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Nothing, obviously

The unhinged presentation of Muslims on GB News has been exposed. What will Ofcom do about it?
Miqdaad Versi

People are allowed to be unhinged. That’s what being a free country means.

As long as there’s no libel – and no, that’s not the same as being mean to a religion – and no incitement to immediate violence then that’s that. Called free speech.

11 thoughts on “Nothing, obviously”

  1. But that’s where you’re wrong Tim – this government is vulnerable herre. TMV has five MPs already and if you add the Greens that doubles. Add in sympathetic Labour and SNP MPs then it’s nearer 40. That’s a lot of influence. If you think we are a ‘free’ country regarding Islam you need to be disabused.

    More to follow – am fisking the article as we speak

  2. Ofcom has been gunning for GBNEWS since before they even started broadcasting. This case will tell us whether we are allowed to say ‘I have a problem with Islam’ or not. I suspect the answer is NOT.

  3. ’the archbishop prioritising Islam over Christianity is, after all, quite a feat’

    Find me an archbish who really does prioritise Christianity, Miqdad, I dare you!

  4. Not unhinged at all, GB News merely allow people to say out loud that which they know to be true, whereby the of rest of the msm cowards pretend islam is all sweetness and light.
    Churchills crocodile and all that.

    If I had wanted to live in a third world moslem shithole like Pakistan I would have stayed in London…..

  5. My experience may be worthless but (i) on the subcontinental front I’ve had friends who were Nepali, Sri Lankan, and Indian Hindus; (ii) the two Moslems I’ve known well enough to warm to were both Palestinians.

  6. Sharia law is operational in large swathes of the United Kingdom.

    Very cleverly put. But if they had said Sharia courts were operating in much of the UK then I don’t think you’d have a leg to stand on.

    ” The BBC is “erasing Christianity”, to be replaced with Islam or a “secular dystopia”.

    Again I’d say its trending more to the latter than the former but if you think Christians get a sympathetic hearing from the BBC (Let alone Jews) I have several bridges to sell you

    Meanwhile the archbishop of Canterbury is apparently doing “more to promote Islam than Christianity”.

    Unarguable from any neutral or uninterested standpoint

    Oh dear. Welcome to the unhinged alternative reality configured on GB News, where conspiracy theories about the Muslim takeover of British institutions and society are not simply fringe comments whispered in deep, dark corners of the internet (the archbishop prioritising Islam over Christianity is, after all, quite a feat), but primetime television fare.

    As mentioned all the comments seem accurate. Is this all you have?

    This week’s report by the Muslim Council of Britain’s Centre for Media Monitoring paints a picture of dangerous narratives being systematically mainstreamed by what is supposedly a regulated broadcaster.

    And of course a source that is systematically intimidating Jews up and down the country and sides with genocidal maniacs who want to kill them all is one we have to take seriously

    The numbers are staggering. In just two years, it was found that “Muslims” or “Islam” were mentioned more than 17,000 times on GB News – accounting for almost 50% of all such reporting by British news broadcasters. (In response, a GB News spokesperson said the report was inaccurate and defamatory and an attempt to silence free speech, though did not specify which aspects were inaccurate, and said that the Muslim Council of Britain hadn’t invited them to respond ahead of publication of the report.)

    Given the Muslim religion is one of the greatest single forces for repression in human history the issue is what precisely?

    The obsession would be laughable if it were not so serious. It is not merely the frequency of mentions that concerns me – but the scaremongering, the “they’re coming to get you” tone.

    They are – you’re seeing what’s happening in Syria, Iraq, much of Europe. If you can show me a single country where Muslims and non- Muslims peacefully co-exist I’ll gladly say that’s fine but at best it’s governed by ‘The Spectre of the Gun’

    Need a conspiracy theory about Muslims? GB News has you covered. According to guests on the channel, Islamophobia is apparently not “a thing”,

    I wouldn’t say it’s not a thing but any religion where people can blow themselves up at a kid’s pop concert is one that has me concerned for sure.

    and Islam is “not compatible with British values”.

    It isn’t – happy to discuss it with you down the pub over a pint and some Liver, bacon and onions though

    Muslim councillors are apparently seeking to “dictate British foreign policy”.

    If I put a list of all Islamic councillors or candidates who asked the government to stop supporting Israel it would overload Tim’s server.

    London’s mayor is under the control of Islamists.

    Sadiq Khan’s links with Islamic extremism are a matter of some record and he still hasn’t accepted the numerous offers to fund he and his family moving to a Muslim country after the riots. Ditto Baroness Warsi and Humza Yousuf.

    A presenter asked if there had been a community-wide cover-up of grooming gangs: “What did their womenfolk know about it … what [about] the elders in the mosques?”

    All valid questions – do you have answers or is the organized rape of non- Muslims not a serious matter??

    Even the integrity of our electoral process is apparently under threat from the duplicitous efforts of wayward, postal vote-tampering imams.

    The entire TMV campaign is based on voting on religious grounds. Calls to ban such an organization are fair and reasonable

    In the feverish imagination of some GB News presenters and guests, we mendacious Muslims are apparently quite the busy bunch. When we sought to impose our will through the nefarious scheme of … checks notes … requesting sharia-compliant pensions, it was suggested we were just “one step away” from blasphemy laws.

    Islamophobia laws are widely trailed as being in line under this, the worst government in human history and they have the dependency on Islamic voters.

    You may say this is just crackpot codswallop from conspiracy theorists, copying the Newsmax playbook to win viewers – or note that not all contributors or presenters are the same.

    I can and do. Islam is not ‘beyond’ criticism. We don’t have such a concept any more and if you want to introduce it you can go forth and multiply.

    The Southport riots were a demonstration of the real-world consequences of Islamophobia. And yet commenting on the arrest of a knife-carrying suspect, one GB News commentator claimed there were photographs of a man who “seems to be of Muslim origin or of Muslim faith”. That individual, Jordan Davies, who was later sentenced at Liverpool crown court, wasn’t Muslim at all. While we cannot show causation, the misidentification clearly was part of the journey of how social media went down the Islamophobia rabbit hole.

    Isn’t there evidence that one of the trigger events for the riots was attacks on a child by a Muslim, and this information was deliberately withheld by the Starmer government on ostensible security grounds, but largely as part of their two tier approach to implementation of the criminal justice system

    Let us not forget that it is only a few months since far-right rioters attacked mosques and Muslims on the street. You can imagine how GB News presented that story.

    And Muslim countermobs began attacking pubs, with weapons stored at ‘place of worship’. How would you react if churches had small Arsenals?

    First, the violence against Muslims was downplayed. For example, consider the riots in Middlesbrough, where a mosque was targeted and a mob aimed to break down a door where a young Muslim woman lived. Yet the CFMM report found that none of the 28 references to Middlesbrough by GB News referred specifically to the violence targeted at Muslims.

    The violence against Jews which has been ongoing for the last 15 months and probably a number of years prior to that gets no mention in this report – any reason why?

    Despite the far right’s violence predominantly targeting immigrants and Muslims, guests on GB News
    were pushing the line that the “government’s got to recognise there is violence on both sides”.

    There was and is.

    Second – and worse still – the aggression was often presented as the inexorable consequence of Muslims’ presence in Britain. Against a backdrop of police officers being attacked outside Southport mosque, where worshippers had been barricaded in against the racist mob attacking them, the GB News presenter asked their guest: “What can the Muslim community do to ensure that there is perhaps [sic]… a perception that integration is not always working? Some people feel that it’s no longer their town, their city; there is a sense of alienation.” Yes, even when the mosque is attacked, they are made to feel it’s their fault.

    It is – there is no other religion that is as aggressive as Islam. No other religion which seeks to take over and eliminate all other. No religion where intolerance and bigotry are baked in. Look at the attitude to any Muslim who converts or renounces their faith. It isn’t something that can be glossed over. It is fundamentally not a faith that is compatible with harmonious living.

    GB News defenders will cry “free speech!” – and in a free society, commentators can indeed indulge in offensive, stereotyping prejudices. But there is a crucial difference between posting on X and broadcasting on television under an Ofcom licence.

    Let’s apply the same standards to Al Jazeera then, especially in its coverage of Palestine

    There are laws that govern broadcasting to which GB News has submitted: laws that exist for good reason. GB News’ obligations include the requirement not to broadcast “derogatory treatment of … groups, religions or communities” (section 3.3 of the Ofcom code) and that while presenters of a “personal view” can share their opinion, even if controversial, that must be balanced out in the overall programming (section 5.9 of the Ofcom code).

    Statements of fact pointing out the barbarous nature of Islamic teaching and its incompatibility with the modern world are derogatory – intentionally so.

    The Centre for Media Monitoring report paints a detailed picture of how Islam and Muslims are repeatedly treated in a derogatory way. This is rarely challenged, and most certainly not balanced out in the overall programming of the channel. Any reasonable observer will conclude this consistent practice amounts to more than mere coincidence.

    An analysis of the BBC, ITV, Sky News and C4 in particular will reveal widespread anti-semitism within a Palestinian flavour. When the CFMM has Israeli contributors on their material I will take their protestations around ‘bias’ seriously

    If Ofcom wishes to maintain the authority of its code – and live up to its billing as the broadcasters’ regulator – it can no longer justify its inaction in the light of this factory of hate. The application of the rules as they stand and the challenging of prejudice – is that really too much to ask?

    On your behalf it is. More power to GB News. They don’t require a £150 stipend per year and they challenge the official narrative that:
    – Islamophobia is problematic, rather than a justified reaction to an innately barbarous ideology
    – Muslims are the victims when they constitute more than 80% of all terror suspects on the radar of the securities services
    I’d rather not have an October 7th happen here and if that requires very strong measures against Islam we need to start implementing them now.

  7. I only see little clips of GB News appearing on X, and its coverage of Islam seems to be more than usually hinged.

  8. I don’t have a TV but if reports about the BBC are true it’s cheering to learn that there is a news channel that doesn’t glorify hatred. Pointing out that there may be some aspects of Islam which are not wholly compatible with a Judeo-Christian civilisation seems fair to me.

  9. I am so glad TTK has focussed on the real perpetrators of the violence we see on our streets, the “Far Right”. However:

    It wasn’t the far right who murdered 52 people and injured 700 in London in 2007.
    It wasn’t the far right who murdered (blew up) 22 people and injured 800 at Manchester Arena in 2017
    It wasn’t the far right who beheaded Lee Rigby.
    It wasn’t the far right who murdered 8 and injured 48 on London Bridge in 2017.
    It wasn’t the far right who murdered 2 and injured others on London Bridge in 2019.
    It wasn’t the far right who stabbed an Army Colonel in 2024.
    It wasn’t the far right who murdered three girls under the age of 10 and stabbed 8 others in 2024.

    But for some reason we have to be really, really afraid of the ‘Far Right’……

  10. Someone said HurtWords™ towards the One True Faith ( their claim.. right there on the box…) ?

    My heart bleeeeedssss…. May I introduce my Doggie?
    Steve doesn’t Approve, but hey….

    ‘s called Fenrir. Has a bit of an appetite… 3:)

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