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Slightly difficult

He says he has repeatedly tried to raise the alarm over the extent of sexual exploitation of children in Tameside, only for his warnings to be ignored and shut down by council officials.

Mr Billington says that a members development session was held by the council in 2020 to give reassurance that Tameside did not have the same grooming problems as Oldham.

However, he claims that figures presented to the council in 2020, showing that around 120 children were falling victim to child sexual exploitation in the borough every year, suggested that Tameside may have had an even worse problem than next-door Oldham.

Has he been pursuing what might have been happening – OK, probably was – for these years and was turned down/held back?

Or have we got an ambitious local politician on the make here? Because, of course, this is very much the story du jour.

That my tendency is to think the second gives a good taste of my attitude towards the political classes these days….

4 thoughts on “Slightly difficult”

  1. “Or have we got an ambitious local politician on the make here? Because, of course, this is very much the story du jour.”

    Isn’t that the very definition of democratic politics – find out what the people want and offer it to them, coincidentally resulting in your own elevation in the political sphere? I mean did any politician ever think ‘I know, I’ll espouse this highly unpopular cause and hope no-one votes for me’?

  2. When Hinchcliffe, ARS, England and all the other liars and thieves on Bradford Clowncil finally get strung up in City Park by their heels…then the floodgates will open about the massive cover up that’s been going on Bradford since the 60s.

    The riots of 95 and 01 were about the police actually doing their jobs and arresting pedos. The official version is in 95 Nana G had a heart attack so riot, 01 was BNP/NF holding a rally.

    Both bollocks on stilts…the imports to work in the mills after WW2 have been taking the piss ever since. The working girls moved from the city centre to Manningham to service the recent arrivals.

    See also the Ray Honeyford affair and Satanic Verses in the 80s. They’ve been chancing their arm for over 70 years in my home city. Hopefully the reckoning is coming

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