do overall well overall in that test which measured not only knowledge but reaction time.
Tim, were your ears urticating?
It’s an odd article. Princess Anne long ago decided to opt her two children out of it all.
“Yes, Prince Andrew has done it again. After the announcement that he could, after all, mysteriously afford millions to keep his palatial lodgings came the revelation of his closeness to a Chinese agent doing black-tie spying at “prestige” events. Groans of republican outrage, sympathy for the ever-anxious King and, more frivolously, a general shrug of “Andrew, the gift that goes on giving!””
What the hell is a “prestige” event? Do they mean the sort of charity dinner? What spying can you do at those?
I’m a republican, but I can’t really care that much. The monarchy is just LARPing at this point. They aren’t actual kings and princes who can declare war on Aquitaine and rob monasteries. It’s not like Andrew has nuclear launch codes on his phone, is it?
Nobody likes or respects Andrew and his reputation is of no account to the elites. That is why he is the fall guy for this one even though many others are implicated. That is why Andrew is the only person to take the flak for Epstein, even though many many others are implicated. He’s a sineater or a judas goat or some other mixed metaphor.
It’s not like Andrew has nuclear launch codes on his phone, is it?
Does the RN use launch codes? I thought we just trusted the submarine captain not to nuke Russia until absolutely necessary.
“Does the RN use launch codes?”
There was the rumor that they used bicycle locks. No idea if that’s true.
I think pretty much only the US uses Permissive Action Links.
Wasn’t Bum Rah the baddy in Thunder cats ?
Uhm, they already have that option. At any time, any of them could just walk away. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.
I’d like to apologise to Steve.
I missed his post making the same terrible joke that I did .
Completely OT, but . . .
Cool! I can access this site again, but only by googling an entry and then playing with the address up top.
Trying to go to still gives me the “Sorry!” webpage.
Have cleaned cache, played with DNS – no go.
Just thought you ought to know.
Otto – Bumrah the Ever-Farting.