Murphy’s Law (sometimes called Sod’s Law) tells us that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong.
It can be summarized as “The universe opposes what you try to do.” Toast will always land buttered side down, and so on.
There is a corollary with the big potato, one that says that the universe opposes what you suggest, and even what you think. Whatever you propose will always be opposed by the real world.
It would be a great idea to popularize the word twatterati for the blob and the woke brigade. We managed to have chatterati, meaning the chattering classes, put into the OED. Surely twatterati can’t be far behind?
A quick bit of Googling shows the term being used as early as 2009, so it’s certainly got legs.
I’ve been pushing for “remantle” to get in the OED, I’ve cited printed sources from the 1960s and earlier. “You can be sure that if they offically dismantle it, there will be an unofficial remantling.”
Ah, yes, twatterati. The kind of shit promulgated by Timmy.
The shit that The Worstall promulgates is simply observations of reality.
Me @ 4.16, I like to visit this site for interesting topics and the educational and entertainment value of the comments. Except yours obviously.
And are we likely to see you going nuclear on the caps lock key if anyone mentions bumming?
Yes Me.
I do agree with Addolff here!!!
Murphy’s law is not the same as Sod’s law. Sod’s law is a joke about toast and such. Murphy’s law is a valid engineering principle which also applies in other fields of endeavour. It states ‘If anything can go wrong, it will.’ Meaning if you do not design out all possible failure modes eventually one will occur. When I was a mediocre aircraft mechanic in training it was explained to us that design standards REQUIRED all control runs to be designed so you couldn’t cross them, so a control input leads to the wrong result. The army had some French Alouette IIs at that time, and the French standards didn’t have that requirement. Somebody once managed to cross the collective with the lateral cyclic. When the pilot pulled to take off the helo flipped on its side. That’s Murphy’s law.
A little-known fact is that Murphy’s Law should, by rights, be named O’Reilly’s Law, as it has been established by DNA testing that Mrs Murphy was discharged from the hospital with the wrong baby.
I’ll get my coat . . .
Sounds much to me like the philosophical theory proposed 30-odd years ago – “Resistentialism”… It was based around the tenet of “the innate hostility of inanimate objects”.