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We should always believe the woman, of course

A woman who lied about being raped by three lacrosse players when she attended Duke University has admitted making up the story for the first time.

Crystal Mangum’s claim that she was raped at a 2006 fraternity party sparked a national media storm after Rolling Stone, the New York Times and other major US publications covered the case.

On Friday, almost 20 years after the allegation was proven to be false, she said she had “made up a story that wasn’t true” in an interview with the podcast Let’s Talk with Kat.

Mangum, who is black, originally said she was raped by three white lacrosse players at a party where she had been hired to perform as a stripper. The allegations sparked widespread debate on ‘frat boy’ culture, racism and sexual violence on Amercian university campuses.

“I testified falsely against them by saying that they raped me when they didn’t and that was wrong,” the 46-year-old said in the interview.

Umm, no, perhaps not. A woman’s unsuppoorted word is just that, unsupported word. We should always listen, yes, but believe?

9 thoughts on “We should always believe the woman, of course”

  1. I think as part of the cultural shift Reform or whichever outfit takes over will need to reverse the Harperson legislation that puts the burden of proof of innocence on the Accused in sexual assault cases. I’m no great fan of the Taliban but some of their policies against particularly obnoxious feminists could work as well.

  2. ‘“I testified falsely against them by saying that they raped me when they didn’t and that was wrong,” the 46-year-old said in the interview.’

    Well, yes, it is a bit naughty. Could cause them difficulties they don’t deserve, you see. Well done for spotting it, though.

  3. Her picture in the Torygraph is a classic example of that look of dumb, lowbrow, suspicious, malicious, resentful entitlement so utterly characteristic of her kind. It’s a template.

  4. Harperson. Right up there, just below Blair, in the pantheon of those who have done the most damage to this country, although Miliband is putting on a strong performance at the moment.

  5. Norman

    I like the cut of your jib Sir. Definitely right up there in the pantheon of villains. Supported the legalisation of paedophilia and it has been a trawl into Dante’s circles of hell ever since. Someone getting as close to pure evil as it’s possible to be – exuding an almost supernatural aura. Unusual for a non- black woman.

  6. An Argentine court has dropped rape charges against two French rugby players. Three days in jail, a month in house arrest, 5 months in limbo, for (accordinng to their lawyer) “a crime that does not exist”.

  7. CD – they already sued the city and the DA was disbarred and went to prison.

    Jonathan is right, no point in suing a crackwhore or any other rando woman with a tearful story. It’s why there was no point in Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh suing the women who made up horrible lies about him and dragged his reputation through the gutter on live tv.

    This is a problem as old as language. As soon as our noble Neanderthal ancestors invented talking, Homo Sapiens interlopers started telling lies. One of the very first things Adam did was to pathetically blame the woman for him eating that apple. Lying is incredibly dangerous to humans and the societies they create. For that reason:

    Under the Code of Hammurabi, the Roman law, and the medieval law of France, the punishment for bearing false witness was death; in the colony of New York, punishment included branding the letter ‘P’ on the offender’s forehead.

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