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Second order effects

All foreign criminals in jails should be deported – and if countries refuse to take them back, the UK should stop issuing visas to their citizens, Robert Jenrick has said.

Well, yes etc. But second order effects. Visas are always bilateral. The conditions you impose upon our folk going to you are the same as we will impose on your folk coming to us.

The other places will – wholly righteously – stop issung visas to Brits.

Could be worth it all the same, obvs, but it’s worth considering those second order effects – as politics so rarely does.

16 thoughts on “Second order effects”

  1. Hmmm…perhaps more folk from Bongobongoland or Shiteholeistan want a visa to come Britain than Brits want a visa to visit Bongobongoland or Shiteholeistan? So the deterrent effect would be asymmetric…which in turn might lead to greater demand for the cross-Channel ferry services provided by the RNLI and the UK state…

  2. it’s worth considering those second order effects – as politics so rarely does.

    Politicians rarely get as far as first order effects

  3. I’m in agreement with the Theo there. If Furriners want to refuse Brits visa, entirely up to them. They’re not obliged to. Whether or not they value Brit visitors is their decision. If they want to poke themselves in the eye, so be it. They know the alternative.

  4. That’s where I profoundly disagree with libertarians. I don’t believe in rights, I believe in obligations. If you go to a foreign country which is obliging enough to let you in, you have an obligation to behave yourself. Or FO. And since your country bred you, you’re their responsibility. So they have an obligation to take you back

  5. “Where will Jenrick send the boat people who scrupulously destroy their papers?”

    St Kilda. North Rona. We are spoiled for choice. If they misbehave there we’d need an equivalent of Van Diemen’s Land. I nominate Rockall.

  6. Good question, Julia. Depends who she belongs to. I thought her raghead friends who were running the place where she was regarded her as one of theirs. So their problem.
    I have to look at my situation. I have residence in Spain because the Spanish have granted it. But I still have a British passport & British nationality. My amiga here applied for & got Spanish nationality* & has a Spanish passport. She’s no longer Brasilian. So I’m the UK’s responsibility & she’s the Spanish responsibility.
    *As far as I’m aware, she is no longer Brasilian. Unlike the UK, Spain doesn’t accept dual nationalities except for certain countries. I believe she had to declare she returned her Brasilian passport & renounced her citizenship. ( I know she didn’t & she’s still got one) I don’t actually know why the UK does. Seems a strange arrangement. Should be one or t’other.

  7. I don’t actually know why the UK does.

    The teenage terrorist’s father having dual nationality is how we could legally remove her British citizenship. She’s now Bangladesh’s problem.

  8. TMB: “Where will Jenrick send the boat people who scrupulously destroy their papers?”

    It’s amazing how a couple of translators with broad knowledge of areas of Africa and Asia can, together with some tribal characteristics pinpoint what nation the smartasses come from.

    You establish that by first and foremost lock said smartasses up in the Not So Nice compounds reserved for people taking the mickey and observing them for a bit.

    Then you boot them back to whichever return compound you sponsor some relatively local nation in.
    Just have to make sure *those* are not the same organisation that floods you with illegals to begin with…

    Very Colonial, very upsetting to Skittles, very disappointing to the Smartasses. What’s not to like?

  9. Major problems are with countries that hate the UK – Rhodesia and Persia. Being a gayist is apparently a death sentence there so we keep them (along with their wife and kids).

  10. Personally I’m delighted at how many Muslim Channel sailors see the error of their ways on landing here and immediately convert to Christianity.

  11. Worth it. Why shouldn’t we be responsible for our own little shits just because they’re over in furrin?

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