Its nominees include transgender biologist Brigitte Baptiste, described in the citation as a “trans woman” who “explores the common patterns between biodiversity and gender identity”.
In biology that would likely be that a gender identity which does not match the sex plumbing is goiing to be an evolutionary dead end perhaps?
Dammit Tim!! You *could* have included a trigger warning there….
Where’s my Eye Bleach!!!
What, in the name of all that’s saggy, is a Trans Colombian ? – a refugee from Venezuela?
But to Tim’s point, not so much: a self-fertile fruit tree might be gender fluid in alphanumeric-speak.
Men are better women then actual women. Feminism has come so far.
explores the common patterns between biodiversity and gender identity”.
Maybe looking at those frogs that change sex if there aren’t any males around?
Are trans people really just part frog?
Xey’s the most biodiverse thing I’ve ever seen.
*checks wikipedia* Ah… Not a biologist. An Ecologist with a typical and highly specific education track. It would not surprise anyone her thesis study was sponsored by the WWF….
Which… explains… hir Confusion…
Plants can be monosexual or bisexual ( major distinction in classifying them..) , and even “genderfluid” as an extreme survival mechanism. But that’s plants. They’re not animals. They do their Thing, We do ours.
Gender change in animals has been proven in snails ( if you talk about “Queer” gender identity, you’re talking slugs and snails… ) , some mollusks, some fish, some arthropods, some insects, some amphibians, and the very odd reptile.
Barring snails ( the randy bastards…) all other cases are extreme survival strategies that have been proven to have evolved independently.
There is not a single mammal that is “genderfluid”, other than the odd cockup in the wiring in the eternal quest of Mother Nature to explore all possibilities of a given model versus the environment it lives in.
If it was a successful strategy, we’d have it as a standard feature. We don’t.
It’s still in the very rare odd cock-up stage you expect as a biologist. Because DNA and a lot of deliberate and unintended mechanisms that Roll the Dice every time a gamete is formed.
Hell.. even Monbiot doesn’t display such a lack of knowledge of basic biological facts. He simply ignores them for his own purposes.
“It” romanticises and projects… Which is Attenborough territory.. *shudder* ….
It wouldn’t have been the BBC we know & love so much if they hadn’t included
her, himit in their list.“There is nothing more queer than nature.”
And looking at that certainly supports the hypothesis!
I didn’t know professional wrestlers cared about ecology, queer or otherwise.
“There is nothing more queer than nature.”
Not true. As any Yorkshireman will tell you, there’s nowt so queer as folk, and that is one queer folk.
And to be clear, paraphrasing a Brigadier we dined out in the ‘80s, I grew up in a time when aides was something generals had and queer meant really strange.
In a 2018 TED talk, Baptiste claimed scientists had discovered “transsexual” palm trees and stated that the “change of sex and gender has been reported regularly in science”.
On this basis, she argued that it was wise to do away with ideas of “naturalness” in nature, stating: “There is nothing more queer than nature.”
Hiw fascinating. Now get in the lion pit.
BiW +1… 😛
But no.. in this case it’s the panda-toting be-tied showmen, not the ones in spandex.. 😉
Are trans people really just part frog?
He looks like one.
Seems a reasonable explanation for France.
@Steve – no way dude, we are not eating that.
“An evolutionary dead end”
We can but hope…
Not necessarily – homosexuality hasn’t been bred out, for example. There’s some use to having non-breeding relatives to take on some burdens – they still get their genes spread through others and help make that more likely.
>In a 2018 TED talk, Baptiste claimed scientists had discovered “transsexual” palm trees and stated that the “change of sex and gender has been reported regularly in science”.
On this basis, she argued that it was wise to do away with ideas of “naturalness” in nature, stating: “There is nothing more queer than nature.”
Ah, they’re doing the old ‘sex and gender are the same thing when its convenient for us’ thing.
Transexual is not the same thing as transgender. There are absolutely species that can switch sexes – switching ‘genders’ is a mental illness.
Indeed, Agamemnon, but ‘Finding Nemo’ would have been an odder film if Marty had just swapped sex and wound up laying more eggs…
Gilkrath: Those aren’t gender changes, they are *SEX* changes. Gender is in the mind, sex is between the legs.