Sykes, who appeared in the 2021 series of Celebrity MasterChef, said Wallace had greeted her on set by asking whether models eat, which she said she found “unprofessional” and driven by “ignorance and disrespect with an extra helping of arrogance”. She also claimed he spent time “barking orders” in a way that made her want to leave.
Enough to have anyone disappearing up the Congo, isn’t it?
Ms Sykes is, of course, is a paragon of virtue…
Ms Sykes, like Jenny Powell, has no discernable talent apart from being quite pretty.
When one hits fifty , that is rather a thin basis for a career.
I still haven’t heard anything really bad about Wallace apart from him being a boor.
Honestly.. all I get from the article is that other than not having “the right professional vibe” , Wallace actually worked for a living. Successfully, judging by the timeline kindly presented in the article.
So.. “Working Class” attitude and humor v/s wokester *faded* model “professionalism” ? What could possibly go wrong?
“…in a way that made her want to leave.”
But she didn’t because?
‘While she did not give further details in the book, she said in her recent YouTube video that “every time Gregg came over to the desk, I didn’t really like him being around really because it’s all about vibrations and energy”.’
Yes, you got to have the right type of vibrator.
Perhaps a deadpool style game of “which over-50 d-lister will be next to cash in on her trauma” would be in order.
He does seem the sort of geezer would go down well on a building site but maybe not so well with the precious souls at the BBC. I would suspect they didn’t take particularly well to Jeremy Clarkson, either. Presumably industrial grade arseholes like Jonathan Ross & Russell Brand had some sort of magic shield around them.
The theme behind all of these “startling” revelations seems that “celebrities” went on the program expecting to be revered for the stars they were and told they had fantastic culinary skills. Instead they were treated as the contestants they were and received an honest appraisal of the quality of the food they produced.
Most gallingly they weren’t the star of the show. Former barrow boy Greg Wallace was the star and he knew it.
Yes Andy F a very plausible explanation but it does suggest there should be several of these popped ego eruptions every series. So it begs the question where are all the others, including inter cleb ones and with Torode who can be pretty sharp tongued. Also why don’t they film all the bitchyness and put them in the show?
I’m sure others have observed this, but the culture, media, and (in some cases the very same) people who tried to close down any discussion of the kidnapping, drugging, rape, torture and even murder of many hundreds of young girls in Rotherham (and many other cities) by grooming gangs comprising almost entirely men of Pakistani origin sure do seem to be getting themselves in a lather over this admitted twat and his big, stupid gob.
Most gallingly they weren’t the star of the show. Former barrow boy Greg Wallace was the star and he knew it.
FFS Andy – Gregg!
Melanie Sykes: My experience with Gregg Wallace led me to quit TV
Which is a shame, because she was flooded with offers.
Is Catchphrase still on?
Baksheesh! With cats.
I was really disappointed when Wallace tasted whatever Sykes had cooked up, and she didn’t ask, “Would you like a flake in that?” .
Apart from the really gifted, or those with a very efficient PR manager, celebrity is very fleeting, and there are those who either don’t understand this, or can’t accept it, and I’m including Wallace in this.
Why was he in Masterchef? Torode is a qualified chef, but what was Wallace’s qualification? His Jack the Lad demeanour could only take him so far, and perhaps the Peter Principle came into play?
Apart from that, who cares? Someone else will come along, and the series will no doubt continue.
She threw away a lucrative TV career because a bloke was boorish?
More likely work dried-up as she aged-out of the “talent” pool.
Few things I’m taking from this storm in a tea cup. 1) Wallace is a dick, who basically doesn’t know how to behave himself in polite society. This is not a crime, but also suggests he’s thick given he’s had to apologise repeatedly over the years and still hasn’t learned. 2) The production company/his handlers haven’t done a very good job of managing him, they obviously knew he can’t help but be boorish and vulgar, so they should have chaperoned so him better, if he’s about to recount a bj story to a woman he met 2 minutes ago, stop him. 3) There’s a long list of women who’ve been on the end of him being a dick over the years who are now putting the boot in and in and getting 5 minutes of attention.
Do I feel sorry for him? No. He didn’t need to be vulgar and boorish and act like he was in a 1970’s working men’s club, when he was actually presenting post-millennium light entertainment, and he really could have controlled himself. It’s not that difficult really.
Nobody yet seems to have suggested he’s committed a crime. It’s scarcely news that a TV “personality” would be a vulgar bully, is it?
What I don’t understand is why none of these women had a husband or brother who would pitch up and knock the oaf down. Were there no manly men available to teach him a lesson?
“Were there no manly men available to teach him a lesson?”
It’s the BBC
When I read her saying this:
““But one of the most wonderful things – a trait of being autistic, and I realise that now – is that I really only speak the truth.”
I knew she could be safely shelved away as a self-indulgent loon.
@bobby b She’s talking bollocks…. While waving the “disability” get-out-scot-free card.
As an actual auti… no… We speak our minds. Which is a hell of a difference…
We speak the truth as we see it. Which may well be wrong, depending on the circumstances.
Because we lack “social skills” ( as required by the flavour-du-jour..) and tend to not deal well with “subtleties”, and worst of all, have this disability where, when stressed, we basically ditch all filters and go into Survival Mode becoming… really efficient and logical to cut through the crap, which may or may not involve Percussive Persuasion, we are utterly unsuited for Showbizz.
Been there, Done that, had…Interesting Times..
Mme. Sykes would not have survived her model career if she were an actual auti. Especially in the period she was actually delectable and could rake in the Struff strutting her Stuff..
Too many handsy types in the biz.
And if there is a common trait amongst auti’s…. You. Do. Not. Touch. Ever. ( yes, that puts a definite jinx on your romantic life… You learn to cope. )
We’re very particular about our personal space. You breach that on pain of Pain. Period.
It’s not impossible… but it’s highly unlikely that mme. Sykes got through her model career without requiring some people to get dentures.
Showbizz is not nice, never was, and it’s one of the worst environments for an auti to be in.
Quite frankly… Just her waving my particular lifelong Embuggerance as an excuse makes me want to kick her teeth in.
Because she’s Appropriating something she clearly is not, and doesn’t even understand. Just for 5 Minutes….