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Fun numbers

Foreign nationals are more than three times as likely to be arrested for sexual offences as British citizens, according to the first analysis revealing the scale of crime by migrants.


This represented a quarter (26.1 per cent) of the total estimated 35,000 sexual offence arrests, according to the first analysis of its kind by the Centre for Migration Control of data from police forces, the Home Office and the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Foreigners were 3.5 times as likely to be arrested for sex offences as British suspects, based on a rate of nearly 165 arrests per 100,000 of the migrant population against 48 per 100,000 for Britons.


Without thinking too hard about it all those boats seem to be unloading prime age males and criminality – let alone sex offences – is a prime age male thing.

Here’s the number that juddered for me:

While foreigners make up nine per cent of the population

One tenth, eh? Thassalot. A lorralot.

15 thoughts on “Fun numbers”

  1. It would be interesting to have a further breakdown of those foreigners. If say 50% of the 9% were christian Europeans with the same likelihood as the native British then the remainding 4.5% would of course be 6x as likely…

  2. Crime league table puts Albanians as nationality most likely to be arrested, followed by Afghans, Iraqis, Algerians, Moroccans and Somalians

    Hmm, I wonder what they have in common.

  3. @Steve The Brown Sugar and Herbal Patties Express.
    Except Somalis, they are simply plain warped due to 15+ generations of knowing nothing else but civil, tribal, and religious war rolled in one.

    But you aren’t allowed to say that, because that would be Wacist.

  4. Superb news that this data has been forced out of them. Add some stats on country of origin against tax paid, and against benefits claimed (yes, I’m quite confident which way that will go) and we have absolutely no way our establishment can maintain the myth that multiculturalism is an unalloyed good that can be forced upon us.
    I hope that Farage, Anderson and especially Lowe are working out how best to present this data to good effect in every PMQ session. The Labour shit fielding this will of course just brush it aside, but being seen to do that will itself be powerful.
    And it’s helpful for all of us for dealing with the bien-pensant middle class supporters. As well as trading anecdotes (“I see your lovely doctor who was so kind to you mother, and those lads who valet your car, and raise you 4 Pakistanis inside a 12 year old, and Manchester Arena…”) we can start asking them questions about stark generalities.

  5. When you consider that many are exempt from arrest in the interests of community cohesion and the celebration of diversity the numbers look even more stark.

  6. The Albanians had more than a generation of indoctrination in the religion of Marxist-Leninism and Juche, so it is unreasonable to blame Islam for their crime rate

  7. Bear in mind that those who are involved in the grooming unpleasantness may well not be foreign-born and are probably UK citizens and would go in the general population category of this table.

    We need this by ethnicity. And religion.

  8. If forriners are really only 9% then first generation naturalized must be what? 20%?

    With Rhoda here.

  9. Emil said:
    “It would be interesting to have a further breakdown of those foreigners.”

    Would be interesting to have a further breakdown of the “British citizens” arrested as well.

  10. Why are we counting arrests rather than convictions? Do we now think that mere accusation is proof of guilt? That the police are so fair, even handed, and free from racism that the number of people arrested from every group would perfectly match the number guilty in that group?

  11. Careful what you wish for Charles……… perhaps by showing convictions the percentages would be waaaaay more than “One tenth, eh? Thassalot. A lorralot.”

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