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Guardian to conceal identity of journalists who cross picket line

Can’t we just read the bylines?

5 thoughts on “Umm….”

  1. It’s remarkable that after the last few years, and particularly the recent US election, the mainstream/legacy/dying media still doesn’t seem to have understood that people – in this case, other journalists who will abide by this absurd picket – don’t have other channels via which to release this information.

  2. Bloke in North Dorset

    Does this mean the Guardian now endorses Maggies reforms of ending the closed shop and workers to work?

    And bravo Simon

  3. I personally think that the picket line should be rigorously enforced. In other news from the Couldn’t Care Less Dept, liberal US women have gone on sex strike to protest the election of OMB, thus ensuring that conservative women will outbreed them.

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