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Umm, why?

Thousands of British military personnel who were dismissed from service because of their homosexuality will be able to apply for payments worth up to £70,000 each from today, to recognise the distress caused by a ban that applied between 1967 and 2000.

The terms and conditions of employment were made clear. Why should compo be offered?

I’m fine with those terms and conditions having been changed. But why compo for people having breached their employment contracts?

11 thoughts on “Umm, why?”

  1. @ Julia, it’s all cunning word-play on the expression “black hole”. Whoever would have guessed that that was what Rachel Reeves meant?

  2. Bonney said he was subject to a two-year investigation after a copy of the Gay Times had been found in his room, involving him being bugged and followed by military police.

    Typical guardian, can’t even spell buggered.

  3. If it’s for distress caused by a ban, we can expect large numbers of older women to claim for the distress caused by the ban on them entering what were then male-only occupations.

    And a few elderly blokes whose lives were blighted because they were unable to follow their dream into midwifery.

  4. Much as Simon Neale has said. If X did not join the army because of the ban does he get compensation? He may have suffered actual financial loss.

  5. Political opportinity to Virtue Signal.

    For us normal Oiks any change in rules and regs are rarely retroactive, and if so severely limited.

    This….does not strike me as a situation where retroactivity might apply. Other than the usual Kowtowing to the Rainbow Agenda.
    Then again… the British Public voted in Labour. They deserve it good and hard…

  6. True, but as I often have to point out to Remainiacs, the only legitimate interpretation of am abstention is: “I have no strong feelings on this matter, and will abide by the decisions of the majority”.

  7. “Then again… the British Public voted in Labour. They deserve it good and hard…”

    Quite. I’m really rather pleased how well Labour are doing. Or rather how well they aren’t doing. I was worried they might actually be sensible, and sense which way the wind was blowing and tack enough to the right to throw a bone to the masses. But no, they know best of course, and have put their foot down hard on the accelerator for all the same policies that got the Tories thrown out of power on their arses. Good. The faster Labour drives the country into the wall the better. Its the only way things might change for the better.

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