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This’ll work well then

Lord Mandelson picked as ambassador to US to win over Trump

We think The Donald is going to like Petey, do we?

13 thoughts on “This’ll work well then”

  1. Mandelturd is a committed Sinophiliac – the only Labour peer to vote against the Uyghur genocide amendment, despite his own party’s three-line whip. How will that go down with a resolutely Sinosceptic Trump administration? Will Trump’s China hawks be worried about potential intelligence-sharing ramifications?

  2. Won’t it be funny when Donald starts releasing papers and we find out what Mandy was up to on Epstein Island ?

  3. What a total hoot. There is no aspect of this that isn’t farcical:

    Lammy as Mandy’s boss is a working relationship that could spark a fresh creative outburst from Armando Ianucci.

    A devious and manipulative man like Mandy as our representative to a forceful and forthright man like Trump will go sour at their first dealings.

    TTK’s political skills are shown once again to be somewhat lower than rock bottom.

  4. Ah Lord Mandelslime of Fondleboys (TM a poster over at Guido).

    Another in the long list of Labour Nepo baby grifters, including Benn, Miliband X 2, Kinnock, Nandy, ad nauseam.

    Fair gies one the dry boak.

    It’ll be golden showers at Mar a Lago that’s for sure!

    The only way to be rid of it is a wooden stake through the heart.

  5. My brother, who is a keen amateur genealogist, recently gave me the unwelcome news that I am distantly related to Mandy. It’s about six times removed and results from the time when Herbert Morrison was working on the land in socialist Letchworth Garden City. I wish I’d known before I’d had children, but fingers crossed.

  6. New Labour grandee will take up Washington role with sights set on wooing incoming president

    I don’t think Trump likes Brazilian dancing boys. Maybe try Justin from the great state of Canadia?

  7. It is understood the Prime Minister hopes that, by appointing an experienced figure with a global reputation

    A global reputation for what?

    His past role may also cause him problems, as former commissioners are generally expected not to take up roles where there is a potential conflict of interest with the EU. If found to have broken the rules, he could lose his right to a pension.

    So “retired” Commissars still work for the Hellmouth. Good to know.

    Sir Keir’s decision to appoint a political ally was designed to signal to Mr Trump’s team that Downing Street is taking engagement with him seriously.

    They’ll know you’re serious when you send the Phileas Fogg of men’s arseholes.

  8. Bloke on North Dorset

    “ Mandelturd is a committed Sinophiliac ”

    As far as I’m aware he’s still drawing his EU pension and if he wants to keep it he has a duty to remain loyal to them.

  9. “six times removed” @Simon
    If you mean sixth cousin, that means you’ve a pair of great great great great great grandparents in common. First cousins have the same grandparents and so any number greater than that (geddit) you add a great.
    1/64th of a Mandy – yes, you’ll be ok, it’s further away than man to woman which is one chromosome in 46.

  10. Bongo: « First cousins have the same grandparents »

    Only in conditions of extreme vibrancy! In the normal way they have one set of grandparents in common.

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