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Umm, yes, well…..

The Russian security council deputy head, Dmitry Medvedev, has described the editors of the Times newspaper in Britain as “legitimate military targets” in response to the newspaper’s coverage of the assassination of a Russian general.

I’ve seen – somewhere around – that Medvedev is in something like the Yeltsin cabinet years. Not a wholly and entirely sober view of the world shall we say.

19 thoughts on “Umm, yes, well…..”

  1. Since Medvedev is Putin’s poodle, I guess that has some effect in his self-esteem. Hence the escape to the vodka bottle, or is it Napoleon brandy?

  2. This just isn’t acceptable, targeting the editors of The Times.
    What about the editors of the Grauniad ?

  3. Bearing in mind the emptiness of Russian threats – Ukraine should have been nuked several times for crossing the kleptocrats’ ‘red lines’ – I don’t think British newspaper editors need worry about the ranting of some vodka-addled old windbag.

  4. Yarp, Putin is the cautious moderate one. If Putin pops his clogs tomorrow, his replacement will be more froggy, not less.

    Marius – Bearing in mind the emptiness of Russian threats – Ukraine should have been nuked several times for crossing the kleptocrats’ ‘red lines’

    This is a daft way of looking at it, seeing as how atomic weapons are real and this isn’t a game of British Bulldog. What do we win if they successfully provoke Russia into making good on its threats?

    Do you play poker, Marius? I reckon this is a poker game – bet, raise, call, bluff etc. What we don’t want is for somebody to go all in.

    “Our newspapers represent the best of British values: freedom, democracy and independent thinking,” Lammy wrote alongside a picture of himself reading the Times.

    Lammy wants us to think he can read innit.

    The spokesperson added: “Unlike in Russia, a free press is a cornerstone of our democracy and we take any threats made by Russia incredibly seriously.”

    Both of those claims are blatant lies.

  5. So assassination of key figures is now an acceptable policy to the UK Gov is it?
    Hello Mr Putin, we have a little problem we’d like you solve…

  6. Rowdy – Intit? Our noble Turkish allies are now more or less openly trying to restore the Ottoman Empire, while boasting about their big plans to dominate Europe via their network of mosques. Good job they’re in NATO eh?

    Bibi is looking for lebensraum in Syria. They even used the word “lebensraum” – approvingly! – in the Times of Israel. (“Hannah, are we the baddies?”)

    “Biden” didn’t want to risk escalating the Ukraine situation thru deep strikes into Russia, until Trump won the election. Then it became OK to inch closer to potential atomic holocaust, using Marius’ theory that if a bloke doesn’t immediately try to murder you after you kick his shins, he’ll obviously never retaliate to anything you do.

    The British government are clueless homosexuals who keep yapping like Scrappy Doo, while comically threatening Russia with our tiny model military to no apparent good purpose (has anyone yet discovered what vital UK interests are at stake in the Donbass?)

    Like the EU, what the UK says and does doesn’t really matter, even to themselves. Because the UK and EU lack sovereignty they’re entirely at the mercy of what the US government does. Europe therefore gets to eat shit in the aftermath of the Americans bombing their strategic energy pipeline, and they’re too cowardly to even complain. Even as the German economy goes tits up and leaves a dangerous vacuum of poverty and unrest where there used to be some of the most productive businesses in the world.

    In the aftermath of the complete and unmitigated disaster for European civilisation that was WW1, many people asked “how did this happen?” Looks like we’re finding out.

    At least it’s Christmas.

  7. The foundation of the EU was to prevent Europe going to war again. Unsurprisingly to anyone who isn’t a fuckwit politician, it’s actually making that outcome more likely.

  8. Bloke in North Dorset

    I’ve seen – somewhere around – that Medvedev is in something like the Yeltsin cabinet years. Not a wholly and entirely sober view of the world shall we say.

    Its a running joke on the @DarthPutinKGB X account.

  9. Steve nails it as ever – and will no doubt draw the opprobrium of people who seem to have a veritable ‘beam in the eye’ regarding Russia, even if their contributions here are normally beyond peradventure

    “Our newspapers represent the best of British values: freedom, democracy and independent thinking,” Lammy wrote alongside a picture of himself reading the Times.

    I don’t think based on his performance Lammy could read even the cartoons in the Funday Times.

    This statement sits very uneasily and as with the latter point it is in fact a blatant, unabashed lie. Let’s talk about ‘Freedom’ – does that include:

    – Freedom to criticise DIE? Net Zero? point out the absurdity of the entire ‘Trans’ obsession?
    – Freedom to eat meat and dairy without being lectured by ‘Greens’ of whatever hue?
    – Freedom to have functional private transport not dependent on a power grid that has been deliberately sabotaged by morons?

    then let’s consider ‘Democracy’:

    – Anyone seen the paper issued by Rayner about Mayors for all even if there’s no enthusiasm for it as part of the plan to ensure WEF Governance?
    – Continued moves to try and reintegrate into the EU by Stealth
    – The ongoing scandal of supranational organizations like the WHO putting into place surveillance and restrictions on freedom of movement under spurious grounds

    ‘Independent Thinking’ – arguably the most ridiculous claim of all.

    – What independent thinking is there in a Parliament where more than 99% of MPs back unilateral ‘Net Zero?
    – Where most MPs struggle to say that a woman can’t have a penis?
    – Where all pay lip service to the entirely mythical notion that ‘Diversity is strength’?

    Medvedev might be a soak ready to be put out to pasture but as far as I’m concerned the entire Fourth Estate, certainly the legacy portion of it is a legitimate FSB target and if that’s what it takes to jolt them out of their complacency then fair enough.

    The notion that Russia is more of a threat to us than the militant Islamists arriving on the boats by the hour and being provided food and shelter by a network of fifth columnists, including sympathetic journalists, is genuinely one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.

  10. The notion that Russia is more of a threat to us than the militant Islamists…is genuinely one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.

    Islamism, Putinism and China are all serious threats to the West, along with the our home-grown fifth columnists.

    And Putinism resembles islamo-fascism. The West is decadent and oppressive, Moscow is the Third Rome, and Russians are God’s chosen people. So, as the contemporary Russian philosopher Alexandr Dugin advocates, Putinism aims for an illiberal totalitarian Russian Empire to control the Eurasian continent from Dublin to Vladivostok in order to challenge America and the West.

    Putinism also draws on previous pan-Russian thinkers. Putin favours Lev Gumilyov’s bizarre theories of Russians as a “super-ethnos” with the “passionarity” to expand and dominate other ethnicities and states. Another such ideologist is Ivan Ilyin – a White Russian religious fascist. Putin ordered Ilyin’s posthumous repatriation, having his remains moved from Switzerland to the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow.

    Putin is as bad as Stalin and Hitler, and he needs to be defeated in Ukraine and contained.

  11. VP – thank you, I think you are right and the only thing I’d add is that it’s illegal in the United Kingdom to quote Winston Churchill’s views on Mohammedans and you can go to prison for reading out Bible verses in public.

    Not a state of affairs worth defending imo.

    Theo – Islamism, Putinism and China are all serious threats to the West

    The West just put Al Qaeda in charge of Syria. As for China, what is it we’re supposed to be worried about? China isn’t threatening us, but Western govs are threatening China.

    Putinism aims for an illiberal totalitarian Russian Empire to control the Eurasian continent from Dublin to Vladivostok

    I don’t think Russia needs any more black people or Muslims, more’s the pity. Living in the Russian Empire would be a huge upgrade over infinity immigration, Net Zero and the two tier justice system that now exists in the West. We might even see white faces on TV adverts again.

    Putin is as bad as Stalin and Hitler, and he needs to be defeated in Ukraine and contained.

    Stalin AND Hitler, eh? Putin must be a great man indeed. Once they’re finished in Ukraine, do you think the Commie-Nazis of the Red Army are going to invade Norfolk or something?

    That sounds like the plot to a Saturday morning cartoon. How is a country (Russia) with negative birth rates supposed to conquer a continent that includes two nuclear powers? Russia oscillates between being a pathetic bunch of losers and Turbo-Hitler depending on the point the Daily Telegraph is trying to make. Schrodinger’s strategic threat.

    Meanwhile, our reliable Turkish allies:

    The Islamist government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan through its religious arm has set a target to reach nearly 12 million people abroad as part of influence operations, using mosques under Turkey’s control in Europe and North America to extend its ideological and political reach.

    The goal was outlined in the Directorate of Religious Affairs’ (Diyanet) strategic plan for 2024 to 2028, which includes specific target limits, recommended tactics and proposed solutions to address identified shortcomings.

  12. You can expect Johnny Foreigner to act in his own interest and that of his nation.

    You can trust Johnny ForeignOffice to act in his own interest and against that of his nation.

  13. China isn’t threatening us, but Western govs are threatening China.

    What planet are you living on, Steve? Consider China’s actions in HK, its threats against Taiwan, its huge military build-up, its buying of influence in UK universities, its sustained industrial and military espionage, its geo-political deals and investments…

    Living in the Russian Empire would be a huge upgrade over infinity immigration, Net Zero and the two tier justice system that now exists in the West.

    Good grief! The West has grave faults, but they are correctable. Russia has even graver faults but they are not correctable because Russia is a tyranny and a gangster state. When are you moving to Russia??

    How is a country (Russia) with negative birth rates supposed to conquer a continent that includes two nuclear powers?

    Russian imperialist aims may be unachievable in reality, but Putinists believe that they are achievable because Russians are a “super-ethnos” with the “passionarity” to expand and dominate other ethnicities and states. That passionately held belief will inexorably lead to actions that are a threat to the West.

  14. Putin is the cautious moderate one.

    The dictator whose reckless, foolhardy and grossly miscalculated ambition started the war is the cautious, moderate one?

    Don’t resist his wars of aggression in case we make him angry. Understanding and appeasement are what’s required here. We should be knitting balaclavas and socks for Ivan (and Kim).

    Bots are taking over your blog, Tim.

  15. I don’t even know the names of the Times editors. But these threats may wake them up. Perhaps some threats from mosques would be useful too.

    But I’d settle for getting rid of coma inducing columnists like Hague, Thomson, Finklestein, etc.
    Even the crossword has gone to shit. When was the last time the answer to 8 down was cassiopeia?

  16. Putin seems to be the only Russian PM in my lifetime that wants to make us better off.
    Things like wanting to sell us cheap gas, or build an atomic reactor for the Bengali.

    He’s a nationalist, and sees Russian peoples outside Russia’s arbitrary borders from the 90s as worth protecting from social fascists, and the country as a whole from expanding military alliances. Shouldn’t have done it, but the motive isn’t empire. He not invading the adjoining central Asian ‘Stans when he could easily do so.

    Imv of course.

  17. Steve Omnibus Edition

    Wat – The dictator whose reckless, foolhardy and grossly miscalculated ambition started the war is the cautious, moderate one?

    But enough about Biden. This conflict was designed and desired by NATO. Twas the entire purpose of flirting with Ukraine and pumping it full of weapons in the first place. (Unless you believe the United States government and all its noodly appendages are a benevolent association of Gun Fairies, eh?) They lured Pooty Poot into a trap that was supposed to ensure Russia’s military defeat and economic implosion = regime change in Moscow = the LGBTQ+ flag waving gaily over Lenin’s mausoleum while Western financial monster squid broke up the country and stole its treasure, Syria style. Party like it’s 1999!

    This is not a take from Russia Today, it’s the goal outlined by the Rand Corporation some years ago. And by by that loveable American Pole and perennial annoyance to Christmas card writers, Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his 1997 book about the geostrategic importance of Ukraine, revealingly entitled The Grand Chess Board. A chessboard has pawns, in this case called Mykola and Genia. And the delightful senators Graham and McCain (Deceased) over many years of pre-war Ukrofuckery.

    As for reckless and foolhardy, well, Putin’s winning. Washington DC insists every new round of aid/strikes won’t change the outcome. Zelensky is now saying Donbass and Crimea can’t be taken by force. Whatchagonnado?

    Don’t resist his wars of aggression in case we make him angry. Understanding and appeasement are what’s required here. We should be knitting balaclavas and socks for Ivan (and Kim).

    Why do we have to do anything at all? Ukraine really is none of our business. We aren’t the World Police. We don’t owe them anything, and they don’t have much of value to offer to us, other than being a favoured destination for Western political money laundering (Hunter Biden). Ukraine was notorious as the poorest and most corrupt country in Europe before the war, so naturally we gave them billions of pounds worth of weapons.

    Do you ever see a fight between two complete strangers outside a pub, and think “Ooh, that looks tasty, think I’ll jump into this one?” Just asking.

    Bots are taking over your blog, Tim.


    Theo – What planet are you living on, Steve? Consider China’s actions in HK, its threats against Taiwan, its huge military build-up,

    Hong Kong and Taiwan are part of China – Taiwan has always insisted on that, btw. So those sound like Chinese problems.

    Britain hasn’t been a colonial power in the region since leaving in 1997 (gracefully, and with more class and good humour than any other nation except Russia during the breakup of the USSR could have demonstrated in such bittersweet circumstances.) How comes an argument between chinamen in Pekin and other chinamen on Formosa is supposed to be MYFUP? It’s NOMFUP.

    its buying of influence in UK universities

    Easily stopped by HM Guv, at the stroke of a pen. Really, if British people weren’t such prostitutes, our academia wouldn’t be so easily bought. Hey ho.

    its sustained industrial and military espionage,

    Yes! Here, I wholeheartedly agree. I was agin off shoring to Cathay before it was cool. “It’ll come back to bite ye,” said I. “Line on graph go up. Wheeee!” says they. Well, here we are. We should look to economically compete with China.

    That would be a healthy thing. But Britain isn’t in a strong position to do that, due to the self inflicted, untreated gushing head wound of Net Zero. In the short term, they have a lot more leverage than we, and are useful to us when their low priced goods help lower inflation here.

    its geo-political deals and investments…

    Ffs. Are they not allowed to spend money or something? Are these foreign aid/trade/investment deals only allowed when we whiteys do it? China is a proud and ancient civilisation, a giant country and the only manufacturing superpower in the world. And they fought with expert timing.

    So what do you expect them to do with the trillions in wealth we’ve sent them since 1999? Hide it under the mattress? And if Chinese guys build railways and 5G towers in Africa, and send probes to the Moon, why should we care? NOMFUP.

    Good grief! The West has grave faults, but they are correctable. Russia has even graver faults but they are not correctable because Russia is a tyranny and a gangster state. When are you moving to Russia??

    How is Russia worse than the UK? We have anarcho tyranny here, where indigenous British people are imprisoned for emojis while supposedly British alleged judges rule that foreign drug dealers, paedophiles, and terrorists can’t ever be deported tee hee, lols Ordinary people are more financially defeated every day, their children unable to afford housing or start families despite (because) dual incomes. Their hopes and dreams for the future erased as the town starts turning into Little India twinned with Nigeria. Mohammed is now the most popular boy’s name in the UK, and Ed Miliband wants to seize the means of central heating. How delightful.

    Russia has low, flat tax rates and a low cost of living. There’s worse places (Hull, aka Hull on Earth). They just have the ordinary kind of tyranny, where you don’t fuck with the Party or commit crimes and you’ll be fine.

    Russian imperialist aims may be unachievable in reality, but Putinists believe that they are achievable because Russians are a “super-ethnos” with the “passionarity” to expand and dominate other ethnicities and states. That passionately held belief will inexorably lead to actions that are a threat to the West.

    I’ve never seen Putin talk about the Russian master race, otoh he does frequently praise Russia’s multicultural population (very rapidly becoming more multicultural in Moscow) and lavishes the tax receipts of Ivan on those loveable Islamic scrappers, the Chechens. He makes an unlikely Aryan Fuhrer.

    Russia’s history of recent wars and interventions is milder than ours. Forced into brutal separatist wars in Chechenya (twice) by jihadis. Was against setting up the Muslim gangster statelet of Kosovo on Europe’s soil. Forced to give Georgia a swift kicking after Georgia attacked them (with Western encouragement). Supported the legitimate government of Syria in (for a few years) beating back the head-choppy, acid-throwy, child-bride-rapey jihadis the West was funding and just put in power in Damascus.

    Paul wept.

  18. Theo

    I love you and this post will hurt me

    Islamism, Putinism and China are all serious threats to the West, along with the our home-grown fifth columnists.

    I might well say China is a threat- their most stupid person is more intelligent than any U.K. politician in the last twenty years. I agree our fifth columnists are numerous and influential but there is no comparison between Islamism
    And Putinism. I like Bacon and Beer. Putin allows me both. Islam allows me neither. That’s why we need to use the Russians to begin attacks on the entire Middle East. I couldn’t care less about Ukraine . I feel most Muslims wil need to be exiled or executed. No room for compromise and I can assure you Islamism Has no room for compromise with us.

    And Putinism resembles islamo-fascism. The West is decadent and oppressive, Moscow is the Third Rome, and Russians are God’s chosen people

    Once we get someone threatening ‘Russophobia’ as an imprisonable offence or allowing Russians even into the country then I’ll consider them an equivalent threat. We have anti-Semites in Parliament to the tune of about 100. Putin is an ally we need to cultivate – Islam threatens us all. Putin poses no threat to us whatsoever – Trump Will negotiate peace within a month. If Ukraine is not in NATO the invasion ends tomorrow with the Russian population under Russian leadership but we have a military that can begin to attack Islamist countries – as we will have to do

    Putin is as bad as Stalin and Hitler, and he needs to be defeated in Ukraine and contained.

    Sorry but this is nonsense – However If you had Said Baroness Warsi, Hamza Yousuf or Sadiq Khan I’d have agreed –
    All three have done far more damage to the U.K. than Putin.
    We need to work with Putin to tackle wokeness, not cast him into the outer darkness. This is not a game – the woke criminals running our entire society are in favour of DIE, Big Trans and Net Zero – he isn’t. End of story

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